Hi all,
I was wondering if there is a place where I can go and experience the PSVR in Melbourne and see how it feels before purchasing it.
Also, anyone has one to tell me their experience and whether it is worth getting or not.
I have a PS4 with one controller only so I guess I also need to buy the camera and maybe the move controller.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry I don't know a place to try it, but I can share my experiences as my mate has one.
First of all, if you get motion sick at all, certain games may affect you badly. My partner gets motion sick on boats and any game that allows free movement affects her badly. Static games are ok, but games like Driveclub, Stardust, even the platformer on the Playroom VR she can only handle a few minute of and is affected for hours afterwards… and EVE Valkyrie, don't even think about it. I advise grabbing demos, or games from EB so you can see what affects you and what is ok and return them within 7 days if you can't adjust. Even with her bad reaction to certain games, she still wants to get one.
That said, I don't get motion sick at all and if you are lucky enough to be the same, I can offer my feedback.
It is, by far; the most fun I have had in a long time.
Some games are quite low resolution, like Driveclub and pinball fx2, but are still fun despite not being immersive due to the poor graphical quality.
Certain games are very clunky, like Sportsroom VR, but are still fun. They are however frustrating to play until you get the hang of how it wants you to move.
Other games are very intuitive, have good - great graphics and are a blast. Playstation Worlds (The London Heist in particular), Job Simulator, The VR section in Rise of the Tomb Raider, The Playroom, RIGS, EVE Valkyrie are all fantastic. In fact the experience has been so fun, I feel something missing when going back to regular gaming and just want to play VR. I can't wait to get my own headset.
Also, with a PS4 pro there is less Aliasing and a smaller blurred section to the sides. This doesn't make the experience on a standard ps4 bad, just if you go from one to the other it is quite noticeable. The framerate appears to be the same, so it's not a huge deal.
It's bloody good fun and well worth the investment. It can only get better as new games come out.