This was posted 8 years 3 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Plush Doughnut Shape Pillow (Sprinkles or Chocolate Ripple) USD$4.49 (~AUD$6) delivered @ Sammydress


Hi all!

As the year comes to an end, Sammydress and I have decided to create an OzBargain only deal for a relaxing item to add to your lounge rooms!

A full cushion is delivered to you in ~25 days.

Size: 40cm in diameter (see pic of cushion for perspective).

We can Guarantee stock of over 250 units are available. 2 'Flavours' to choose from.

The Sammydress pledge is:

  1. To get the items to you (AUS) within 10-25 days of order (+Australia has a priorty mail option of 5-18 days)
  2. To guarantee peace of mind ordering/delivery through the PayPal payment gateway:…
  3. To assure promotional pricing is available for 1 calendar month: ie. 21st October, until 21st November
  4. To ensure products are high quality and include satisfactory specification details
  5. To have a direct email of [email protected] to directly answer any OzBargain customer queries
  6. To ensure the cheapest price available online!

Item 1: $4.49 ($6) delivered! add code SAMMYPILLOW02 at cart

Item 2: $4.49 ($6) delivered! add code SAMMYPILLOW01 at cart

Be sure to pick up some more good deals on their Clearance page (Sorted by Cheapest)…

Sammydress uses the S Point promotion system where you can gain points to save even more! so register to save even more!

Please be sure to remove tracking no. and shipping insurance for lowest price.

As mentioned above, promotional price is guaranteed for one month or while stock lasts!


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Sammy Dress

closed Comments

  • That's bad! Unless you are on a(n unhealthy) crash weight gain program.

  • +3

    Can't decide… I'll sleep on it…

  • Has this passed Australia Child safety test?

    • +5

      Has this passed Australia Child safety test?

      ? You mean for stupid kids that try and eat everything that looks edible?

      • +1

        …or do you mean tested to prove it's made out of non toxic materials and no small parts are easily removable that could create a choking hazard for kids under 2 who put everything they can I their mouths?

        • +2

          …or do you mean tested to prove it's made out of non toxic materials and no small parts are easily removable that could create a choking hazard for kids under 2 who put everything they can I their mouths?

          Or do you mean the sample is tested and passed and because there is no ongoing inspection the stock that is sold contains toxic materials and parts that can be swallowed…. And of course stupid lazy parents just buy and don't bother checking for themselves thinking the government will keep them safe.

        • @Maverick-au:

          And of course stupid lazy parents just buy and don't bother checking for themselves thinking the government will keep them safe.

          Choking hazards are easy enough to check but how are these parents you're calling stupid and lazy supposed to check for toxic materials supplied by unscrupulous overseas manufacturers/sellers?

          You mean for stupid kids that try and eat everything that looks edible?

          You either don't have kids or it's been too long since they were toddlers. Just because an 18month old puts everything in their mouth does not make them stupid.

          coprocessor asked a valid question but you just came to troll.

        • +1


          Choking hazards are easy enough to check but how are these parents you're calling stupid and lazy supposed to check for toxic materials supplied by unscrupulous overseas manufacturers/sellers?

          How many times do I need to say it - no-one checks the products after that are "certified" so it's up to you as a parent to decide what to purchase and from whom.

          You either don't have kids or it's been too long since they were toddlers. Just because an 18month old puts everything in their mouth does not make them stupid.

          There are plenty of children that are not given any guidance from their "parents" and this is who I am referring to. The sort of parents that would leave their children unattended for long periods and do zero parenting. I've seen the result of this sort of parenting and it's not pretty, children that at the age of ten have the common sense of a two year old raised by loving parents. True story, said ten year asked what chips are made of and on another occasion asked what a documentary was and after that declared them stupid.

          coprocessor asked a valid question but you just came to troll.

          I wouldn't trust any claims, buy products from manufacturers that you trust and in the case of these products I would pass.

  • +2

    Hey OP can you please also discount the other flavours? Just bought the two chocolate ones but want more!

    • a dozen assorted would be great thanks

  • -2

    "To assure promotional pricing is available for 1 calendar month: ie. 21st October, until 21st November"

    Well, it's 29th November now, so it seems this can be marked as expired…

    • -1

      Nope, their use of ie means - "this is what we mean when we say 1 calendar month"
      the phrase ie "Can be used to clarify a preceding statement … by restating the idea more clearly or expanding upon it. "
      source :

      • You've just demonstrated the point of how it is incorrect.

        As per the page you linked, i.e. means "it is". As you say, and is on the page this is used "by restating the idea more clearly or expanding upon it."

        To expand it more clearly to say that it is valid from the 21st October until the 21st November says that the promotion has finished.

        In any case my original comment was being facetious; sad how some just take it seriously.

  • Decorative AND functional for those with haemorrhoids.

  • +1

    I like how your deals bring out the inner child in me :) i cant even justify wanting a donut pillow, but i want one just because DONUT

  • +2

    SAMMYDRESS has the worst reviews online - does anyone have any good feedback about them ?

  • Hey I ordered two pillows but only one arrived. Any idea where my other one is?

    • Hi julz, please PM with order no. and I'll contact Sammydress. Please also visit the Sammydress support centre to lodge a ticket. Cheers.

    • +1

      Ordered 2 on the same day but separate orders to get the discount on both. One came Thursday the other today.

      Now we have doughnut feet

      • Classic!

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