This was posted 8 years 3 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Titanfall 2 - Free Multiplayer Trial - EA Access/Origin Access from Today, Everyone Else (PS4/XB1/PC) from December 2nd


Seems everyone is learning from the BF1 Beta :)

Titanfall 2 will host a free trial of the game's full multiplayer offering. The trial* will begin for EA Access and Origin Access members on November 30th, and become available for all players starting December 2nd on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Origin for PC. This will feature a full offering including all maps, modes, weapons and more including brand new content from Angel City’s Most Wanted DLC on December 3rd.

In Multiplayer, all post-launch maps, modes, and weapons will be free for all players. Featuring the fully remastered fan favorite Angel City map from the original Titanfall, Angel City’s Most Wanted introduces additional free content including the Wingman Elite Pistol, six new Titan kits, and a brand new Pilot execution. Angel City’s Most Wanted also gives players the ability to purchase cosmetic items for their Pilot and Titan, including camos, nose art, warpaint, and more starting on December 3rd.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    There is a 4.57GB update that was released earlier today. (for the Xbox One at least)

    • +1

      They brought out the first DLC yesterday.

    • +1

      Its the Angel City Remastered map and its 2.3gb on ps4.

  • +3

    How long does the trial go for? Like the standard 48 hour thing or?

    The MP in this is so good though, everything the future Call of Duty's should have been.

    • +1

      December 4 (US Time), so will carry into the 5th here

      • +2

        Good to know, might have to drag a couple of people in. Cheers.

    • +7

      nah it's pretty fun, been playing it every night since i got it. only issue is everyone in aus seems to only play one type of multiplayer game and that's attrition.

      • +5

        Not saying it hasn't failed (don't really have any info on that), but just because they're doing a free trial doesn't mean it's failed.
        It's a marketing tactic that a lot of companies are doing.

        Lots of people won't spend the money on a game if they don't know if they'll like it, or don't know if their PC is good enough to handle it etc.
        So doing this is a great way of hooking in those potential buyers.

        Overwatch have done this multiple times and that definitely hasn't failed.

        • +5

          Game came out against BF1 and COD

          Insane timing

        • +3

          Overwatch has a ton of players, this has barely any. Peak Aussie times can't get a CTF, 8v8 match or other playlists which were easy even several months after TF1.

          Me personally and a couple of mates I played the original TF with don't enjoy this nearly as much, but obviously each to their own.

        • @Legsweeping: I loved the original TF and was semi interested in buying TF2 but… as you guys have said, it's come out at the worst time.
          Like a cow to the slaughter.
          I ended up getting BF1 and was contemplating TF2 later down the line… but there may be no one left by that time if what you're saying is true.

        • +1


          During the first Overwatch free trial on PS4 it was taking up to 5 minutes to find a game in the first matchmaking mode available and sometimes it failed.

          I purchased Titanfall 2 for the $35 dollar deal last weekend and find games within 20 - 30 seconds in the Atrrition and Bounty Hunt playlists. CTF is probably just unpopular. It was like that in COD in the past.

        • +2


          From memory they had network issues on Xbox One with too many people playing due to the free weekend, and I assume may have been the same case on PS4, which is completely different to this. Overwatch is top 2 in most popular games atm, whereas last time I was on TF2 the global population was <10k, which is horrible for a new shooter.

          I agree there is no issue with finding a game in those playlists but it is impossible in others. CTF was unpopular in COD but you could still find a game pretty quickly, I couldn't find a single other player in 5 minutes of queueing in TF2 at peak time.

        • +1

          @Legsweeping: this is soo true I like the campaign but trying to play online is useless

      • +1

        i will try attrition tonight. lol

        played one game last night, bounty hunter. waited for like 5 mins to join a game. thats not normal.

      • Its because there aren't enough players they have to flock to the one game type.

        Writing is on the wall for tf2 already. Shame because I liked titanfall but the only thing that could save the game (a server browser) they refuse to do.

      • +1

        Yeah same here. I bought it on Friday from Target. I cant even find a Pilot V Pilot match in Aus. Have to switch Data Centre to Salt Lake City in Utah which has like ~230 ping, but easily playable. If anyone wants to play anything add me on PS4. TheLegendGamR.

  • -2

    i played one multiplayer game last night on xbox 1. is it just me i noticed some lag in the game.

  • +1

    Cheers been looking for a way to try this.

  • +2

    Nice. I didn't buy this in the recent sale because of apparently low player numbers, but I might download it now (well, tomorrow apparently) and give it a shot.

    • +2

      Im on XB1, never have any problems finding a standard game of attrition (deathmatch), but the more obscure game types are pretty dead except on weekends.

      It's a great game though, well worth it, haven't touched BF1 since getting TF2

    • +1

      I wouldn't worry about low player numbers, there's always a game of Attrition going in the very least. Also, the community seems to be steadily growing.

  • +5

    Haven't come across any lag on ps4. Picked it up from big w for $35. Money well spent. Easily beats destiny and the division..

