Supplement for Skinny Guys Aka The Hardgainers

I have been a hardgainer so far in my life, now looking to gain some muscle mass so I can look better on the beach (lol).

Any recommendation on supplement to gain muscle mass?
I am looking at supplements like ON Pro Gainer and Rule 1 Gain, but they are bloody expensive! It works out to be about $4 per serving..!

Now, I know some people do not believe in supplement as you can just eat according your needs, but for someone like myself who is rather time poor and just want something practical to take to meet the dietary needs during gaining mass phase/bulking, taking supplement will be quite handy.

My friend told me that the reasons those brands are expensive because they are established brand and imported, hence the price.
Although from my research (not sure how accurate), these high-end products use less fillers ingredients, i.e. they use purer ingredients hence won't have negative impacts to your health.
He suggested me to look at Australian brand called Bulk Nutrient (, e.g. their Muscle Food product.

Does anyone have recommendations on what to take while not blowing budget?
Any experience with AU / cheaper brands, e.g. Bulk Nutrient, etc?



  • Supplements don't work.

    If you want a pre\intra/post supplement mix Bulk Nutrients Vital Premix, Maltodextrin and WPI or WPC. Vital premix is just 100% RDI vitamins + minerals, I would recommend using more than 2.5g per workout. Mix maltodextrin and protein in a 2:1 ratio (2 x carbs: 1 x protein). Add water and blend.

    You can drink this before, after, during and it's more or less Soylent minus some long chain carbs and fibre if you believe in that rubbish.

    • heres something easier: coffee

  • +1

    Maccas run.

  • Cocaine and KFC

    • You can still eat? haha

  • +1

    Try weightgain 2000,. Beefcake…..BEEFCAKE!

  • +3


    • with some Olive Oil ?

  • +3

    You wanna be big, you gotta eat big.

    • thanks captain obvious

      • You are what you eat….

  • +1

    Pretty much what the others are saying. If you want to get big, you've got to eat probably double the amount you are eating now. Supplements are what they are, supplements to your diet.

  • serious mass ON

    read up about how many calories are in 1 serving

  • +3

    You simply don't eat enough. Start counting calories and eating consistently if you want to get serious.

  • If you are time poor, try doing these 3 or 4 things every day - it takes around 5 minutes:

    1. push ups
    2. sit ups
    3. chin ups
    4. pull ups

    3 and 4 can be done on alternate days. You can break things up - e.g. hang up a chin up bar and do a couple when you walk pass it during the day. You also don't have to be fanatical about it - you can miss a day/few days whenever you feel like it.

    If you've never done them before, you might have to start say with a push up on your knees, etc. and then increase the number.

    Guys who've done this over many years look great without being overly bulky. If you want to look good for the beach, you've also got to ensure calories in <= calories out (over the medium term; you don't have to be anal about it on a daily basis), depending on your starting weight/look.

  • maybe you should try getting ripped first, so that your existing muscles will be more visible. you might be happy with that.

    all that excess protein is not good for you, ages you faster, increases your risk of cancer. you muscle will waste away anyways once you stop.

    • Protein causes premature aging and cancer? Didnt hear this before. What types of cancer? Colon?

  • Thx for the replies so far.
    Some people suggested me to eat junk food like kfc and macca.. I dont want to get heart attack instead!!

    Although I noticed that in mass gaining supplements, their saturated fat/cholesterol/sodium is quite high eg 10-20% recommended daily intake.
    Is that normal??

  • Apparently Lee Priest hits the KFC pretty hard, seems to work well for him.

  • OP had the same trouble, I first off used Max's Super Size until I realized it was full of sugar and I could get calories in much healthier ways. Then I switched to a shake, 3 eggs, 400ml of milk, scoop of whey protein concentrate (chocolate flavor bulk nutrients), 1/2 cup of rolled oats and 2 tsp of peanut butter, put it into a blender and it's a very easy way to get a lot of calories in while having a good amount of macros, it sounds a lot worse than it tastes.

    If you want to do it properly though then download the "myfitnesspal" app and count your calories, it's quite simple and allows bar-code scanning which speeds up the process of adding foods.

  • most gym rats I see don't look that great- they could stand to lose quite a bit of body fat, and they'd look better if they did. But I suppose do you want to look strong, or be strong?

    • lot of confused gym goers these days..everyone in the gym seems to be attracted to looking 'big' but neglect the fact that bodybuilding is about aesthetics.

      prefer powerlifting myself

      • yep I have a mate who is a powerlifter and his physique is incredible. Lots of work went into that!

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