This was posted 8 years 3 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Summer Sides Box with 18 Hash Brown Bites, 8 Chicken McNuggets, 12 Chicken Mcbites and Three Sauces $9.95


Just visited mcd and thought this was a pretty good deal!
Unsure if nationwide

Enjoy the new Summer Sides Box with 18 Hash Brown Bites, 8 Chicken McNuggets®, 12 Chicken McBites® and three of our sauces, including the legendary Big Mac® Special Sauce
Available after 10.30am at participating restaurants for a limited time only.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Damn! It must be that weight gain season again.

  • Looks barely enough to fill up one person. Why does Maccas keep on getting more and more expensive?

    • +10

      18 hash brown bites, 8 chicken McNuggets, and 12 chicken Mcbites not enough to fill up one person? You monster! lol

      But I agree with you that McDonald's is generally more expensive, compared to Hungry Jack's.

      • +2

        Burgers are always better at hungry jacks lol

        At least their buns are better and worth paying a few extra for unlike mcdonalds, always getting smaller by the year

      • +6

        Just because the numbers are big, doesn't mean the product is big. Unless the McBites have changed, they are literally tiny bite sized pieces, more crumbed coating than chicken. Put them together and you'll probably get 3 full sized nuggets. If the hashbrown bites are the same, they probably won't even make 2 full hashbrowns. This doesn't seem like good value and not OzBargain worthy. Feel free to buy it and take a photo of it and prove otherwise.

        • +1

          You are right. They are just potato gems that you get from the supermarket. I got the box yesterday and probably wouldn't recommend it. Ask for it fresh if you do get it because the potato gems and mcbites don't move very fast so chances are they won't be really fresh.

          Probably wouldn't get it again but worth a try if you aren't feeling a burger. Not sure about how many people you can share it with though.

    • +1

      is it really getting more and more expensive?? or are we all simply getting tighter and tighter??

      I hear it is a condition called "Ozbargain-itis"

      • I still remember buying a Big Mac Meal for $5.95 and the burger was far bigger than what it is today.

        • I remember when I could buy a magnum ice cream for 80c as well. You're just getting old. The $5.55 big mac with small fries/drink went down a treat for lunch a couple of days ago though.

        • @freefall101:
          How did you get it for $5.55?

      • +1

        Some people on here are too cheap! Dignity, guys!

        • Have you been to McDonalds lately? Some of the burgers in a small meal cost over $10. Same old fast food quality at restaurant prices now.

        • @Orpheus:

          I really do not enjoy Aussie junk food. And especially these kinda places. Cant believe people eat such foods!

    • +2

      it's almost 1200 calories, if that's "barely enough" for a meal you need to rethink your lifestyle.

  • -3

    I'd rather wat dog poo.

    • +5

      I'd pay a dollar to see that!

      • -5

        I swore a vow to the fast food wizzerds to never eat mcdoglands again.

        • +8


        • +6

          That's great, but spare us the teenybopper insults

        • -3

          Sorry bo55.

    • +1

      Why not both? In fact that's the perfect dipping sauce for the McNuggets.

  • +19

    It's kind of interesting and weird what $10 can get you

    • two pork rolls

    • two dominos pizzas

    • Portuguese burger and fries / or 3x scallops / or 3x fish cocktails

    • a kebab

    • special fried rice / or small vegetable chicken etc stir fry

    • footlong subway

    • 3-4 boxes of cheezels / original chips / cheese and bacon balls

    • two connoisseur ice cream tubs

    • lots of rice

    • lots of baked beans

    • lots of soft drinks

    • this

    • +2

      All of which that leads to diabetes…if consumed frequently lol

      • +2

        Haha I should really add some healthy alternatives in there aye?

        Water x infinity?

        • Hello just curious. Are you trying to say ay or "eye" when you say aye?

        • @edwardsajl: eh?

          Por que no los domain operating system?

