This was posted 8 years 3 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Weetbix 1kg - $1 (Coles Parramatta NSW)


Weetbix 1kg for $1. Plenty of stock.

30 June 2017 best before.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Other stores captn?

    • +1

      I think it's just Parramatta.

  • Did someone order wrong? lol there's no 1kg box on the website :/

    • +1

      I think they're only selling 1.4kg boxes from now on, as they've just dropped the price of those. Think they're clearing the warehouse of this size.

  • Considering I can do six for breakfast this is a hell of a deal!

    • +3

      are you… mighty big and strong? :)

      • +25

        Nope, I'm pasty white from surfing Ozbargain all day

    • +2

      Didn't know you were on Ozbargain Binga

    • I can only manage 2 with lite milk, a whole sliced banana and some walnuts. I can sometimes add a bit of muesli and yoghurt but that's pushing it.

    • Must have diarrhea all day

  • I munch on so many of these for breakfastand would love to stock my entire pantry with them! Unfortunately I'm in Melb.

  • +24

    Sell to CHINA?

  • is this because your typical Parramatta local doesnt buy weetbix?

    • No I think they've just deleting this size of weetbix.

    • +9

      Using your logic bacon should be cheaper in Western Sydney.

      • The lack of Australian cereal a reason for deportation too perhaps?

  • +9

    Someone tell Brett Lee

  • Do you think it's okay to eat these after the best before date?

    • +9

      anything is if you eat it in the dark

    • It's best before, not used by.

      • So i can eat these in 2020?

        • +4

          They are so dry so I reckon they'll probably still be okay to eat. As long as they are stored properly.

        • @liquid metal:

          Room temperature?

        • +2


          Yes if at room temperature and sealed container (ie. not the factory packaging) they should last well beyond the used by date

  • How many can you do?

    I go 4 for breaky.

    • +1

      Only 2 with a whole banana and some walnuts :(

  • Why do I have this sudden urge to stage a fight scene at Coles Parramatta

    • and you dont even eat weetbix…

    • Haven't you always wanted to be that person at a huge Black Friday level sale that rather than just picking one up virtually tackles the entire rack causing mayhem, I've always wondered if those people are just trolling or are that inept at picking something up.

  • Wonder why these have been slashed to so cheap. They must have a lot of stock to sell off.

    • +5

      It happens quite regularly… if its not coles its iga…

      i put it to you that people just arent that into bricked cardboard as breakfast

      • +1

        We sell a lot of Weetbix trust me.

  • Don't we all want to be a Weetbix kid?

  • Is this the one not inside Westfield?

    • It's the one in Westfield.

      • How many boxes left?

        • Took the photo at time of posting.. hundreds left.

      • +2

        Deciding if it is worth to stop by in the morning just to grab some Weetbix…

        • Plenty will surely get it tomorrow..

        • +2
          • $1 for a KG of weetbix
          • Free full cream milk from work

          = Profit!

        • +1

          @malouphix: So split the packs up into 2 biscuits with a bit of cling wrap. Sell for 50c a pack of 2.
          Got to be some money to be made there for those absent minded people who left their breakfast on the table at home….

        • @darmz: Good idea. Or for free like Dexter for brownie points

        • +1

          @malouphix: I can only guess what natio you are by that logic

  • +8

    Thanks @Captnrosco! I was walking out of Westfield when I saw this post! Bought a lifetime supply with my girlfriend and uploaded the video to Youtube :D #breakfastofchampions!

    • +1

      You kind of look like Chris O'Dowd

      • +1

        That's the look I was going for! except I'm a Ginger :O

        • +1

          The enthusiasm in your voice is palpable though. Too bad I already have 2 boxes of aldi weetbix stocked, otherwise I might have made the trip.

        • Weetbix is life thou!

        • +1



          Sheeran has a competition now.

        • @tajid:


          Noted! This place is practically my homepage as to why I never type the Url in.

          You can see me in concert at your local Coles from 30th Nov to 6th Dec!

    • +2
      • WHAT!!??..this is actually a thing!!!!? ROFL

        Getting on the phone to my girlfriend's family right away! (Y) :D

        • +3

          We sell up to 2 pallets a day just to one customer who sends them to China (I work at Coles).

        • This is blowing my mind right now! My girlfriend doesn't eat the stuff and she's practically Made In China™!!!

          How the flamin galahs did it even get over there in the first place??

      • +1

        they do same thing to baby formula. hoarding it then shipping it over there.

        • That I can believe though!

    • +2

      The OCD in me couldn't buy an odd number. Why didn't you buy 10? Whyyyyy?

      • Only Siths deal in absolutes.

  • how can they cover production cost lol?

  • Is kids weetbix (light green box) included?

  • Free shipping pls

  • any left?

  • Cheap dog food.

  • Apparently there's a buzz in China for this, yes it's weird

    Their 'buzzes' range from Ugg Boots, Royal Jelly, Infant Formula, Merino Wool, to now Weet-Bix.

    God have help us all

    • +1

      That's why they love buying Aussie farms - cut out the middle man.

  • +2

    seems to have all gone

  • Over produced for the Chinese market?

  • Hmm, at 2 bix per day, better not buy more than 7 pkts otherwise any more would self destruct on the 1st July 2017. (That's what happens the day after the best before date, isn't it?)

  • 1 cup milk + 1 egg + 2 weetbix + 1 banana + inst coffe (to remove banana flavour 1st thing in the morning): Hit all for a bit in Nutri Bullet (if yuppie) or any pulse blender (real people): Drink/swallow = V quick brekky. (No, you don't even taste the raw egg)

  • Surprised you guys aren't sold out already, Brett Lee's Weetbix senses must have alerted him to this deal…

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