firefox or microsoft egde or google chrome i was just wonding if there was a better browser then firefox just seeing with you guys
What Is The Best Free Web Browser out There
Last edited 03/12/2016 - 17:52 by 1 other user
Poll Options
- 63Chrome
- 3Safari
- 32Firefox
- 4Microsoft edge
- 3Opera
Chrome used to be fast and lightweight when it was first released, now it's just fast at the cost of requiring a huge amount of memory to keep running.
If you want longer battery life (i.e. you are on mobile) I'd be using Firefox over Chrome.
Poll ?
Agreed a poll would be good for this. Personal opinion though Chrome seems to have the best compatibility for me, it might be because I use the developer version of Firefox but I find anything that doesn't work for me I run through Chrome and its fine.
I do find firefox seems to be the most flexible though, been around a long time, has a plethora of addons and is very flexible in letting you create the browser you want it to be.
Edge I guess is a newcomer, a lot of people arn't too crazy over it, considering the other options (firefox and chrome), though since it comes with win 10 (pretty sure) its usually on every PC you find at say work and unis and stuff. I haven't really used it but it seems like the least flexible and has the least amount of extra functions for people. As someone who likes tinkering around, I'm not a huge fan, BUT I'm happy to give it to people who don't entirely need something full of features.
Heres a graph I stole from statcounter if you want to see it in a bigger perspective of popularity:
so google chrome
Many people have Chrome unknowingly dumped onto their computer when installing other free software. They don't even know that they have Chrome installed on their computer. Certainly with Firefox, opera and safari users deliberately download and install these browsers and actually use them. So the figures for these browsers are reliable. If you accept that most people have downloaded Chrome by accident then Firefox is actually more popular.
What are the best paid browsers?
What do you get with a paid browser that doesn't come with a free browser?
A bill
Chrome, usually the safest in tests and that is important at least for me.
But do you trust an advertising company with all your browsing?
There's paid web browsers?
There's only one left, and surprise, surprise, it's specific to Mac OSX. It retails for $10 american dollaroos
I was using Pale Moon, but after the developer discontinued support for JetPack-based addons, I'm forced to switch to using CyberFox 64-bit.
So far I'm finding 64-bit CyberFox a little sluggish. Might switch back to 32bit FF.
I've not heard of Pale Moon or Cyberfox. Serious question: What do they offer that the mainstream browsers don't?
In a past life, one of our network management applications used Java and we had no end of problems with performance and stability, then we found PaleMoon. It ran well, way out performed IE and Firefox. So I still use PaleMoon as my preferred browser on Windows.
Google Ultron
Opera. In addition to various expected options every Web browser provides Opera offers build in ad blocker and build in free VPN (unlimited amount of data transfer) - of course you can turn this on or off. Very fast as well.
Interesting tidbit of information — Opera as of 2013 ditched their Presto engine and went with Webkit, which was what powered Google Chrome's web browser. The rendering engine has been updated and is now called Blink (as is G. Chrome's)
On the 4th of November (last month), Opera has been completely acquired by Qihoo, (奇虎) a Chinese company that specializes in internet security products, for a total of 600US million dollars.
This is where Opera's future starts to get a bit dark… but we'll see what the future holds for Opera now that they are bought out by a Chinese company. dun dun dun
If you like lots of "toys" or add-ons and/or the ability to customize your browser a lot then Firefox is the go to
if you want very little customization from my experience and according to others;(I have not seen a difference)you want speed and more stability then chrome is your go to
Netscape navigator
so go with google chrome
"Netscape navigator"
Yes but only version 2.1
I don't think there is a 'one size fit all' answer.
Linux (Ubuntu): Firefox
Windows: My primary (default) browser is PaleMoon , if I come across a website that has issues rendering on PaleMoon I fall back to Chrome. If that still has problems is use IE. My browser of last resort is Edge .I have tried WaterFox (64bit Firefox) but prefer Palemoon.
iDevices: It's Safari, either it works or it doesn't.
Voted Chrome even while I mainly use the standard build of Firefox still. I'm having quite a lot of performance issues with Firefox which I find annoying, so might switch over to Chrome and see if its better in that regard.
They are all FREE. Chrome is very HEAVY on PC memory and resources. And who knows just how much data Google is collecting about YOU via its Chrome browser. Might be good but best avoided.
i didn't realise people pay for web browsers
I consider Chrome to be malware. Wouldn't install it let alone use it.
For PC's with low memory (2GB or less RAM) Firefox always beats Chrome for multi-tab browsing. For websites that use Flash video its Microsoft's internet browsers that run fastest as they usually are more compatible with Windows video card drivers accessing hardware acceleration.
On Windows, I've always preferred Chrome since it was first introduced as it was faster and haven't looked back since.
On Mac, Safari seems the best and most battery efficient out of all the free web browsers. If you also have other Apple devices it lets you sync everything in your browser across all of them.