          (Ok I am more saying ay but the "eye" also works well too in this situation or case ay)

      • Subway eat fresh

        • +5

          Zombies eat flesh

        • +1


          Alien x predator lol

        • only issue nothing is fresh at subway. but some marketing genius says so, so it must be?

  • I'm just trying to understand where is the bargain? Isn't this their normal price?

    • +1

      It is a promotional product for a limited time only. there is no 'normal price' it is just good value for money, which is what ozb is for!

      • -1

        How is $10 for this good value? Seems like what they would appropriately charge for this.

        • $10 for this is NOT value. The so called "chicken" mcbites are no bigger than a 5c coin. Unless you get them fresh out of the fryer they are dried up pieces of turd sitting in a warmer for god knows how long, served to you dry and hard as a rock

  • +3

    hello this is the normal price……

  • Trying to figure out what the hash brown bites looks like.

    • They are probably very similar to the frozen potato gems.

      • +2

        That is exactly what they are

    • Damn it I had to see this when I'm dead hungry. Off to macca's !

    • So no one noticed OzBargain's McD don't like screens shots pic as one of the top results?

  • +1

    You are better off getting a Pepperoni Pizza from Dominos, for half the price, you get slighly more calories, and double the protein.

    Summer Sides Box VERSUS Pepperoni Pizza

    Energy (kJ) 4910 5184
    Energy (Cal) 1170 1239
    Protein (g) 36.4 68.8
    Fat (g) 67 48
    Carbohydrate (g) 103 157

    • +2

      Fat (g) 67 48

      A big NO!

      • Get with the times, man. Fat is okay now, but carbs are the devil.

        That being said, both are processed junk that offer little nutritional value.

  • Are the 8 Chicken McNuggets in orginal size?

    • Yes

  • There's also a new $3 deal for a cheeseburger and a large frozen coke (don't feel like posting about it and stuff - I know for certain it's available in QLD).

    • +1

      QLD is a weird state with its offers that doesn't really exist anywhere else in Australia :P

  • +1

    I had one of these today, not a bad lunch with a Frozen Coke for 11 bucks.

    Although it is a lot of fried food, not for the health conscious

  • +2

    To all the people claiming this isn't a deal: it's actually quite good for maccas.

    The prices are slowly rising and I even prefer to go to hungries if I'm not working.

    Generally, 10 nuggets alone will set you back $7.95 - $8.95 depending on the store. Licensees control the prices.

    10 mcbites are $2. I think they've removed the loose change so they might be $3 now. Not sure. They removed the loose change and added "Add two sides for $2/$3 extra".

    The potato gems/"hashbrown bites" are only sold in this combo, but you could probably buy a bag from your favourite supermarket for $3.

    Any questions, just ask.

    • +2

      Is this a deal for ants?

      • +1

        People will order a 10 nugget meal and be full.

        So 8 nuggets and 30 other small fried goods should fill you up.

        If not, a chicken and cheese is only $3. #subliminaladvertising

        • 10 Mcbites is now $2.50.

          People fill full with 10 nugget meal because of the drink. If you get a large coke for example, drinking all (liquid and sugar) that is going to make your stomach feel full but once you go to the private room, you'll feel hungry again.

  • Hmm the box only has 467 grams of food.

    We need at least 2 of them to fill us up :)

  • Cheaper than frozen :/

  • You had me at Big Mac dipping sauce. Take my money!

    • you can buy them for 50c each :)

  • That looks like a huge sachet of sauce…..

    No wait, the rest is just tiny

  • Are hash brown bites as their name implies and only a fancy word for potato gems?

    • +1

      Yeah, they are gems LOL

      • +2

        Haha thanks mate. I'll stick to the supermarket for those and fry it in clean home oil :)

  • +1

    saw this at maccas virginia. got excited at hash brown bites, turned out to be soggy potato gems.

    • had some earlier today, and was much the same, even the sweet and sour sauce seemed like an outback bbq sauce

  • Can I order three of just the Big Mac Sauce?

    • yeah, you can for around 50 cents depending on your local store prices. Some stores even has free sauce dispensers!

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