Anyone used these guys before?
I've found some cheap flights on this sight and was wondering if they're safe to use as I've never heard of them before.
Trance N Dance on 29/06/2010 - 17:55
Last edited 29/06/2010 - 17:55
Last edited 29/06/2010 - 17:55
Oh ok, thanks for that. Put my mind to ease.
Went ahead and bought the tickets.
Bestflights (Lili) gave us fantastic service in November last year - return flights from Melbourne to Singapore on Emirates + 10 nights accommodation in an east coast hotel. $1,400 total - for 2 people! Highly recommended.
Yep, big travel agent. Booked with them once for a trip to the US (around 2005?), paid via bank deposit, no problems at all.
They've posted a bunch on here,