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New Vodafone Caps with More $, Data and Free V to V and V to 3

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Vodafones new plans now come with more $$ and with more data

$29 cap —$180/50MB data
$49 cap —$450/500MB data
$69 cap —$650/750MB data
$79 cap —$800/1GB data

All the above caps have free Vodafone to Vodafone and free Vodafone to 3.

Also The Google/HTC nexus one is now availaible on the $79 cap for $0 across 24 months

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Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • Very good plans, unlimited Vodafone to Vodafone and 3 is a good deal.

  • yes, vodafone going to fire with telstra new $49 htc desire cap plan

  • +1

    good move for vodafone, as everyone now is with three, they even generous more than three,..
    i bet now everyone is considering with vODAFONE. even me when my contract with three finish

    • +1

      So now that 3 & Vodaphone are joined (Vodeaphon3) and have very similar plans, you wish to switch?

  • +1

    Great plans; would be good if they actually had some reception…

  • Three changed their plans overnight, the $29 cap has the N97-Mini free, whereas with vodafone it is $10/month.

    Also you can get $100 off your bill using a 3 promo code.. As plans are otherwise identical (although free calls 3-vodafone doesnt kick in for another 2 weeks or so), i'd say the three deal is better

    • oooh! does that mean soon 3 customers can call vodafone for free too? please confirm. that's good news!

      • yes thats the plan. i heard rumors about somethign happening on the 21 of this month

        • Its not really a rumour, its 100% confirmed. Already happening on vodafones end, and in a few weeks will happen for three as well (i called them to confirm it specially)

  • It's a bit bizzare that vodafone's new $29 plan to call the US is $1.00 per minute, while 3's new $29 cap will be $2.20 per minute. Huge discrepancy.

  • anyone know if this will apply to existing customers?

    • yes. provided you signed up to the new caps. ur contract length doesnt change

  • my brother just extended his contract through vodafone (and got blackberry); he received txt from vodafone confirming free call to any 3 mobile.
    Meanwhile, I already on vodafone for approx nearly 2 years, but I didn't receive any txt
    So I believe this offer only the one who subscribed recently…

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