Does anyone know if is possible to use Visa prepaid $200 preloaded gift card to load the credit on top of the Australia post load and go cards?
Australia post load and go top up?

DEvok on 30/11/2016 - 01:48
Last edited 30/11/2016 - 09:18 by 1 other user
Last edited 30/11/2016 - 09:18 by 1 other user
Why would you want to do that?
No, you can't. As mentioned previously, only Sav/Chq options will be available to you on the EFPTOS terminal.
Want to take out the money from the Visa preloaded gift card and some how transfer it on my or load-able card, that can be with drawn.
Is it possible to deposit funds to a gambling account with the Visa prepaid card?
Why not just spend the card on things you would have otherwise have payed for with cash/card? Surely you have $200 worth of expenses.
Possibly irrelevant answer as I always get credit/debit confused - but when I recently bought an AusPost load and go the worker specifically said I couldn't pay with a credit card, only chq/savings.
Also possibly irrelevant but activating that card was the singlemost frustrating experience of my life. The website didn't accept the password I wanted to use (12 digit mix of numerals and lower case letters) and said "choose a password that is at least 8 digits with at least one number and one lower case letter). Eventually I got it to accept exactly 8 digits with a mix of lower case, upper case, numerals and symbols. But then when I went to log in, it didn't work. So I requested an email with my username to make sure that was right. Yes that was right. Requested an email to reset my password. Tried to reset it, "your account is now locked. Call customer service". Call customer service. "Press 2 to lock or unlock this card". 2. "Press 1 to lock this card. Press 0 to return to the main menu". Call Aus Post helpline. "We don't help with that. Just keep pressing # until it takes you to an operator". Call customer service again and press #. "Sorry, that is not a valid selection". Call AusPost back again and get told of a different, secret number you can call which actually gets you through to someone who can help. So if you also struggle, ask AusPost for the phone number they have that ISN'T printed on the card.