Hey ozb,
Kinda need your advice on an issue.
Long story short, I am bound to a contract that I did not sign for, and I am extremely frustrated that I recieved coverage for something I didn't agree to.
When I contacted this insurance company about this, they told me that because my organisation contracted them to provide insurance to every employee. I had to sign an opt-out form if I did not want to recieve coverage.
Is there anything I can do (i.e small claims tribunal) to recover the money that was taken for the last 6 months?
For the record, this is a singaporean organization and I am temporarily here due to my PR status.
If you're wondering why I don't ask any singaporean forums or seek professional help, its because I'm kind of afraid of how they will treat me and disregard my case. Not saying it's a terrible place, but when you're part of something, but you're not one of them, you get treated like dirt and an inferior race.
If anyone wants a record of the emails sent between me and the representative or further details, drop me a pm.