Raw Cat Food Diet

Keen to hear what everyone else does and thoughts…

I passed a butcher today and ask them if i bought a whole different mix of chicken/giblets etc.. whether they would mince it all for me or not. Ask me if it was for a cat and i said yes. Tells me they have "Pet Food only" chicken mince already frozen suitable exactly for that.

Anyway.. I bought a bag to try it out. My cat loves it and had no hesitation to eat it. She is 9 months old.

What's everyone's thoughts on it? Not sure whats in the bag, just says not suitable for human consumption and its pet food only. Chicken only.

I bought heart and liver separately though and gave to her as well.


  • +2

    Its good to start them on raw food early.

    It is important for raw cat food to be fresh. better from a butcher than from the supermarket.

    Is there ingredient listed on the package?

    • None. Only that im not allowed to eat it.

      • don't let your cat or dog lick you after eating raw chicken and you should be fine! Also make sure you feed them raw chicken outside. having raw chicken flesh tossed around indoors isn't a good idea. especially if you have toddlers crawling around. Raw fresh meat is fine.

        • Agree. She gets it outside.

  • Does it have any small bones in the meat that the cat could choke on? If not than I would say it's safe, probably just off cuts.

    • Looks like it does. She chewed and ate everything though.. I'll take a closer look whe i thaw some more

      • The bones are probably ground up, which is good for the cat. However, for a "complete cat food", it does require the addition of taurine which is important for their health.

        • +17

          Red Bull in the drink/dish holder?

        • Yep this. Taurine is essential for cats.

        • +7


          Cats are arseholes enough as it is without giving them wings……

      • The places i go usually have bones in the "pet food chicken mince".i'm assuming all of the places have it. It is fine for me to purchase because i own a large breed dog. Google suggests that can can eat uncooked bones but it not advised lol. Ask the shop & friends .I would do some more research just do double check it's fine for cats.

    • Is this really a concern ? I see cats catch birds - they eat everything except the feathers

      • Bones of small nature are acceptable for cats to eat. However, because bones present a choaking hazards cats who receive them should be monitored.

        Bones are also known to create digestion problems in cats.

        Regarding birds, the types usually killed by cats are small and have small bones.

        The bones of small birds are very brittle and easily digestible by cats.

        With that said beleive your view is a hasty gen or an anecdotal fallacy, anyway.

        For more information: Check RSPCA or any other reputable source for why bones can be dangerous to cats.

        • That is a good point, the bones of birds would be a lot more brittle than the bones of mammals.

          However I assure you domestic cats that aren't grown up indoors can and do eat their prey. ( I have owned such cats )

        • @rememberme:

          Of course cats eat their own prey. The Cats diet can consist of lizards, birds, frogs e.t.c.

          Most of the animals killed by cats have a brittle bone structure and small bones.

          Chicken on the other are a large bird, and as such their bones present a choaking hazard for cats.

          TBH it's usually the cooked chicken which can splinter that present a danger.

          However, why take that chance?

        • @Unknown1:

          It will ultimately boil down to weather the bones are small enough to swallow, if they present any real danger.

        • @Unknown1: Isn't the issue typically with cooked bones, that become very hard and sharp when broken? Versus uncooked bones, which they can break into small pieces relatively easily?

          Not stating this as fact, just what I've heard/read previously.

        • +1


          Dam it! There was a grammatical mistake in my previous sentence. Line 7, word 5 was supposed to read "cooked chicken bones" not "cooked chicken".

          Pushing forward, cooked chicken bones pose a choking hazard to cats, because the bone structure changes with the bone becoming sharp and prone to splintering.

          Raw Bones on the hand are a controversial issue, and there will always be clashing view points on feeding them to cats.

          From the chance of a cat choking on raw bones, to them becoming ill from bacteria living on raw meat.

          Because that is so, in my opinion it's not worth the risk.

  • +2

    We give our cat tinned tuna in spring water from Aldi. Really cheap and he loves it. Plus he's in really good shape and his coat gleams.

    • I give my cat tinned tuna as well as a treat. But also feed it other cat food from supermarket.
      This last few months my cat who is 1 year old is shedding quite alot, not sure what is the reason.
      Can anyone recommend how I can fix it?

      • +17

        Less fur for the summer. Its normal

    • +1

      For a "complete cat food", it does require the addition of taurine which is important for their health. So you will need to supplement this, if that is all you are giving the cat.

