• out of stock

Microsoft Windows 10 Professional OEM Download $59.99 at OzGameShop ($56.99 with code)


Keeping it short and simple…
Just got an email from Ozgameshop with the above deal.
For those who prefer to know the source of their software (not some iffy grey market or illicit sources), here's a deal with $239 off RRP.
Not a glitch or mistake as it's in the original email.

Use code TECH5 to get a further $3 off - credit to ETHGA

Code that allows either a full install of Windows 10 Professional or an upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Professional.

Windows 10 is so familiar and easy to use, you’ll feel like an expert. The Start Menu is back in an expanded form, plus your pinned apps and favorites are brought over so they’re ready and waiting for you. It starts up and resumes fast, has more built-in security to help keep you safe, and is designed to work with software and hardware you already have.

You can also upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Pro with this product, as well as a fresh install

The software comes with 2 download links to both 32 and 64-bit ISO images, which you can either extract to USB or burn onto a DVD. This is the FULL version download. It’s the most complete version available on the market with all the Windows 10 features included.

Windows 10 is so familiar and easy to use, you’ll feel like an expert. The Start Menu is back in an expanded form, plus your pinned apps and favorites are brought over so they’re ready and waiting for you. It starts up and resumes fast, has more built-in security to help keep you safe, and is designed to work with software and hardware you already have.

You`re already an expert.

Windows 10 is so familiar and easy to use, youll feel like an expert. The Start Menu is back in an expanded form, plus well bring over your pinned apps and favorites so they`re ready and waiting for you. It starts up and resumes fast, has more built-in security to help keep you safe, and is designed to work with software and hardware you already have.

Millions of people are already using Windows 10.

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closed Comments

        • If its not pirated or stolen its a contractual dispute. In these cases they settle out of court or successfully sue for breach of contract, not for damages from illegal activity. In addition, if you are a small business or individual you can dispute software license terms under the ACL for unfair contract terms.

        • @toxicdav3:

          This isn't even a bargain you can get free upgrade from here still.


        • This has happened for big businesses.
          Business # individual consumers and Microsoft dony have resources to follow with individual consumer.

    • OR you built yourself for a family member…

      • Don't you need to still buy the OEM WITH hardware?
        You'd have to buy a regular key if you bought hardware from a different supplier isn't it?

        • You have to buy the OEM licence with a COMPUTER.

          M$ has closed the old "sold with hardware" loophole.

        • @llama: How? When a hardware store sells it with hardware, how microsoft can control that?

        • +1

          what does M$ define as a 'computer'?
          Because I mean, technically the raspberry pi is also a computer lol

        • +1


          How? When a hardware store sells it with hardware, how microsoft can control that?

          Simple - they stop selling the keys to the retailer.

          Their supply contract SPECIFICALLY prevents them offering the OEM licences for sale. So, it's not as if it's hard to detect where resellers are doing the wrong thing.

          Anyway, personally I couldn't give a rats gonads about M$'s EULA. XP was the last OS that I held a "legal" licence for…. I bought 1 x OEM Upgrade disk then installed it on about 10 machines LOL

          So, paying $60 or even $30 for a dodgy key that doesn't meet the EULA is madness, when you can alternatively get the same for free.

        • @llama: I didnt know that.

          when you can alternatively get the same for free.

          From where?

        • @llama: In that case, why would they still be selling DVD/USB formats with the O?S install routines?

        • +2


          In that case, why would they still be selling DVD/USB formats with the O?S install routines?

          Why would "WHO" still be selling DVD/USB formats?

          If you mean Microsoft, then they sell the OEM Licence packs to OEM manufacturers (eg: PC Case Gear), and those packs includes the installation media and the COA sticker to affix onto the computer that they are selling. The disk and paperwork goes to the client with the computer.

          The "System Builder" has their own legal agreement with M$ about what they do with the OEM Licences and how they "sell" them.


          And here is the important clauses:

          15. Compensation. Unless otherwise authorized by Microsoft, you will not advertise, give a separate
          price for, or otherwise market or distribute the software as separate from a Customer System.

          So, they aren't even supposed to ADVERTISE it for sale.

          1. Definitions
          a. “Customer System” means a fully assembled computer system that includes a CPU, a motherboard,
          a power supply, an internally mounted NAND or revolving magnetic-based hard drive, and a case.

          And the "system" isn't just some random item of hardware, it must be a complete system.

          5. Distribution.
          a. Software Preinstallation.
          (i) For each product key for desktop operating system software, you must preinstall one copy
          of the software on a Customer System prior to distribution

          And the OEM Software must be pre-installed onto the system, not provided separately.

          6. Certificate of Authenticity (COA) Label.
          You must affix the COA on the front, top, side or back of the Customer System case.
          If the Customer System is a laptop or tablet PC, the COA must be affixed directly
          to the bottom of the Customer System.

          And the COA must be adhered to the machine, not supplied loose.

