• expired

AmEx Statement Credits: Westfield Gift Card, Myer, Woolworths, Nespresso, Rebel, Dymocks, Witchery, Body Shop, BCF, and More


Summary: Westfield, Myer, First Choice Liquor, Sunglass Hut, Witchery, The Body Shop, Dymocks, BCF, Woolworths Online, Country Road, rebel, Nespresso, Supercheap Auto

Lots of Amex Statement Credits this month, most notable are the Westfield Gift Card and Myer offers.
There are a total of 13 offers below. They all expire on 24/12/2016.
Offer can be stacked with Mobile Wallets Offer

Update 9/12: There have been reports of Amex's automated system not working for the Westfield Gift Card statement credits. The advice from Amex is they are aware of the problem and to wait 2 weeks or until the statement is issued before contacting them. Thanks to giu for contacting Amex for clarification.

Westfield Gift Card(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $100 or more, get $25 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, on Westfield Gift Cards in-store or online at Westfield by 24/12/2016 to receive one $25 credit. Limited to the first 30,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=91080WestfieldGiftCard

Myer(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $150 or more, get $35 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $150 or more, in one or more transactions, in-store or online at Myer by 24/12/2016 to receive one $35 credit. Limited to the first 35,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=86825Myer

Sunglass Hut(network.americanexpress.com)

Spend $100 or more, get $25 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at Sunglass Hut by 24/12/2016 to receive one $25 credit. Limited to the first 20000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSit…

Witchery(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $100 or more, get $25 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at Witchery by 24/12/2016 to receive one $25 credit. Limited to the first 30000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=78299Witchery

The Body Shop(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $50 or more, get $15 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $50 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at The Body Shop by 24/12/2016 to receive one $15 credit. Limited to the first 25000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=67621TheBodyShop

Dymocks(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $50 or more, get $15 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $50 or more, in one or more transactions, in-store or online at Dymocks by 24/12/2016 to receive one $15 credit. Limited to the first 25,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=67112Dymocks

Boating Camping Fishing(network.americanexpress.com)

Spend $80 or more, get $20 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $80 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at Boating Camping Fishing by 24/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 25000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSit…

Woolworths Online(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $100 or more, get $20 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at www.woolworths.com.au by 24/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 35000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=25305WoolworthsOnline

Supercheap Auto(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $70 or more, get $20 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $70 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at Supercheap Auto by 24/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 25000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=28024SupercheapAuto

Nespresso(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $80 or more, get $20 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $80 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at Nespresso by 24/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 25000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=71822Nespresso

rebel(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $50 or more, get $20 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $50 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at rebel by 24/12/2016 to receive one $20 credit. Limited to the first 35000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=85658rebel

First Choice Liquor(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $150 or more, get $30 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $150 or more, in one or more transactions, in-store or online at First Choice Liquor by 24/12/2016 to receive one $30 credit. Limited to the first 35,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=91337FirstChoiceLiquor

Country Road(network.americanexpress.com) Maximum enrollments reached

Spend $100 or more, get $25 back
Save the offer to your Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, in-store or online at Country Road by 24/12/2016 to receive one $25 credit. Limited to the first 25,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.
Manual Link: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSitePage?offer=9140CountryRoad

Don't have an Amex and want to get in on these offers? Get a referral bonus when applying for a card using a referral link from the Amex referral wiki.

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AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers

closed Comments

  • I have used Westfield red card outside Westfield n it worked fine

    • Where did you use at?

      • convenience Store

        • +1

          Interesting… maybe there is no difference between XS card and the red card other than the colour

        • @superbass: This morning I used the card on different store but it says invalid…

        • @dumkaze: Thanks for the update

        • @superbass: That is correct, it is just a ploy to make you spend your gift card in stores at westfield. Coles has recently allowed these cards to be used in their supermarkets.

  • First choice liquor at sylvania no longer sells gift cards :(

    • Sold out?

      • I think they took those out from the shelf.

    • When you say no longer do you mean sold out or they don't stock gift cards at all?

      • Dont stock at all

    • +1

      Ashfield and North Rocks out of stock as well (or they are withholding them)

      • +2

        There's plenty at naremburn store when i went at 5pm today, try that one :)

    • Went to 1st choice sylvania last saturday and there were heaps on cashier however the staff refused to sell them because we did not buy anything else. Cbf to argue.