      • +3

        He gets cat biscuits during the day and tuna at night. Vet says he's in great condition. As healthy as a horse…cat.

        • +1

          Tuna every day is dangerous for a cat. Tuna is high in mercury and cats have been known to have mercury poisoning because of this.

          We only give Tux tuna (sustainable Sirena type) on Sundays.

          They need taurine as mentioned above for good eye sight as a minimum.

          They also need other vitamins and minerals for digestive purpose - that cannot be found in tuna.

          Tuna as a treat meal is fine. Everyday your playing with fire. Our pets deserve our attention and the best that we can do for them, just like our children.

    • +4

      Tuna is severely overfished. The world's stock of tuna is on the verge of collapse and some species of tuna are considered endangered. Feed your cat (and yourself) other plentiful and sustainable fish, like sardines and salmon (farmed).

      eg. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/jan/09/overfish…

  • Getting his summer coat.

  • +4

    if you give a cat minced up food only, their teeth will get full of plaque

    give them chicken necks or other small raw bones

    the bones will scrape their teeth and keep them clean and healty, plus it's a lot more fun for them than eating slush

    • Agree. I've tried before with chicken necks. She didn't show much interest. I'll try again.

      All the supetmarket tinned food is half full with jelly and paying for something with no nutritional value.

      She loves canned sardines.. again they are full of crap jelly.

  • i would think that it is safe to for your cat to eat. probably for you too.
    Those raw pet from the supermarket usually have excess level of nitrate. i doubt that those from the butchers would be of that quality.

  • my parents used to buy rabbit mince at the camberwell market pet shop. they'ed portion it up into sandwich bags and then freeze them. every morning pull one out for the cats dinner. also some dry food for teeth and crunchy ness.

    OP………are you actually the cat?

    • +5

      OP………are you actually the cat?


  • +4

    Shouldn't this be int eh health a beauty section?

    I've heard it all, vegan diet, pales diet. Is this a sub-diet of the raw food diet?

  • +1

    They probably just put older offcut bits of meat in it or bits that have fallen on the floor which they're not allowed to sell to humans because our digestive system is too sensitive.
    All pet foods aren't fit for human consumption, though, so don't be too worried.

  • I feed B.A.R.F raw food. It's excellent though a little pricey


    i head to Vic Market and buy lean protein ie: rump 2kg for $20.
    we then dice it up into small cubes.
    mix it with Vets All Natural
    (i mix about a third of the recommended dosage on the back of the pack)
    80g portions and frozen for each cat

    (my uncle owns a butcher also; so he hooks me up now and then with some good stuff)

    i also feed them (1can splits into 2days for 2cats)
    about 40g each of wet food

    and throughout the day
    we leave 1 cup of dry kibble for them
    royal canin

    2 x 1yr British short hairs

    • +4

      Your cats eat better than i do lol

      Thanks. Good to see you are providing a great varied interesting diet

      • Yer… my friends rolls their eyes seeing me cut up rump steak for me cats.

        Just scored freebie 3kgs worth from Vic Market.
        Me uncle hookups.

  • +1

    'I bought heart and liver separately though and gave to her as well.'
    Please don't give your cat too much raw liver, no more than once a week. Too much can be toxic to your cat (something to do with the high levels of B12). Raw, chunky cut, tough cuts of stewing steak and RAW chicken wings are good for the teeth, too. I do a lot of research into cat diet as I own and run a cat boarding facility.

    • Thanks Jenny. How about heart?

      • Heart is just muscle. It isn't much different from any other piece of meat. (Try it sometime)

        • I have. Offal is great when cooked properly

      • Heart is fine, nice and chewy and good for the teeth.

  • -3

    Sorry to have to inject some commonsense or pragmatism here, but when considering an appropriate diet for any animal, it helps to have a little think about what they might be eating in the wild…just FYI.

    • +3

      What would you be eating in the wild?
      How long would your life expectancy be then?

      The aim is to set my cats up for a healthy life.

      • Exaxtly

        • So considering the types of food they evolved to eat shouldn't be a consideration in a healthy diet, right???

          Like I said, it's common-bloody-sense…

  • +4

    from the title I thought OP was on a raw cat food diet…

    • I dont know if i would put what she puts in her mouth!

  • My brothers cat eats a mix of raw mince (kangaroo) and dry food. Basically he has a bowl of dry food sitting there throughout the day, but meal Time is when he gets the mince (twice daily).

