So I bought a car part from a wrecker on Ebay. It consists of two components, I'll call the A and B. I needed both of them. When the components arrived part B was bent and cannot be used at all (could only be bent during incorrect removal from vehicle so wasn't even during transit). It was listed as in good usable condition. The other component, A is fine.
I told the seller. He acted as though the pics I sent him weren't of his part and said to send it back for a refund. I told him I'd like to keep part A as it's still usable and he can give me a percentage refund for the broken part - which I can send back if he likes. Still he wants me to send the whole thing back… the shipping costs I paid for as a bank deposit, the item I paid for through paypal. I have a feeling he will just keep the shipping costs.
I'm assuming he is abiding by eBay rules through offering a refund? So my only real course of action is to keep the part, give a bad review and move on? Ebay won't be able to do anything to help me out? Am I being unreasonable?
What do you guys think I should do?
Or he thinks you might be trying to scam him.