  • -2

    Wow. I thought all offers would appear in AMEX. I didn't realize the Westfield offer needed to be manually enrolled. So I went through the list in AMEX and selected all the ones I wanted. Only a few days later I realized I didn't have the Westfield offer (it didn't appear on my list), and it already reached max enrollments.

    Just missed out on $75 (3 cards)

  • +5

    So I finally got around to hitting up the offer for the Westfield gift card today. I can confirm no emails for Westfield, and only some email for Mobile Wallet offer. Definitely don't worry about it if you are sure you registered your card.

    • -1

      Red or XS ?
      Someone mentioned that they were able to use red card outside Westfield

      • I bought both red and XS. Card numbers both start with 502119.

  • Bought XS gc worth $400+4.95 on 4 different cards from Mount druitt Westfield yesterday…no email

    • So they didn't allow the split payments?

      • +2

        it was a split payment, the staff were very helpful

        • Thanks a lot! :)

    • +3

      Bought one $500 XS gift card split over 5 cards from Mt Druitt Westfield. The lady was happy to do it and took her less than 3 mins to put through all payments..

      She even asked me was my relative there yesterday…I am Asian..

      Received all 5 AMEX confirmation emails almost immediately…(4x AMEX issued card and 1x bank issued AMEX)

      • Did they allow apple pay or android pay?Thanks!

        • +1

          Yes, I paid one $100 with Apple pay

        • +2

          @powergirl: Thank you.I just went there bought 700 wf gc,used android pay to split payments,got both emails in 2mins. The lady was nice,she just checked my id but didn't check the card numbers.

  • +2

    I went to Westfield Chatswood today and had a pleasant experience.
    The concierge desk attendant above Target was checking that Id matched the names on the cards presented.
    However, the duo at the concierge desk on level 4 near Myer asked for my Id but did not check that the names on the cards matched the Id.
    Both were very kindly taking multiple payments for the one gift card.
    I was able to use all of them within 1hr afterwards.

    • Just been to lv4 desk and she refused to split any payment, she will do it other than Amex.

      • Sorry to hear that.

  • Bought 3 x $100 Westfield gift cards today at Liverpool Westfield and $450 Coles Myer gift card at Myer split payment 3 x $150. Got email straight after every purchase for both Myer and Westfield for all 3 of my Amex cards.

  • +1

    Got all my Myer email today but non from westfield

  • Just successfully used my XS card at BP sevo and Coles supermarket. Now just need to bloody see the cash back in my account. In Amex account the offer is still showing as available :(

    • Takes a day or two to update. If you got the email you're fine.

  • Got 6x $100 xs gift cards from Westfield Garden City Qld (3 from each concierge desk). Couldn't split payment but no ID check. Staff were happy to do it and knew about the Amex promo.

  • Westfield Doncaster refuses to split payment and only allow 1 card per person.

  • Purchased $600 Westfield gift cards with split payment using 6 cards via Apple pay(mobile wallet) on Friday 4:30 pm Sydney time.

    Received emails for mobile wallet offer, but not for Westfield offer.

    I can now see 6 x $10 credits for mobile wallet, nothing for Westfield yet.

  • Sorry if it's been asked, but will purchasing myer gift cards in store trigger the cash back?

    • +1


      • Cheers!

        A trip to Westfield is in order today then, gonna get Westfield and Myer GCs, and some stuff from SCA too (need new brushes, wax, maybe some bug residue remove too, and a good chamois)

        • Yes, bought 8 Coles & Myer Group GC yesterday and got all 8 emails straightaway.

  • How many times can you redeem the amex mobile offer? Thought it is just one $10 credit

    • +1

      You can redeem it many times but u only get one credit. LOL

      Or get mutiple amex cards

  • The 'lovely' concierge ladies (agegroup that's typically anal about rules) declined my split payment saying that it was policy. When I pushed a little, they showed me an email from AMEX asking Westfield not to accept split payments. I guess Amex is trying to clamp down somehow. Never mind I'm sure I'll find a younger concierge somewhere that's not as passionate about their job lol. It actually worked in my favor because I subsequently realised that I had stupidly forgotten to register 2 of my 4 cards. Too late now but at least I didn't waste it by buying an additional $200 worth of gift cards. Funny thing is that these ladies had a subtle accusatory tone about them as if I was doing something illegal where in fact it's not and is a win for Westfield and a win for the customer.

    • +1

      gimme, which Westfield was that? I am really surprised that Amex actually sent an email to Westfield to ask them not to split payments.

