This was posted 8 years 3 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

EB Games - 4 Pre-Owned Games for $15 (+Postage)


4 pre-owned games for $15. The best ebgames deal I have ever seen.

My Wii Picks:
little kings story
guilty gear accent core
sam and max
minion: everyday hero
mpossible mission
puzzle quest
death jr
dewy's adventure
puzzle quest

I only collect Nintendo Wii games. These are the best prices on almost all of them, that I have ever seen.
Sorry I can't help for the other systems.

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +4

    Can recommend little kings story at that price.

    • +8

      I'd recommended hacking your Wii. Preowned game purchases won't do anything to help the original developers anyway at this point.

      • Couldn't agree more.
        Had to do a double take on this deal because I couldn't believe anyone would still be buying the original Wii games still.

        The console is so far beyond obsolete it's crazy to be buying games for it still.
        Takes about 30 minutes to hack the thing.

        • Can you recommend any that work well?

          Unless it's against OzB ToS..

        • Can you hack the new models? When we bought ours a few years ago we weren't successful

        • I'm fully on board with hacking Wiis, but there's also something to be said for owning physical media. If I didn't already have Little King's Story, I'd definitely grab it in this deal. Sure, it does nothing for the developers, but it's one of my favourite Wii games and I just like having it on my shelf.

        • - at a glance, it seems to cover the parts that I can remember doing a few years ago.

      • +5

        I disagree. The high prices for games are often justified by the resale value that exists in them. If the resale value is removed due to everyone pirating games, then the initial value also drops. CD Keys are a great example of what happpens to the price of goods when you take away the second hand market.

        • +1

          We're 10 years past resale value. The only thing reselling Wii games is benefiting right now is EB.

        • +1


          And the resale value of games in 10 years times allows some current games to be sold for $99. Like any other market, if a resold product had no value, the price of new items would drastically plummet. It's not relevant to all games, because many games are designed for online play, and online servers (these days) are expected to die out within 24 months due to hosting being shut down.

          However; when you look at something like an obscure Atlus RPG with a low print run, they are able to charge such high amounts and always guarantee to break even/profit because those games are going to be worth something in 15 years time. In this instance, the resale value is actually keeping the new market alive.

  • +9

    Just a public reminder - that you have a slimmer chance of getting an original case copy than winning the lotto when it comes to preowned.

    • +9

      I think I've ordered around 15 pre-owned games from eb in the last 3 months to fill out some gaps in the wii collection. Only one game has come without a manual, and I took it back to a store for that game. All others have been complete.

      Maybe it's time to start playing the lotto.

  • +3

    great deal however after what's happened at the last ebgames promo (where so many items purchased were refunded regardless of postage paid), I don't even want to look to entice myself.

    Note: I did look, and it's mostly 360, ps3, 3ds games.. only game I would like to buy is prof layton miracle mask however I already have that one ^_^

    • Not enough qty on last few promo, just take order than reject next day. Last order like 10 games end up got 2 games in stock and paid for postage, which seems not a bargain to me.

  • Well isn't that mighty peculiar, shipping costs almost triple when I add the 4th game.

    • What do your price go up to? Mine was $9. I suspect any jumps will be due to a fourth gaming pushing the weight of the package above 500 grams.

      • Wish I could select no case or manual then buy a game case for cheap shipping lol. Was $19 for my 26 items…

        • good luck actually receiving them.
          bet most arent in stock

      • I think you're right, was $5 for 3 then jumped to $13 for the 4th for all xbox games. Tested with a light 4th item (memory card) and stayed $5.

        • That 4 gig ps vita memory card for $3.75? Crazy.

    • Definitely interesting to note, a few weeks ago I bought like 4 games and 2 magazines and a little figurine from eb games and shipping cost me about 9ish dollars, now I buy only 4 games and shipping is $17.64. Definitely very sus to me.

  • Little Kings Story is a big yes from me - great game

  • +2

    be careful with their dodgu inventory system.
    if its low stock it probably means zero stock.
    a few weeks after you order u might get one item but be charged full postage for the 9 they were out of stock

  • Max Payne 3 is a bargain- one of the greatest games I've ever played. Story-line is second to none.

