I was looking at getting this card. I looked on Staticice and this price was cheapest and includes free shipping. Which is handy because I live in the NT.
Any Pros /Cons?
I was looking at getting this card. I looked on Staticice and this price was cheapest and includes free shipping. Which is handy because I live in the NT.
Any Pros /Cons?
Is it worth cancelling my Amazon France preorder on the EVGA FTW 1070 to buy this for $50 extra? There's no date on the preorder status and even once it is filled it takes ~2 weeks to deliver, I could be waiting well after the new year for it.
Er … definitely not. Card is higher tier.
Be prepared for it to look very cheap (because of the plastic shroud) and also this particular card is a hulk, make sure you have room in the case it's going into.
Other than that good card.
Make sure you check MSY and Amazon as well.