EB Games Australia are notorious for reselling games returned under their seven day return policy as new. They have admitted to doing this and then subsequently retracted that statement.
Original statement: http://imgur.com/qVJNms5
Retraction: http://imgur.com/3scsPJv
So which one is it EB? Are you selling them as new or not?
If they are, how are they allowed to get away with it?
I have bought games from EB in the past and would be mortified to think that I've been sold someone else's return without my knowledge.
Whether or not the game is in new condition is besides the point, I want 100% new not it's still in perfect condition, let's resell it as new even though someone has already played it so therefore it's not new.
EB Games Australia Reselling Games Returned Under Their Seven Day Return Policy As New.

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It's not so much asking for a sealed copy it's can they even do it in the first place ie: is it legal to do so?
As far as I know, Open box is considered New.
They have a resealing machine.
@High Score King: I used to work at EB Games and can confirm that all stores have a heat sealer to reseal games.
@guysmiley: So shifty. I run an EB exposed FB group, are you already a member? If not join up. https://www.facebook.com/groups/IhateEB/
This is pretty much the reason I always ask for a sealed copy where possible. (The stores are gutting more and more copies on release, so it's getting harder!)
If they were forced to sell returned stock as second-hand you would swiftly see an end to their 'seven day returns policy' which would be the nail in the coffin for some customers.
I agree, the guarantee would disappear. Still doesn't mean they can openly deceive customers by doing this.
Clearly it does, because they do.
There is no real proof they have been 'used' because if you don't preorder the game, they open the cases to store them for 'security' purposes. A finger print on the disc can just mean the staff did it. Of course you can choose to buy somewhere else if the game being sealed is a requirement.
People have bought what they thought were new copies and gotten home, opened up the game and found a receipt from the previous owner in the box!
I ordered a bunch of $1 "new" games in the Black Friday sale.
8 were 'not in stock', 3 came as trade-ins with non-original cases, and 1 was a sealed copy.
I'm not upset, as it was $1 a game, but it points to very poor inventory control.Man the black Friday sale was an unmitigated disaster for EB, one they are very keen to sweep under the carpet. It was concocted at the 11th hour to take the sheen off other retailers like Big W & Target who actually had new games on sale for great prices. It's been rumoured that EB introduced a new stock inventory system merely days before the sale where stores can send items directly to customers. It's also been rumoured that only five stores were searched for items to fulfil orders of up to 40 games and if those stores combined had 3-4 games that was what the customer got. The shipping was not down scaled to reflect a part order sale and customers have been stung for extra shipping fees. 1-2 games arriving in a box designed to hold up to 40 is a common occurrence. http://imgur.com/MzcSkGP
Don't even get me started on the fact that they advertised games as new with stock images to reflect this and then send out the rubbish that people actually received. What the hell are they playing at? Guess they finally gave up on caring about their customers.From discussions with EB staff I know, it was poorly planned, last minute and poorly executed. Not to mention the CRAZY hours the staff had to pull to keep up with the Click and Collect online orders (which opened Eastern States time for ALL stores)
Sounds about right. I'd say they panicked at the last minute and scrambled to come up with something to take spotlight away from those retailers that actually bothered to put a proper sale together.
To tell the truth, games sitting outside their case in Target's drawers were no better. The case was damaged on the shelf, the discs scratched. I really don't like the way Game and EB pioneered removing cellophane seals to make new games look like returns and then sell all games as new. Anyhow it made me look to buying from the UK as most are factory sealed and cheaper.
Do Target reseal games too? I bought a Sims 3 stuff pack from them a couple of years ago and took it back because the code didn't work. The replacement one worked fine.
you'll would be lucky to get the right game too. once i got 3x copies of disc 3 for final fantasy 13….
That reminds me, I just bought a ps3 to play that. Now I only need the game, looks like EB isn't an option though.
How would you handle this from your point of view?
Have you ever bought a new sealed game from EB and then subsequently took advantage of the 7 day return policy and returned it?
If you were the owner of the store with this particular policy, would you be happy to sell a new returned game as used?
Like it's been said before, if they have to sell it as second-hand, this policy will disappear very quickly. Perhaps you can give us a better solution?
Don't offer the policy.
I have previously worked at EB Games.
When a game is returned it would normally be returned to the "bottom of the stack", but would be considered new if the disc was still in "as new" condition.
There were a number of things that we wouldn't return. DVDs and any game that required online activation consuming the CD key ie: Warcraft.
That was literally one of the selling points that you could buy a game, play it for a week and return it, so long as the case or disc weren't damaged, for a full refund or exchange. Or if you found it cheaper within the 7 days, we would refund you the difference, with proof of the lower value.
But believe me that Head Office, almost always knew when a game was cheaper.
It means a lot to me, if it doesn't to you, don't comment.
You can read. Do you know what it means?
@Adz81: join his facebook group to see how he twists posts to suit his agenda, it's mortifying for real https://www.facebook.com/groups/IhateEB/ (sarcasm)
From memory EB games have in past for some reason also labelled new games as preowned when the game has been discontinued. Around 2007 I remember they seemed to receive a bunch of copies of Skies of Arcadia Legends nationwide long after the game was initially released, and they had the new Australian Classification stickers on them too. All were marked as preowned despite being brand new copies, and I am sure I have read of this happening with other games online.
