Metro 2033: The Last Refuge (PC game) going for $9.99 + shipping at Mighty Ape:…
Shipping is $4.90 to anywhere in Australia. All orders exceeding $49 qualify for free shipping :D
Metro 2033: The Last Refuge (PC game) going for $9.99 + shipping at Mighty Ape:…
Shipping is $4.90 to anywhere in Australia. All orders exceeding $49 qualify for free shipping :D
Bought $14.99 including shipping to Melbourne
nice game, a linear fps but the graphics are gorgeous(i played pc version with everything cranked up fully!)
i read an original book a couple of years ago. it took me a couple of sleepless nights.
it was the best sci fi book i've read for the last 10 years.
so i would recommend anyone before you start playing read the book.
It was translated into English recently.
But I read Whirlpool most said it is not good?
I found the graphics average (360 version)
That's just my opinion~
It's pretty solid, will definitely provide $15 worth of entertainment if you're concerned.
My PC can only meet the min requirement, so not bother with PC game.
The book that it is based on is great.. a little short.. but still a good read..tempted to get the game, but no idea whether ill ever get the time to give it a proper go..
FYI, can get thq complete pack on steam, for $50us which includes this.
I have a steam account and i noticed it was in a bundle however i cant afford the download costs of it so i think this deal is fantastic!!
(Im on a optus fusion plan for $99 which only gives a crappy 20gb a month)
I have ordered this game now! +1! Thankyou for showing me a good bargin!
get off that plan dude hit up the 120gb/month plan for $49 a month!
Not all of us are so lucky as to have exchanges with room nearby.
Good deal. Was just looking to buy it this afternoon at Dick Smith for $35, glad I didn't.
Is it OK to run it on C2D E4700, 4GB RAM, WIN7, ATI 3870 Graphic card?
I think may have a little problem with the graphic card.
It'll work
Why the video is not in English subtitle? Is this game English?
Is that English?
Just picked this up last nite too. Good deal.
awesome price!
Is this the aussie version? or is it some cheaper overseas copy (india, russia, thailand etc)?
It's the Aussie version :)
Good game, good price.
We are shipping them as we speak. Expect to see them about Thursday.
Picked mine up from the post office on the way to work this morning! (Melbourne metro)
thats cheap as!!!