OzBargain is not in Beta anymore!

Woke up this morning, opened Ozbargain.. and whoa? Did I got the wrong URL?
Apparently not. Love the new theme Scott! :)

My small feedback is to add a bit more colored columns or some sort to make it more attracting. But I enjoy the new fresh look on this site! Well done.


  • Thanks John!

    I was thinking of making the right column of a different background. However as my webmastery skill is not that l33t, I found making a none-white background actually broke a few things especially when you have images that do not have transparency.

    My goal is making a fresh/simpler look and I'll be working on new features later this month.

  • Surprise Surprise !!

    Just logged in this afternoon to find this new face of OZBARGAIN.

    Looks nice. As John mentioned, a bit more colour will add more appeal to the site.



  • I like the colour scheme as it is. Plain and simple is the way to go. Just look how popular facebook is - it hasn't got the best design but it's so easy to use. Awesome job Scott.

  • Looks good :)

  • I tried opening this in my mobile Internet explorer too and it looks much neater compared to the previous layout. Well, actually the previous layout looked messed up in my mobile. This makes things easy when I'm on the move. :)

  • I'm loving the new look. Keep up the good work Scotty!

  • I love the new look - clean, faster & fresher! Keep up the good work Scotty!

    Interesting to see how much OzBargain have changed & grown - Internet Archive

    • Oh yeah. My personal favourite is the very first version at the beginning of November 2006.

      • You got me there Scotty!

        I clicked the link expecting to see some cool design of OzBargain with retro colors and 17" Monitor bargain posted in front page.. Fooled! :)

  • add my congrats for the new baby - looks great!!

  • Love the new set up! Just a note, of late when I just want to have a quick look as a guest rather than logging in I can't get past page 1, but when I do log in I am able to view all pages. Is this intentional?

    • No. It is a bug of bad caching. I'll get that fixed today.

      • Should be fixed now. Finger crossed.

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