DIY Dog Clippers

I have a miniature shznauzer I like to clip myself, nothing fancy just easy short back and sides. Used to pay a professional $80. Started with Andis PM-1 that worked ok until I had the blades sharpened then never worked as well. Tried using a cheap clipper from Aldi for a couple of years and they worked ok. Looking to move to to something descent and have a lot of internet people recommend Andis ProClip AGC2. Cheapest I can find these for is $170. Anyones opinion appreciated. Gt


  • I just bought the Aldi $40 clippers and they have been great on my long haired Golden Retriever. But her hair is pretty fine.

  • I was thinking that same model after reading the reviews. We got a cheap andis clipper (was around $80) cant remember the exact model, and it does the job. If i had seen that one for $170 i would have bought that instead but we mainly wanted to see if we could do it first so bought a cheap one (plus it was the same cost as getting him groomed)

    This one does heat up quite abit so need to watch that, although i read the proclip agc2 is much better with this

    We also have a mini schnauzer so if you do end up buying that model id like to hear how it goes.

  • I bought the kmart dog professional dog clippers for $50 and work great. I have 2 dogs, Lhaso appso and chihuahua x

  • Ordered the Andis ProClip AGC2 from an eBay seller, paid 174.The online store that had them for $170 put the price up to $189. Will report back after I give them a go this weekend. Hopefully they last awhile.

  • Well the clippers work well, they are a bit noisy on high speed and get warm to hot. They are good and recommend them. Can't believe I put up with the old clippers so long.

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