    • -1

      Morowind. Maxpayne 1 or 2. Stalker series. Ac black flag (the ship sailing). Ect ect ect lots of games offer equal or better dependant on what you want.

  • +4

    not sure if u wanna buy from ebgame.. i bought 9 "brand new" games as advertised, came in postage, in crappy condition.. dare not imagine how would a "used" copy look like

    • Yeah, the "new" games from the last EB sale looked like very old ex-display copies.

  • When you consider that all of the items will probably be shipped separately, postage is actually pretty reasonable, they definitely have a deal with their courier/Auspost.

    For me I had 12 items for $10.31 shipping.

  • Thanks op got 4 3ds games for stocking fillers.

  • +2

    If they can only find 2 will they send those and charge you full shipping and THEN tell you they cant find the others? You know, like what happened last week?

  • Just got Henry Hatsworth as part of it. Been after that game for a good while.

  • Is this in store too?

    • Rang up my local store, they said they will have instore but won't be for a bit as some stores need to clarify the deal.

  • Sold my Wii but I've got a Virtual Wii on my Wii U, only own one game for the Wii and it's LEGO Batman.

    Recommend owning just one these Wii games:
    LEGO Batman
    LEGO Indiana Jones
    LEGO Star Wars
    Super Smash Bros. Brawl
    Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
    Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s Wheelie Breakers

    • Oh man Tales of Symphonia… Most Tales titles are just awesome.

  • Band hero with controller for 360 is pretty good -…

    • Shipping is $30. Good deal if you can find instore though.


    Great collectible for when The Failing New York Times closes it's doors forever.

  • +1

    I hate to be a party pooper - but anything good in stock you order will be cancelled a few days after you order, and anything that does get through will be disc/cart only. I've had some truly awful experiences with EB's online ordering. That being said, if you do want to risk it they are really good on refunds and returns.

    • Poop away, I have had almost no issues in the past and will continue to use them. I just take them into the store if they lack cover/manual.

      • I think that's cause you are hunting Wii games… which I expect would be not as popular as current gen games and thus arguably better chance of order being fulfilled…

  • +1

    Shipping really kills the deal, 2 PS4 games and 2 3DS games cost $15, doubling the cost. But when the dsal reachss in store, I think this would be a great deal depending on stock

  • I'm totally over EB.

    4 different orders over period of last few years or so - each one has ended up with an "opps something's gone wrong" email.
    The last straw was an order from today for this deal, pickup at Moonee Ponds "for today". ALL 4 GAMES are "missing", order cancelled.
    SERIOUSLY, their online ordering is disgraceful!! How do they keep customers?!?

    I also emailed their customer service for my 3rd cancelled order asking if they could substitute the "missing" game with a pre-owned (which again, was showing as in stock), but NO RESPONSE.

    Sick of this crap service!!

    • Yeah I've placed 8 orders for pickup in store since these deals started and only one was in stock.
      Online I've placed two orders about 16 items total and each order only one was in stock, so I had to pay shipping in full+the single item price which is crap. Hoping this time they have actually fixed their stock system.

      • +1

        Hope it works out for you this time, you've had a tough run!

  • Can't figure out how to limit it to just XB1 games…

  • link is dead..

    • -1

      Good for you, because it's now the second best sale I have ever seen. Go to main page. Im not posting in main because it's too good to share.

      • +3

        Oh I get it,
        those games are $4 each, which bring it to $16,
        I thought it was a $15 for any 4 preowned games, that would be a killer deal

        • It was 4 for 15 earlier on selected games … they have done a different and better sale now.

  • +1

    Removed my + for this deal. Refunded on 4 of 6 games.

  • refunded 5 out of 7 of my purchase. STUPID EBGAME. THTS IT. WONT BUY ANY SHIT FROM THEM ANYMORE ! Is OZ consumer protection agency such a failure? why do these scammer allowed to run this type of shady business ?

    Now I paid 9$ to have two "brand new" $1 game delivered ? seriously?? anyone has any sucess to ask for refund of their shipping fee ?

  • Yeah I had a few cancelled, but they still charge the full shipping costs? Is this some sort of scam?

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