    From what he told me, pet food mince can have unhealthy preservatives or some other addative. Fresh mince will be better.

    Having a dry food supply always available might make your cat a little chubby if it's not active, so maybe ask the vet for advice, too.

    • Cubes r relatively better for teeth.
      Mince goes off quicker than cubes.

      Macros mince kangaroo was my choice previously.
      Especially when half price 2days b4 used by.
      Beef is cheaper for me to get than kangaroo.

  • +3

    Honestly, its a bloody cat. You don't even have to feed them, they are pretty self sufficient. Added bonus, less rats, possums, birds and goldfish.

    • This. Idiots get so bloody precious about their animals…

      • +4

        Seriously. I once fed by dog an old paper tram ticket. He loved it.

      • I know right! Same with children.

  • Give my 2 cats a eaw chicken wing to chew on once a fortnight just, good for them to chew on the bones to cleam their teeth.

    Then for kibble it TD from the vets, lasts long and cats love it.
    For wet food its the like of fancy feast or raw meat few timss a week.

    • with skin? I tried raw chicken neck, she doesn't know what to do with it… dragging it around n gave up.

      We've got a female ragdoll just over 1 yo.

      we put her on raw beef dice and royal canin intense beauty/fancy feast alternate with the dice twice a day.

      and royal canin dry food always available.

      Was told not to give mince and was told to give the chicken neck. (from the breeder that we bought from)

      • Yeah with the skin so its a bit of a challenge. The only problem is our Egyptian mau is small and does not like handling big foods so sometimes i sit there and feed her the meat by ripping it off then leave her the bones to chew on.
        If i dont do this lightning our other cat will bump her out of the way and take her food.

  • The reason it's not fit for human consumption is probably because it's full of offal and other internal organs which would be classified as unsafe for humans to eat that your cat won't have any issues digesting.

    Wish I could get our cat to eat fresh food - he's now 10 and only eats a couple of brands of store bought cat food (kitty crack), we've tried him on chicken wings, chicken necks, prawns and he won't touch any of them.

    He also chews on plastic bags…. Our cat is weird….

    • Ive always found it funny when people say their pets wont eat this or that … leave it out long enough and dont give them anything else and they always end up eating it after a few days

      • +1

        You'd be surprised. Cats can be stubborn and go beg the neighbours for food if they have outside access.

        Edit - If the neighbours feed the cat, you end up wondering why your cat iant eating or not eating certain type of food etc…..

  • My cats are on dry food diets completely. Propper stuff as recommended by vets and mixed occasionally with supermarket food. As long as they have plenty of water and its always accessible, it's never been a problem. (On a side note, this type of diet also makes the furballs that are thrown up a lot easier to clean!)

  • Has anyone tried this for cats? Black Hawk Holistic Feline Dry Chicken And Rice For Adult Cats

    Seems that everytime Blackhawk for dogs is on special, its goes quickly!

  • OP would you mind letting me know what butcher this was at? Would love to pick up a bag for my dogs to try. Thanks! :)

    • Roselands. The butcher next to Coles.

  • Awesome, thanks!!!

  • Neither my cat or dogs will touch any of the butchers mixes ive bought. They are always the fatty offcut stuff and ive actually found garlic and onions in them before which are on the no feed list for pets.
    Cat adored chicken livers though and they work out cheaper than most petfood. Choked and died on a chicken heart last week though at 20 years old. Was a bit of karma for the mouse she caught and ate the week b4 I think.

    • I laughed. I hope you aren't serious though. Mine loves chichen heart but I cut it in half as it can be slippery to grab from yhe bowl.

      A recent "pet mix" i got from the butcher smelled like spice and had some weird stuff in it. I chucked it. If i won't eat it, i won't feed it.

      • Nope true, they were cut into quarters (maybe that's why she choked), she didn't want to go though and looked a bit outraged but it was quick.
        She was at least 20yo, has had 3 legs since got caught in a flywheel at 6 months old.
        Was eating more than my 12kg dog but only weighed about 250g. Recently started catching mice at 2am and then screaming like crazy to demand whole household come and see the proof of her dominance then witness their heads being removed. (I'm an advocate for mouse rights :-) so wasn't happy but nature is nature).
        For about 5 years she already looked like she was dead, like that flat roadkill that's been there a while and already dried out. Truly acted and looked like a cat version of a hungry zombie from walking dead. It was a while before I was convinced she wasn't going to just wake up and start screaming for food again.

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