This was posted 8 years 3 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

5x Audible Credits for US $6.25 (~AU $8.42), Normally $14.95/Month @


This site offers discounted Audible credits, for both USA and UK sites (not Australia by the look of it, though I'm sure others can chip in with how to transfer them to your Australia account).

I don't know why or how its so cheap, but have used it already (USA only for me) and the codes all worked.

Might be able to use in conjunction with this deal or this deal.

Happy reading!

EDIT: Some people are sayjng it looks dodgy, fair enough but that wasn't my experience. I paid by PayPal so I figured if there was an issue I could just make a claim for a refund.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Hmm, sounds just too good to be true

  • Who will the first one to take a punt? $1.25 for a books sounds so good it is suspicious…

  • +2

    Privacy policy? Coming soon!
    Money back policy? Coming soon!
    Questions? Coming soon!

    Way too suspicious, despite this flawlessly realistic looking review

    I am having such a wonderful holiday season!
    - A customer from US

  • OP: did you get the credits to buy direct from audible or did you have go through to get the books you wanted?

    • I received the codes by email, to use on the Audible website.

  • Crikey, if they can't even get the aspect ratio of their stolen stock images correct… :/

    • Thanks for your feedback, hopefully we have corrected this enough and shall continue to further improve the site..

  • I wonder if they are generated?

    There are actually valid credit code. Bigger publishers must literally have thousands to get rid of. I think from reading on Goodreads typically even a self published author is given 10 codes per book they publish, like review codes

  • This is a great bargain…. If it's real. Who wants to be the guinea pig?

  • Description Unit price Qty Amount
    1X Audible US credits
    $1.25 USD 1 $1.25 USD
    Subtotal $1.25 USD
    Total $1.25 USD
    Payment $1.25 USD
    Payment sent to [email protected]
    From amount $1.76 AUD
    To amount $1.25 USD
    Exchange rate: 1 Australian dollars = 0.712128 US dollars

    No code sent so far. Will update if I get a code at all and if it works on Audible.
    looks dodgy so far.

    355pm no code. Just noticed link address to ecommerce is an ip address. Maybe this post needs to be taken down?

    • The codes I got took a few hours, given they were USA codes I assumed they work in USA time zones.

      • Happy to wait if its legit but I dont think people should commit money to this very unprofessional looking site. OzBargainers love a great deal but they are very pissed off when they get scammed

  • Please email your questions to [email protected] (please remove the - before sending the mail)

    I am having such a wonderful holiday season!
    A customer from US

    They also messed up the amounts. 10 should be $12.50, 15 should be $18.75 - any other option of buying more codes they're still $1.25 each, I don't imagine they would deliberately make only 10/15 slightly cheaper than buying them individually.

    Nothing when you click on Questions, Privacy Policy or Money Back Policy.

    Seems pretty dodgy.

  • I reported post as possible scam. Up to moderators to decide but I wouldn't go there.

  • No way this is legit.

  • -1

    All the WHOIS info is hidden too

    Wouldn't trust this mob at all

  • Just received email from Dhruv Garg


    Thanks for your order.

    Could you please suggest the audiobooks you would like to get

    If you would like credits, please suggest at least one audiobook (preferably links from or you would like to order, the rest can be sent as credits.


    What is this???

    • -1

      Sounds like they'll send a phishing email

      • There are only two mails which are ever sent by us.

        This is the first mail (it contains no links whatsover). The second mail (sent at appropriate time) has direct links to audible site (no url shortening, no redirection, no forwarding, just straight, plain, simple links to audible website).

        No Sir, we do not have any time for fishing ;-) or intent of phishing

    • This is exactly what I had to do, specify the books I wanted then they provided the code for each. I gave them the Audible website links for each to ensure I got the exact ones I wanted (not the executive summary BS they sometimes list)

  • Yes it looks pretty bad. The Audible addresses are actual links in the email but I really don't want to click them. At least I am getting my $1.76 worth of entertainment. I just worry about anyone paying up big money for 100 codes etc.

  • Hi Guys,

    You are so quick, I had no chance to catchup up :-)

    My skype id is also rgarg333, so in case you want to chat with me, please do so.

    Let me assure you that this is how we are able to sell the credits (the arrive as gift of books) and hence need at lease one audiobook to be sent out (I could choose one of the more popular ones - like Ready Player One, but then some of us may not want it).

    Thanks again for your orders (and to gwbh) and let me answer any queries you have.

    • So I send you the link and you send the code to download that book? OK I have sent a link from Amazon for an Audiobook. If it works I will get a couple of credits on the next order and see how it goes. Do the credits have an expiry or anything?

  • Would have thought they would supply codes for credits to be used at any time without the links. I would love this to be true but I am just being cautious. Giving it a miss thanks

  • Since this process is obviously very new to this group here, I am also removing the option to buy either 50 or 100 credits immediately (shall of course ship them, in case you have already done so), just to make everyone feel comfortable.

    I have no intention of sharing any of the data and fully respect your privacy, just that legal language will take a bit of time to come up.

