Driving in Japan

Hi All,

Sorry, it's another going to Japan post.

I'm going to Japan next year, I've been many times before but not done much travelling in Japan.

Our plan is to hire a campervan for 5-7 days but not sure where we want to go yet. I'll be starting in Chiba and want to go to Kyoto and Osaka. Does anyone have any other places that they would recommend to go?

I'll be travelling with 3 kids, 9, 6 and 4 so driving will be limited to a few hours per day probably so can't go everywhere.

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi, I lived in Ichikawa city (chiba) for 18 months. and then Sendai City in the north for 2.5 years.

    from Chiba take the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line to Kawasaki. there is a cool artificial island half way. after you exit the tunnel then head south to kamakura (former capital of japan). then head north west to Hakone -which is the largest town to Mt Fuji. head up to the 5th station and have a look around. drive around Mt Fuji and check out Aokigahara (the suicide forest) - I drove around it at night and it was scary as hell. you could go to Fuji Highlands while you are there. I didn't get any further than Hakone (in a car).

    driving on normal roads can pretty hectic in Japan (windy, short, traffic, etc) . toll roads are the way to go if you are limited in time.

    however, if you're driving for 5-7 days then that is a perfect amount of time to drive on regular roads. if you are happy to wander.

    it sounds awesome what you are doing and I'm envious.

    in all honesty, you're going to Japan. I truly believe that every thing is pretty unique there and you could go any where and be amazed/experience Japan. I advise to not over think it and just head east and meander.

    I'm heading back to Japan in June with my 3 kids and this time going to Osaka/Kyoto. we did Tokyo & Sendai last June.

    • Thanks for the advice, mt fuji and fuji q highlands is one of the few places ive been to already, along with Okinawa and karuizawa.

      My wife's family lives in chiba so we usually just stay with them and go to tokyo on days out. I love tokyo but i need to see other places.

      Others have said go to hakone so i think ill have to.

      Edit-don't think i could get my wife to go to aokigahara!

      • +1

        have a drive around chiba for a few days. Katsuura and Kamogawa are nice. driving through Chiba rice paddies is pretty cool. I was friends with a columbian pimp and I remember one night driving randomly with INXS playing loudly (he was a mad INXS fan) whilst drinking beers. ended up in a south american disco in someplace. ended up having pancakes at Dennys at 7am.

        I know what you mean about not getting out to see other places. I lived in Japan for 4 years and I only went to Osaka for 2 hours (to catch a boat to Shanghai) and never went to Kyoto.

  • +1

    If you need an instructional video on how people drive in Japan, just watch InitialD

    • I had to Google that, don't think I'll be driving like that in a camper van!

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