          Here is a really long and somewhat tedious video presentation that explains the whole thing.

          The bottom line is that Microsoft doesn't sell OEM licences on the basis that they are resold as a "cheap alternative" to a "Full Packaged Product" (Retail) version. Because that would be silly, when you think about it.

          Thus, any such licence is "dodgy" because it was not obtained "legally".

        • @Gaggy:

          | when you can alternatively get the same for free

          From where?

          From Microsoft. Everyone can only get Windows 10 "licences" from Microsoft, because there is an online validation system. Microsoft freely distributes the ISO images, so you don't need to use dodgy Torrents or whatever.

          So, it's not a question of "where" to get it… but "how".

          In other words, there are a number of ways to get yourself a validated Windows 10 installation, which will be a "Digital Entitlement" licence. It's no more legit than these keys that people sell online, Maybe even less legit.

          To do it without using a "loader" (like a crack) that is running continually is somewhat complicated, and requires knowledge and skill, plus the ability to think outside the square and keep track of the steps of the process. In other words, it's not some one-click solution.

        • @llama: Thank you for the clarification and taking the time to explain, very informative.

  • Well that didn't last long…Out of Stock

  • Just about to buy but seems to be Out Of Stock ! any one know any other legit places to buy Windows 10 from at this price?

  • Well, that escalated (and ended) quickly.

    My code arrived in 45 mins. Will be a few days before I can try it out. I can post on here if it does or doesn't work, but it's likely to work at least in the first instance anyway I'd guess. And nobody will be watching here anyway in all likelihood!

    Other alternative scenarios… a loss leader (unlikely), a stuff up with the price (should have been $159.95? Hmm, maybe), or we will never know (most likely, unless our keys are revoked).

    • Don't worry about your key getting revoked, it will work and you can even call MS if it doesn't work. They are not after consumers for this one.

  • For the people who is wondering it's legitimate or not, read this:

    But for now Microsoft will only chase the seller not the consumer.

    • For the people who is wondering it's legitimate or not, read…

      NO - don't bother reading that useless link about a different retailer, selling a different kind of licence for a different operating system.

      Irrelevant link is irrelevant.

      • seriously, you know what are you talking about? different retailer, different licence and different OS means irrelevant? Are you going to argue with judge, you are not the same theft, you use different tools, by different way to steal from different victim, so cannot apply the same law on you? irrelevant! :P

        • different retailer, different licence and different OS means irrelevant?

          Yes. And I forgot "different situation" and "different breach of M$ rules".

          So, whilst I 100% agree with what you are saying, your link is not in the slightest bit relevant to this deal, nor does it help anybody here determine if this deal is legit of not.

  • -1

    This isn't even a bargain you can get free upgrade from here still.


      1. Your link is an upgrade, not a standalone install (and yes, there are ways around that)
      2. Your link is for an upgrade for those with some form of impairment or disability, providing essential computer access to individuals with significant vision, hearing, dexterity, language or learning needs. It's to make the improved accessibility provisions of Windows 10 available to those who need them.
      • +1

        lol, isnt that cheating as well if user is not having special needs?

        • You never use On Screen Keyboard or Magnifier?

        • @Lukian: Na.Also it states:

          for those with some form of impairment or disability, providing essential computer access to individuals with significant vision, hearing, dexterity, language or learning needs. It's to make the improved accessibility provisions of Windows 10 available to those who need them.

          Else I could also add a new USB drive to my computer and call it a new PC and install OEM. Its seller's responsibility on how they sell OEM licences.

      • And? It's still a valid way to get a legit copy of Windows. I've upgraded a few old Win 7 machines with legit keys to 10 using this method.

        • And? It's still a valid way to get a legit copy of Windows

          AND? It's not relevant to this deal.

          I've upgraded a few old Win 7 machines with legit keys to 10 using this method.

          Oh really? Guess what… You and about 300 million others!

          This deal is for a NEW licence for those people who DO NOT have old Win 7 machines with legit keys. It's for people who cannot upgrade.

        • @llama:

          AND? It's not relevant to this deal.

          Ease up princess. It's a valid way to save a few bucks by using an existing legit Win 7 key which that vast majority would have!

        • @Maz78:

          It's a valid way to save a few bucks by using an existing legit Win 7 key which that vast majority would have!

          Well, derr! However "that vast majority" would have been nagged for an entire year to grab a free upgrade to Win10. The "vast majority" will have already done so. However an upgrade is not the same as a NEW licence for a NEW machine, which is what **THIS DEAL*** is about.

          For example, I'm building a new machine at the moment and I don't have any existing legit Win 7 keys. That's because I have already upgraded those to Windows 10, almost 6 months ago! So, I'd need a new Windows 10 licence… not an upgrade.

  • I have yet to jump ship from Windows 7 to 10 due to early reports games aren't optimized on the newer OS. Is this still the case?

    • +2

      The specs of your CPU and GPU is far more important in your case.

      The answer to your question though can be found by just googling.

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