    Apologies, it does seem dodgy (but it is actually work in progress and you will see improvements every single day), but believe me, it isn't…

  • Have already shipped out a number of orders…

    If you have ordered from me, please let me know one audiobook (a link on and I shall send you the codes immediately (now that I am online).

    Thanks Miss B, for 15X credits, the value was indeed wrong, am getting that corrected.
    All the prices are in USD, and also adding an indicator to that.

    The links are only to (we can also send gift codes, but this is more convenient, try it and you will see)

    WHOIS detail are hidden to avoid being spammed.

    And I assure you that I will not send any phishing mail, ever…

    The site is deliberately simple but uses SSL certificate, Doesn't ask or store any details, Uses PayPal for payments.
    If there is some other factor which will increase the apparent legitimacy of the site, please let me know.

    Thanks again for an opportunity to serve you…

  • +1

    Just got all 5 credits with 0 issues. How it works is you choose 1 title you want and then the following links are sent as the same title which Audible realises is a duplicate and converts into a credit instead, giving you 1 title you want and 4 credits. As you can see Will definitely purchase again once I go through these lot. Before voting this down at least try 1 before commenting on it and immediately dismissing it as a scam. Plenty of other people are doing this on eBay as well for a lot more FYI.

  • +1

    Can confirm that the book I asked for was indeed purchased through this method for $1.25 US. Will order 10 credits to show my appreciation and hope other users can also confirm success. Always looking to promote genuine sellers with great bargins. Thank goodness the seller chimed in with a response so we could at least get his side of the story. I will now leave my positive feedback

    I am having such a wonderful holiday season!
    A customer from AUS

  • I was actually really skeptical about this thinking that I wanted to give it a try but was probably going to have to open a Paypal dispute about it. I tried the 5x credits and paid through Paypal. I was expecting ANY sort of fill in details page or some other info on the website but it stopped after the payment. After not receiving anything after a couple of minutes I did start to dispute the payment but I ended up getting an email. He asked if I could pick one book that I wanted and could send me the rest as credits. I emailed him back with the link to the book and he emailed me back with 5 links that added the book and 4 credits to my audible account.

    TLDL: Very skeptical, took 15mins after payment before I was contacted by email. After that first email I got a book and 4 credits. It ended up working.

    • New account, first comment…

      Yeah not helping OP's rep.

  • +1

    Just got the book I wanted plus the 4 credits. Exactly like @Tempri said, you choose 1 book and then you get duplicates which turn into credits.

    • -1

      I see you haven't commented on anything since January. Just coming out of the woodwork now?

      • I usually just lurk and rarely log in, sorry if that's against the rules or something.

        Edit: btw I did not neg you

        • Lol no worries, and I don't care about the negs

          Just a few new accounts suddenly commenting obviously sends off the bullshit radar ;)

  • Thanks guys… You are such a wonderful community…

    The actual comment was awaiting confirmation from the buyer, so we put in only an excerpt. Here is the full message..
    —begin quote —
    That's awesome, glad the site is coming along. I think it's great. Feel free to use any of my comments. If you could use my initials "N.F." or something like that, that would be good. I'm based in Texas USA so you can use that too if you need to. And here's another quote you can use if you need it - it's true! 😀

    I'm so glad to have found the single best source for Audible credits!
    —end quote—

    Please do note that these prices are for a limited time only (while our store is still being setup) and are bound to go up…

  • +1

    Confirming all went well for me too. Much obliged for the tip-off and a good transaction.

    • New account, first comment…

      Yeah not helping OP's rep.

  • +2

    Is this legal?

    What's with the fake accounts and comments?

  • New account because I have been using the app more than the site and there is no facility to sign-up on it (apologies if the app is a 3rd party thing).

    The only other deal I have taken part in recently involved a well-known department store, nothing much to say about it as my order hasn't turned up yet.

    There were, however, people in this thread specifically asking for others to corroborate whether or not this one worked out for them, which is what I did.

    I love books but injuries and illness have precluded me from reading them myself for some time now. Audiobooks have given me a pathway back to literature this past year and also let me explore a bunch of genres and authors I would never have otherwise encountered. That is why this offer captured my attention.

  • Thank you guys, I am overwhelmed by your support…

    There is limited stock remaining and am being forced to raise the price to USD $1.50 per credit.

    Of course, all orders placed at the previous price shall be shipped at that price only.

  • Just purchased 10 credits for a total cost of $17.21
    Selected 1 book from and sent link through to email.
    Soon after an email reply with ten links to click and I end up with 9 credits and 1 title. Easy!

  • Can confirm this is legit, long time lurker/user of OzBargain and purchased many products. Just went thru the process as described above and received credits and audiobook literally within minutes.
    Actually had an error where I received one less credit then purchased, I queried it via reply mail and got a response and a free credit within minutes for my inconvenience. If your addicted to audiobooks like myself I wouldn't hesitate, I have no complaints.

  • +1

    Can someone that is an actual regular user confirm if this is legit?