    • Totally different games.. Those games are looters/grind games, this is a twitch shooter.

  • +2

    One of the best games of the year, definitely try it if you haven't!

  • +4

    On the Xbox One version, Multiplayer runs like a dream with no lag and the like.

    Attrition is the most popular with Bounty Hunt being the second. Both can easily be joined, but the other 9 or so modes are as dead as a dodo.

    Really hoped Mixtape would the most popular, since it mixes a heap of other modes into a rotating setlist.

  • +1

    Great game that was extremely overshadowed with the new Battlefield and Call of Duty games.

    • +5

      And not because they were better… Titanfall 2 is MUCH better than CoD:IW. BF1 on the other hand is different enough that you can enjoy both.

      • +3

        I think TF2 is the real gem here. CoD IW is, well CoD, enough said. Save for its single player which i enjoyed quite a bit, its rather dull. Battlefield 1 as good as it is is just Battlefield like always with a skin over it. Titanfall 2 on the othwr hand is actuallt fun and unique and completley embraces the advanced movement system and Sci-Fi setting.

  • +3

    Great game and worth a play.
    Do not regret picking it up cheap in the past weekend sales.

  • I have the game but do I need PlayStation Plus to join multiplayer during the free trial?

    • +1

      I'm in the same boat, I got the Big W $35 deal from last week.
      And my findings are….

      If you have the game, you cannot play online for free.

      To play for free, you need to delete the game off your PS4.
      Then goto the links posted in the deal:!/cid=EP0006-CUSA04013_00-TIT…

      So from there inside the PSN Store, you need to download the full game (trial).
      This will allow you to play online for free until Tuesday night.
      After that the full game will be locked out for both Multiplayer and Campaign modes.
      (there's something different in the download that allows multiplayer without prompting for PSN+, and triggering the end of trial on Tuesday)

      You could at this stage ignore the "buy now" prompts.
      Insert the disk.
      And play the campaign mode.
      If you want to play the online after that, you need a PSN+ subscription.

      I don't think its worth it personally.
      It took me about 20mins to install the game into the HDD.
      Then another 1.5 hrs of downloading updates.
      If I delete it now, that's 2hours wasted.
      Then it would take me a good 4hrs to download.
      I truly feel like a (console) peasant, while PC players can enjoy the game with better framerates, resolution, and visuals… all the while buying it cheaper and having online access for free.

  • +2

    Awesome game. Beat the campaign last night and wow. That final scene….

    $35 at BigW on XBox One currently. Heaps of copies when I bought it

    • +2

      The campaign is dope and probably the best FPS campaign I've ever played. BT is the bomb!

  • But BF1 beta came in before the game launch. So launcing the multiplayer beta after that surprised me.
    Looks like they are either testing the capacity of their servers or want to populate the servers to get more conversions.

    • They ran a stress test before launch, this promotion is purely to get more people interested in the game. Which is good, it deserves more attention.

      • Stress test.. Reminds me of IBM doing the same…
        I am happy with BF1 at the moment.

  • Got this game for PC/origin, it gets stuck on searching status in multiplayer, i checked router settings, disabled lan settings and searched google for help and still no fix for this yet :(

    The singleplayer for this game was amazing though

    • +1

      Data Center Searching: On PC having multiple enabled network adapters might leave you in a state where you will not be able to get the proper data center list. Disable all adapters outside of the one you're using, and this should resolve the issue. Team is working to address this directly.

      Is it this issue?

      • yea this stuck on data searching issue

        I disabled my LAN adapter and only use the wifi one and it moves to the next searching screen and stalls at that one instead haha

        sigh. waiting on fix

  • Noob question: once the offer expires, in order to play multiplayer like Battlefield 1 etc., which one do I need to grab: (1)EA Access, or (2) Xbox Live Gold?

    • +1

      You need Gold.

  • Anyone actually know how to get this on PC origin?
    Been to the website link, signed in, now lost

    • +1

      Have you got Origin Access?

  • nah but i realise I will be waiting longer… just wondering what to do when the time is rite

    • Wait until the night of the 2nd, or morning of the 3rd, have a look around then :)

  • +1

    kk thanks spackbace

    have been reading your name as spacebace for a year

  • +3

    LOL by the time I finish downloading this the trial will be over.

    Be really nice if publishers realized some of us need extra time just to download something a two day trial does not work for some of us.

    • It would have been nice to be able to at least download it in advance, but like you it probably isn't worth the effort given my download speed.

  • Whats the online population for Titanfall 2 typically like prior to this free weekend?

  • Do we need to have PlayStation Plus to find the free trial? My son bought the game last week but we haven't paid for a PlayStation Plus acct. He uses Origin fine for PC gaming but not sure how PS4 works.

    • +1

      As with any multiplayer on ps4, you will need plus to play it online (I think there are a couple of games where this isn't the case but only a couple).

  • I can't see trial download option for PS4?!

  • so where is it cheapest right now?

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