      • Airport West (Melbourne). She didn't actually show me the email but rather read it out loud, off the screen. Unless of course it was total BS to get rid of me. She was one of those mid 60's office manager types (by the book - chip on shoulder) so I don't think she was making it up. But I could be wrong.

        • +1

          Thanks Gimme, I have a strong feeling the email is from Westfield management instead of Amex, they just said is from Amex to make it easier not to do split payments for us. So we cannot argue…..

        • Damnn…I was just gonna head down to this Westfield this week. Let us know how you go with other concierge.

        • @Purple: Sounds like they are doing a Harvey Normans, saying that AMEX is not allowed and/or extra fees for AMEX. Clearly ask them are you allowed to split payment if you pay using VISA or Mastercard or Diners? It's a bit racist isnt it? OMG Not letting AMEX holders split payment b.s. Management just want the extra 3% per card purchased, dodgy lazy people.

  • Anyone receive statement credit from Amex for the Westfield gift card? I made purchases on last Thursday - 1st December, using Mobile offer to buy Westfield gift card, I received my Mobile statement credit today, but no Westfield Gift card statement credit.

    • Read the thread, no one's got any email or credit yet.

      • Yes I bought on 1 December, received email instantly and got all my credits too.

  • +1

    Guys update no email for Westfieild XS gc but I can see credit applied to Amex issued cards, but not bank issued cards.

    • when did you purchase ?
      have you received mobile wallet credit, in case you used that ?

  • Bought a $300 XS giftcard from Chatswood and she was more than happy to allow me to split it over 3 amex cards with no id check, only problem is i can no longer see the offer on one of my amex's so hoping it still qualified.

    • Mattg, if you have already saved the offer to your card, it should not dropped off.

      • That's what I would have thought too. DJ'S Amex is annoying at saving offers as you don't get the confirmation email like other Amex cards so I have no way of really proving it if the credit doesn't end up getting applied.

        • You can use the manual enrolment link to ensure you receive the confirmation email.

        • @lilkid28: Good idea, i'll remember for next time

  • I got all my credits from Myer GCs bought on Thursday and Friday but no Westfield credits yet. I did not use mobile wallet.

  • It seems that there are only a handful of Westfield S/C that give instant email notification. Mt Druitt (NSW), Plenty Valley (VIC) and Fountain Gate (VIC) are the three I can remember, but there is one at SA and one at QLD (Carindale?) that seem to work all the time too.

    • Someone bought from Burwood(NSW) and Liverpool(NSW) got emails as well.

      • Yep, now I remember. The ultra popular centres such as Sydney CBD, Chatswood (NSW), Doncaster (VIC), etc don't get instant email notifications, bizarre..

        • Amex's system is messy now

  • Just wondering If we are able to pay Amex or any other credit card bill at post office using Westfield XS gift card ?

    • No. Way back when a group of us used to do this with AMEX bills, Westfield allowed this. We were constantly cycling AMEX bill with the XS card after paying fee of $3.95 and amex fee of $3. It was worth it. Free points for $7, but after a while ~1-2 months Westfield or Maybe AustPost who knows stopped this.

      • So it was ozbargained within 2 months, that was quick!! Which year was this?

        • No, it was not posted on ozbargains

        • @Turd: Ah, or else it wouldn't survive even 1 week, hhahahaha

        • @feihong: Money laundering is high. Also was another scheme where you could literally get money out of any credit card and they cycle it and get money rewards etc.. Lasted 1.5 years.

        • @Turd: Do you think that's what this guy was doing? Manufactured spending? I couldn't find any more info.


        • +2

          @JIMB0: Unlikely.

          You cant take out money from Westfield cards at an ATM. They all have a limit anyways. Not to mention the fee involved if this was abled.

          He COULD have fraudulently purchased many vpay cards from HN and could have used hacked or stolen credit cards. etc. etc…

          He was arrested in Pyrmont on Thursday after being spotted using an ATM suspiciously, with police officers seizing $11,060 during a search.

          Unless he had 30 coles prepaid reloadable cards and tried to take out money with 30 of them but limit of $300 per card, it's stupid and not long term viable.

          Even if you legitimately had and purchased 30 prepaid cards and tried to go to atm to take money out this isnt illegal. So police cant charge a normal person doing this, must have been something else.

          Also no law against having 30 prepaid cards unless you can not prove where you got them or how you got them backed up by statememts. This sounds like the usual credit card fraud to me.

      • Someone here mentioned over the weekend that they were able to use the XS card in Aus post.