  • Well price has gone up, deal expired

    I look forward to seeing you new members participating in other deal posts over the coming days… :)

  • Thanks for your response… Here is my way to thank you… especially in this season of sharing and giving…

    1. The prices have increased only marginally by 0.25 cents. This is still over 90% off (only audiophiles would know)…

    2. Have removed the 20x and 25x option, so that more of us can buy.

    3. We do not need any audible details and all orders are shipped within 24 hours (usually much sooner as testified above)

    Any other queries, please reach out to me…

    Stocks are limited and won't last long!

    • Where are you up to in terms of order processing? I ordered mine about 4 hours ago and did not get an email in reply to ask what book I wanted, so I had to email you at [email protected]

      • Let me ship your order next… give me about 20 minutes.

        • Thanks!

  • Have purchased 15 credits and received an e-mail within around 5 minutes, then provided a USA audible link to a book and received an e-mail with all 15 credits. very happy and all worked well.

    • +1

      Another old account with a first post. This whole deal is just bizarre and kind of creepy.

      • Yeah so many ghost accounts :/

        Hell even the store rep joined a few weeks ago!

    • Agree, haven't posted prior, however have used site for a long time, think this has been the best deal for me since the massive coke can discount at Woolworths with the multiple codes last year (I think), only reason i have posted was to let people know it has worked for me. that is all, however people will think what they wont… :)

  • It worked for me, now I have the book I wanted and 10 credits, one more free book coming next month then I can cancel my premium subscription :D

  • Worked for me too, 5 credits

  • I still have some credits left, please use the link in "Go to Deal" to order credits.

  • Guys,

    This website is still active, and totally 100% legit. I bought 10 credits; got them within 10 mins and they all worked flawlessly.

    Agreed, the website needs a little work, but the guy who runs it is definitely a pro, and trustworthy.

    Furthermore, you pay through Paypal, which is about as secure as you can get.

    I give it two thumbs up! Fantastic deal, that's still active.

    • First comment on this site… and after 11 months of being a member… yep, really trustworthy review there

      Member Since
      Last Login
      2 hours 28 min ago
      0 posts / 1 comments

  • +1

    And, your point is? So what if it's my first post? Isn't it more likely I've finally found something I was truly impressed with here? Audible's awesome and I've managed to nab a number of great deals from OzBargain, but this is the first one I've come across where you can just buy the credits cheaply, and I thought that was really cool and different. I've been a member of Amazon for more than ten years, but never commented on anything there either. I thought about it, but never really bothered. Same thing here. Does that mean my review here isn't legit? No. It just means I believe the offer is a good one, and this is a place for people to offer their opinion is it not? This is one of the reasons I don't comment, because of people like you. So, well done, mate! Thanks for the warm welcome. Enjoy the deal, or don't enjoy the deal… that's my two cents, take it or leave it.

    • You haven't commented or voted on any other deal besides this one… You mean to tell me that of all the really good deals and freebies that get posted on here, you haven't felt the need to thank those posters/stores…?

      Come off it, whatever incentive you're being offered to say such positive things about this dodgy company just isn't worth it.

      Now, are you going to be more active around the rest of the site, or just anything to do with this company?

  • Again, I ask… so what?!?

    I haven't commented on other deals… so what?!?! You're assuming I'm dodgy in some way because I haven't commented on other deals and offers?! What the hell does that have to do with anything. I stand by what I wrote above, but given your response I'd say it'll be the last time I post anything on this website. I've read similar posts from people like you (flamers) with nothing better to do than give people grief. Get a life!

    I posted honestly, with no incentive.

    Why the hell would I be active on a site where people like you lurk to tear people down for posting their opinion?

    No thanks… I've got better things to do with my time that justify myself to someone hidden behind their computer.

    • +1

      …well that escalated quickly.

      • Lol and kinda proves my point too I think ;)

  • I have not offered any incentive to anyone to say anything good about me, which compels me to acknowledge the support you guys have extended to me.

    DisabledUser176640, I do not really know you (you must have used a different PayPal id) but your support is deeply appreciated and I am touched.

    Zan5hin (46 posts, 531 comments), splathowa (6 posts, 231 comments), The Finn (0 posts, 58 comments), Sennafumi (0 posts, 29 comments), dcaddy (0 posts, 2 comments), doOb, crazyau, mica, Cyrius (1 post, 17 comments), blazseice, , Tempri (1 post, 37 comments), gwbh (1 post, 8 comments), thanks for taking the trouble of posting a comment and defending what you believe is right.

    Let me explain that this site was until now only open to my repeat customers, who have bought from me, know the steps involved and most importantly trust me already. I believe they want a no BS site, where they can order stuff with literally one click and I ship it to them as soon as possible. No logins, no passwords, no ads, no personal data, no cookies… A no-nonsense site that just works (this is probably how the internet was meant to be, not the commercial mess it has become)

    **That said, I have tried to make the site as secure as I could **
    * use SSL encrypting throughout,
    * neither ask for nor store any personal information (not even your name or your audible account)
    * Take payments only through PayPal, which I believe is the most secure way to pay online (currently)

    I continue to have credits available and I personally extend a warm welcome to you to please try the store.

    Any constructive feedback on how I can improve is always welcome. Which also means that I will keep improving the store (while staying true to the principle stated above) as time permits.

    Happy Listening!

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