Working - whats the point?

Hey guys,

I currently work M-F 8-5pm. I have generally loved working since the age of 15 (have been working non stop). Im currently in my mid 30's and realised that I actually dislike having to work for life…kinda like whats the point?

Paid off alot of the mortgage, have a nice car, decent life - not complaining about owning things, but generally realising materialistic things dont excite me anymore and working like a dog doesnt do it either. Now im not absolutely not lazy - rather im very driven and still in my workplace achieve above and beyond - I think its more a motivation thing but cant seem to find anything motivating about work these days. My friends are all in senior roles, travel extensively and yes remuneration is great but they arent "happy" either but plodding along working long hours.

I will say, my dream is to live off a hobby farm and relax in life but its the taking the leap scenario that scares me most - I have travelled extensively, and used to absolutely relish in my work and succeeding being top of my game (being in senior roles at a young age also). Met some great people, kicked goals at work, earned good cash and now im sitting here thinking… this all I do until im 65?

Wanting to know if others feel like this also.


Poll Options

  • 60
    Over working for the sake of working
  • 47
    Love work
  • 329
    Wanting to semi retire and not even 40


  • +2

    This old parable may help:
    More than money

  • Am I the only one who want to work til he dies.

    not the 9-5 one but something. Sitting ideal(or on phone) is killer.

  • Im working part time job, and yes I dislike my job. However, I do it so:
    - Can spend more time to enjoy my family
    - Can support us finacially
    - Have more time working toward my goals
    - Have some $$$ to help out others in needs
    - I like to work for my own bread

    This vid: The Problem of Pleasure might help you in some way

  • I think I understand what you're saying as I feel similarly.
    Part of it is my job but I think the other part is how long the work week is, I think most people would be happier with a 20 hour work week. It's the equivalent of how many hours most people are actually productive anyway and would leave more time with family/friends/pets, hobbies, etc. Would likely improve mental health as well.
    My ideal is to get to a financial place where I can take a contract for 6 months and then not work for the other 6 months or some sort of balance like that.

  • You've discovered that consumerism is an empty promise. The framework of 'If I can get _______, then I'll be happy' is a never ending chase, where working harder doesn't get you there. Consumerism is a worldview, and getting stuck inside it is a spiritual problem. I have watched sermons from a man who has phd in consumerism, and he concluded that the positive alternative to consumerism is COMMUNITY. Spend more time with people than things. Know that work is a means and not an ends. Look into finding meaning in life, which IMHO can be found in the Bible.

    Send me an email if you like (anyone, not just OP).

    I spelled out my email address like that so email harvesting scripts don't collect it.

  • Someone once said something great to me along the lines of "Oh you hate your job too? There's a group for people who feel that way you know…you'll find them at the pub on a Friday night!".

    The point being, most people don't actually love what they do…for most it's a means to an end. That's why most people find fulfillment outside of the office through relationships, volunteer work, hobbies etc. If you can afford to retire then do it - you'll be the envy of the rest of us who will be working for the next 50 years!

  • This may be of interest to the OP (and a lot of others):…

  • +1

    Work to live, don't live to work!

    It is harder now with a family, but we try to get away often for little trips to nice places, go overseas at least every 18 months and do an interstate week off during winter each year to somewhere warm.

    I also keep busy with projects at home - Building classic motorcycles, renovations ……

    I don't love my job, but I love what it allows me to do.

  • +1

    Well this is your life's opportunity. YOu have unique skills, so go into business for yourself in a field you love. The new challenges you will face will bring their own rewards if you persevere.

  • To think almost 1.5yrs has passed since I wrote this - I feel exactly the same except I have decided to leave my job this month without a new job locked in - nothing has really changed otherwise …yet 1.5yrs have passed and before I blink again, ill hit 40. Crazy.

    • Hi sydsm, I am in my mid 20's, still miserable, the job markets are not that great at the moment, I am hoping to find some new work as well, so difficult, just curious if you did any networking events in the past 1.5 years? thank you

      • +1

        I highly recommend you go and network - there are alot of free events and it gives you face time with decision makers. Allows people to see who you are! Meetup is great. I dont personally goto alot of events but I am well networked in general.

        • Thanks sydsm, just curious if you use Eventbrite for networking or just any of the industrial events?


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