        EDIT: here it is : https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/279431?page=6#comment-4237…

  • Rebel Sports now max rego reached.. Which one will be next? I reckon it will be First Choice Liquor!

    • +1

      I'm surprised First Choice Liquor hasn't already reached max limit, given that they sell Coles Group & Myer gift cards.

      • +1

        Me too, I thought they would be the 3rd one to go, but Rebel was.. I guess it highlights that the visibility of 1st choice liquor isn't very high with the general Australian public.

        • +3

          Hard to access 1st Choice Liquor and people do not know it is part of Coles Group

        • @Turd: Agree. So the next one to go could be SCA!

      • +1

        People do not know and/or the information hasn't filtered to people.
        And people do not generally read comments.

  • Just bought Bunnings gc from Coles Myer purchased from Myer, the lady said that I couldn't purchase gc with gc against company policy. I said I do it every time. I insisted to reprocess the payment again (after incorrectly read pin), ignoring her. Succeeded ! She said she will have to cancel the payment. I said the system should not allow it if it is not allowed. I asked how do you cancel the payment then ???? And she complaint "I told you not to process blah blah" and bring my dockets and gc to another person. The other person brings to another person and then said ok to me. Bloody waste timer !!!

    • ha ha

      They are only doing their "JOB"

      • Next time I will have to 'hide' from them !

        • Next time you need to correctly read the pin to save yourself the time.

        • @lilkid28: Yes, forgive my old eyes

  • Successfully purchased $700 Xs Westfield giftcard on Saturday using Apple Pay with split payments at Plenty Valley (Vic). Came back today and they want ID match name on card and not allow Apple Pay (as told by Head office). Oh well, guess my whole family will visit Westfield soon.
    Samething happened with Harvey Norman offer, only bought 5 Vpay before they noticed and stop selling.
    Lesson learned: buy as soon as possible and as much as possible! ^__^ (Request more supplementary cards under your name for less hassles)

    • AmEx would not issue sup card in my name recently.

  • Harvey Norman at Campbelltown nsw have approx 20 vpay cards left. Just purchased 2 more this afternoon. Then went to first choice liquor in Camden valley way and got the Coles Myer cards. They had approx 20 left.

    Was going to do Westfield but the storm hit.

    • Seems they stock up Vpay again ?

      • +2

        Hope this is the case for all Harvey Norman's so everyone can get them

  • Has anyone actually received credits for Westfield GCs?

    I purchased 7 Coles Myer GCs (at Myer) and 7 Westfield GCs (a mix of Red & XS) on December 1 - all individual transactions using a mix of AMEX issued cards (Charge & Credit) and NAB issued cards.

    All received emails for all Coles Myer GCs and the $35 credits for all very quickly, no emails and no credits for the Westfield GCs so far…

    • Whats the status of offer under your online account ?

      • "Saved to Card" for all for the Westfield offer.

        Transaction descriptions for the Westfield offer are either "WF WARRINGAH MALL" or "WESTFIELD CHATSWOOD" (redeemed in two different locations)

        So it's a true mix of locations (2 x Westfield) cards (actually 8 different cards under 3 names) issuers (AMEX & NAB) and payment (Contactless, Insert & PIN, Apple Pay)

        Go and figure… clearly I would be able to chase credits with AMEX if needed, but I find strange none posted yet

        • Just wait 5 days?

          Have patience

        • @Turd:
          From previous experiences, I think we eventually have to call AMEX to sort out the cashback
          But yeah you are right, we have to wait till at least 5 days otherwise AMEX will not action anything.

          Hope they sort out the cashback automatically otherwise they will get lots of calls for sure.

        • @Bappy: I think the Westfield system is retarded and things are being held back because managers of managers of managers have put a stop to it fearing fraud. and I know fraud HAS happened.

    • No. We purchased Coles Myer Gift Cards on Saturday and the purchase transactions and rebates were there this morning.

      The Westfield gift cards were purchased on Thursday and Friday last week. All the purchase transactions are there but none of the rebates.

      We have 2 ANZ issued and 2 Amex issued cards between my wife and I.

  • Bought Westfield XS gift cards from Chatswood last Sunday. Was able to split payment over 2 cards.

    No email confirmations. The transactions have gone from pending to showing up in the app but no signs of the credit yet.

    • I was there on Saturday and they wouldn't let me split over 2 cards :(

      What's the trick?

      • +2

        Different staff.

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