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16 Gold Class Tickets + $50 Credit for Changing: Simply Energy, VIC ONLY


they're advertising 30/15% off gas/elec
I have no idea whether their rates are good, but 16 gold class tickets +$50 could be worth up to be almost $700

a great deal if your current rates are higher

These promos seem to popup quite often

Referral Links

Referral: random (25)

Referrer and referee each get $75 in bill credits.

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ENGIE (Previously Simply Energy)
ENGIE (Previously Simply Energy)

closed Comments

  • +1

    Looks like the movie tickets are Vic only?

    • oops, thank you, updated

    • This is ongoing offer for vic for couple of years now. Also, you will receive 2 (1 for gas + 1 for elec.) tickets every 3 months. So you need to stay with simply energy for 2 years if you want 16 gold class tickets. If you are a RACV member that probably better to go with additional 10% discount on offer for RACV members.

      • +1

        if their rates are the same or cheaper than other providers, this is a screaming bargain,
        however im a bit skeptical at all of these % offs,

        • This is a relatively good bargain, depending on your supplier area in Victoria. I did a lot of comparison calculations earlier this year prior to switching providers, and for me Simply Energy came in as the second best offer (as long as you made use of all tickets and stayed for the entire period).

        • I'm on this plan currently and it is good plan to get Gold class ticket (got my 4 tickets already), but honestly there are better offer available in market,I was moving from interstate and didn't had much time to get new connection so took this option and at the end it will depends on what you after. I'm not RACV member but if I was than probably i would go with 10% additional pay on time discount.

        • their rates are much higher than other providers and they are not forthcoming about that. They also will also try everything they can to not let you change providers

        • Definitely got to watch out, if you run the calculations yourself, take note of whether the discounts apply to usage and daily charge, or just usage as I've seen a number of them only apply on usage, negating the cheaper usage rates on offer.

  • Anyone knows how difficult it is to switch energy provider?

    • Very easy, but be mindful of contractual obligations you may have agreed to - ie exit fees.

      I suggest ringing your provider and asking if there are any, and then double checking the original agreement they would have sent.

      • +1

        Thanks, I think I had a no exit fee with energy australia, but as you say, better double check.

        • No exit fee, but is there a final meter read fee?

    • In Victoria it is very easy. I don't think there are ?any? exit fees for new energy contracts in Victoria anymore, so even if an offer says "24 months" or something, the actual terms (which you will of course read carefully:) ) usually say you can exit at any time.

      Keep in mind also that exiting can still take a long time in practical terms, because you often have to wait for the next meter reading, which might be a few months away, before the transfer happens.

      • -1

        Wrong. They can't wait for next schedule meter read date. If you ask for move-out on specific date, retailer will do interim reading and most probably will charge you for it.

        • -1

          Seriously, "Wrong"? Was that necessary?

          The other commenters weren't talking about moving, just switching. So while you're right that a meter-read can be done on request (and it's usually for free if you're moving), the economics of getting a meter-read done for a fee can be poor when switching (some providers charge around $75 IIRC for elec, others nothing or very little).

        • @bloomer: For retailer (who is losing customer), if you move or you switch, they treat them as move-out. So if you tell them that you won't to move-out from them or you want to switch from them to others, both of them are same. And You can request your move-out or switch date and then they will do interim meter readings for that date.

          Can you clarify what is "it's usually for free if you're moving"?

  • I was going to change to this then my provider came back to me with a 42%/29% discount so decided to not change in the end

    • Just check your rates and see whether the 42% electricity useage is cheaper than other providers. Get them to do a comparison against your existing bills.

      • Thanks, have done the comparisons and works out best for me in my area. I'm with Energy Australia.

      • Yep, be sure to check your rates. I switched away from Simply back in 2014 as they weren't the cheapest.

    • +1

      42%!! wow! which provider was that? Maybe I can call up and make a bargain switch too :D

  • +1

    If you don't want the movie tickets, check this one which is better:
    (38% elec + 25% gas +$50 credit)

    Just changed to this plan and got the $50 credit although I'm an existing customer.
    Have been with them for almost 3 years, and never had a problem.
    Very good customer service and super quick respond via the online chat.

    • If you are RACV member this one would be better:

      • yep but I'm not RACV member:(

        • I did the math with the RACV vs the gold class deal.

          For me over the 2 years on gas and electricity the RACV deal works out to be $260 cheaper. And that is with my relatively low gas/electricity bills, so if you're a big house it would be even cheaper.

          So in theory the gold class is better value but of course that depends if you prefer cash or tickets…

  • So the tickets aren't upfront obviously

    • 2 tickets (1 for Gas + 1 for elec) every 3 months.

  • I am with AGL and have some discount but can't remember. Can anyone compare?

  • I'm looking at the rates for RACV members at https://www.simplyenergy.com.au/home/compare-energy-rates/ra… and apparently there is a single rate year round for gas which I find skeptical because most providers have a summer/winter rate. Can any current customers confirm that?

    • Yeah that does sound odd. I would say take plug in the rate against your current summer and winter usage and see if it works out cheaper.

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