I am guessing their computers couldn't handle the idea of a new shipment of a game that their system deemed as discontinued. I have no idea if they continue to do this nowadays.It's so they don't have to price match it. Can sell for whatever price they want as virtually nowhere else would have a pre owned copy for sale apart from the internet and we all know they don't match that.
There was a monthly check of all the games that a store had pre-owned and if a game was under a certain value they would be returned to Head Office at the end of the week.
I am kicking myself that at the time I didn't buy all the N64 games before they were shipped back to HO. We returned about 40 copies of Starcraft 64, most of which were boxed. >:(
This is an easy solution. Don't support EB games and stop buying games from them.
If only the majority would heed your words of wisdom.
Why do you want the majority to be mortified?
Because they don't realise what is going on.
@High Score King: I do, I simply ask for a sealed game. I do not believe however that stores have resealers.
@Where's_That_Cake: EB stores do have re-sealers, I used to work for EB Games (just over 5 years), at multiple stores. A resealed game does look like a re-sealed game, though. Although not cheap, it is still heatshrink.
Before distributors starting providing promo boxes, or even sleeves, when a new game was received there would be a specific amount provided for the purposes of display, this did not include any pre-orders, which were set aside, usually in the back room, or in a drawer under the register. The seal would be removed and the disc placed into a cd sleeve and stored in a drawer. While the game was never "used" it was certainly removed the original box.
Why the hell does it matter……. If the games works then what difference does it make if it has been returned previously. FFS grow up!
I disagree entirely. Condition can and does affect potential resale price. People have every right to receive a 'new' item in new condition. Also, if you understand the internal workings of CD/DVD/BluRay players, scratched discs even affect the longevity of the reading head mechanism which must work harder than normal to track correctly. Discs also have large amounts of redundancy that can require more out of sequence seeking or retries than a clean disc. I respect your right to not care about condition for your purchases, but you cannot force your low standards on others, who do care. If you disagree, try imposing your views on the sports trading card community or comics and try telling them that a tatty comics condition doesn't matter.
Nicely put mate.
If you pick up a game and it is in obvious used condition then fair enough, but if you are unable to ascertain any visual damage then what is the difference. From memory in the deep past when I last actually bothered to buy a physical disk they are stored separately to the case so you can ask to inspect the disk to ensure it is not physically damaged as well.
Therefore your argument about resale value is moot.
With regard to my low standards, sorry I download all of my games over a new technology called the internet….. I must check to see if the bits I download are new bits and not returned bits, that would be devastating……
Cute that you call inspection an option and an argument 'moot', given EB has just wrapped up one of it's largest online only sales, where your argument of inspection is strictly not available. They advertised returned and shelf damaged and missing stock as new. You might know that if you bought physical software and were slightly more across your topic of virtual expertise, rather than flying blind and embarrassingly jumping the 'therefore' gun.
funny thing is that if you return a 'New' game without a receipt/eb card it's treated as preowned.
But if you have a receipt it considered new.@godofpizza: Not entirely true. There were a number of instances where we would accept the return of games without a receipt. eg. If you received the game as a gift, or least said that you did, the store would normally offer full price store credit rather than a refund.
Stop giving them your money.
Seriously, every day I hear a complaint about EB Games and how overpriced they are, their sales are terrible and not competitive at all.
yep this.
I dont buy from them unless its instore and sub $5.
if I'm paying full RRP i expect a fresh sealed mint box. There are moneyed collectors out there and they dont even cater to the
As a PC gamer I can't remember the last time I bought a game instore… and had to rely on a physical copy!
You buy games new from EB? Since when have they ever been competitive.
Is that directed at me? If so then most certainly not. I have in the past and now look back and realise they stooged me.
EB Games offer a 7 day return policy and a price match, which can be combined with the 7 days, they are normally as cheap as any other store (discounting online)
I recently purchased Guitar Hero Live with controller, New for $17, and a or so week later got a second guitar for $4, you tell me any other store that did that!
You should never ever buy from EB.
They currently advertise a 'get your order by Christmas or get a $20 gift card'. Doubt they honour cancellations.
Of course not. Or if they do they'll promise it and then it won't turn up and then you'll have to chase them for it and eventually you'll give up and they will have won.
But this has been the whole story for gamestop/Eb games forever.
The only time I received a sealed copy was for the witcher III complete edition for Ps4, but every time I asked for a sealed copy they said that because it's on sale they only have unsealed copies.
The only advantage that Eb games has over the other retailers is the variety in games.
I really hope that Amazon Australia can be competitive to all the retailers here in Australia, cause, I think the majority are tired of RECENT releases at $99 on EB games.
Easy, shop at JB HI FI NOT EB, I was about to impulse buy God of War on PS4 for 99.00 @ EB when I forgot JB are usually cheaper. Went to JB and it was $79!!!!!
It should be common sense never to pay full retail for games. You could have also price matched JB and got it for $79.
I wonder if the EB games staff thing "what a sucker!" while selling games for RRP.
We need an AMA from an employee!Most of the time I’ve been to JB they have sealed copies.. and lower prices
Just ask for a sealed copy next time.
They've been doing this since the day they opened.