This was posted 8 years 3 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

World of Warcraft: Legion - JB Hifi Online & Instore - $49 + Postage (RRP $69)


As the title says WoW Legion for PC for $49 is a bit a steal if your into this kind of gaming.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • This doesn't have the boost right?

    • According to… it seems to suggest the standard edition comes with the boost.

      • Yeah but that's digital.

        • Sorry, I'm unsure then.

    • +5

      Hi, I bought this a few days ago; can confirm it has the level 100 character boost.

      • cool thanks

      • Can anyone else confirm if these contain the level 100 character boost?

    • it should do - according to MightyApe ($55+postage) description…
      "Boost to Level 100— Come fully prepared to battle the Legion with a level-100 character boost, and fight alongside your friends in this epic new chapter of World of Warcraft."

  • Nice in time for Xmas break gaming

  • +1

    I use to play and trying to resist starting again!

    • +9

      Warning! do not start again. This expansion is so good, you will get sucked into it for at least one month of full time gaming.


      • Why so good? I'm a casual gamer and don't have time for the end game raiding, so I'm reluctant to buy

        • I don't raid anymore either I there's still hundreds of hours of content to do at max level.

      • thank you!

      • +1

        Story wise, sure. Game play is just the same old crap. Dungeons and raids are boring af.

        • are you pushing mythics? didnt think so

  • +6

    $49 + postage + your soul.

  • +4

    The only thing that was stopping me from getting this was the ridiculous $69 price tag. Thanks for ruining my life.

    • +1

      Your welcome. ;)

    • me too….. now Ive got something to do over xmas ;)

  • Strongly recommend DO NOT BUY THIS. You will regret it.

    Long story short it feels great to play it. But feels even better when you stop playing it.
    Its more fun when you spend more and more time into it. It's a time black hole which ruins life work relationship and everything.

    If you value your life. Stay away from WoW.

    • +6

      piss off, this isnt an advice thread on reddit. you're not a psychologist

    • -2

      If anything, this expansion probably best for play/work/life balance since everything is like timegated so after you do some stuff, theres not much todo until tomorrow.

  • as an oldskool player i tried it for a month and got bored.
    you have to do most quests in 3 regions to be able to do the world quests which boost your weapon etc so u then wualify for raids etc. bit of a slog if u have multi characters. if ujust race straight to 100 you have to go back and do the quests to progress further. annoying to be for ed to with no options.

    personally i preferred pandaria. it can be an addictive game but eventually u wake up and realise that long raids for a chance of a slighly better item are a waste of your life. spend time on ozbargain instead!

    • +4

      personally i preferred pandaria

      Said no one ever. xD

      • u mean wod.

      • +1

        not sure why everyone collectively memes pandaria, it had solid pve with a decent story. it's been one of the strongest expansions to date. but, i suppose because there's pandas (which are all throughout the lore) makes it a shit game. yeah righto

    • +1

      I'll just get to max level and check things out, hopefully it won't suck my soul…

      • +1

        Never to be seen from or heard of again

    • you have to reach friendly with the main 5 factions (so 5 regions) which isn't hard and doesn't take long, once you've done that you'll get world quests unlocked automatically on your alts. 'boosting' your weapon doesn't qualify you for raids at all, it's completely independent of normal gear. your opinion is valid but it's also filled with misinformation

      • You still need to get Friendly with all factions on alts to unlock World Quests unless this has changed recently?

        • they changed it in a recent patch, for an easier 'alt catch up'. as soon as you hit 110 you'll get the quest from khadgar. artifact knowledge catchup is coming in 7.1.5 as well.

  • +2

    Thanks OP! I've been waiting for this to drop in price for a couple of months.

  • Damn you OP… lucky I've sold my Alienware and now running NUC! No wow for me! I get to keep my soul!!

    PS.. will this run on i5 NUC?? hahaha

  • This is a kind of online game, right?

    Do I need to pay for online service every month?

    Otherwise that's all I have to pay once in my life?

    I'm that newbie. Thanks.

    • You need full version of world of Warcraft prior getting this expansion. And you need to pay monthly subscription too in order to continue playing.

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