Recommended Online Book/Comic Store?

Hi guys

What would be some great online book shops to order from that are fairly cheap and reliable?
I've come across a few such as:

  • Angus & Robertson Bookworld (Didn't this use to be a franchise?)
  • Fishpond
  • Booktopia and so forth.

Although with each respective options listed above, there seems to be buyers that have voiced concerns with order fulfilment and/or questions of counterfeit products?

What would you guys recommend & how was your experiences using the store?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


  • +1

    I have found QVB and Booktopia reliable locally, and Amazon, the Book Depository, Wordery, Better World and Abe Books useful internationally. Also Powell's and some specialist technical publishers directly.
    All well and good, but this next link will blow you away if it is new to you:

    It is an Australian site that automatically compares book and DVD prices across the globe, including shipping, so you can comparison price in a matter of seconds.

  • I've found Booktopia to be very reliable.

    Keep in mind that Fishpond represents a number of different sellers. Some, but not all, of the items on Fishpond ship from overseas, so read the page descriptions carefully if you are in a hurry to receive an item.

    For Comic books, you might want to try a specialist store such as Minotaur

  • +1

    I have been a long time customer of a comic book store in Brisbane called Comics Etc. Really good website, easy to use. Never ever had an issue. They offer Australia wide shipping for a flat rate of 6 or 7 dollars or offer free pickup. I don't live in Brisbane and maybe visit twice a year, yet they'll hold onto your purchase for as long as you need.

    • Cannot say enough nice things about Comics etc. They're really your best bet.

      Although I've got to say, electronic comics from Comixology, Marvel etc are great. If you particularly like Marvel, I'd suggest subscribing to Marvel Unlimited. You get access to all of the comics in the Marvel back catalogue from 1960s-6 months ago. So, new comics are added constantly, but you're six months behind.

  • When I read physical comics (I've gone completely digital now and only buy when they're on sale) I just bought from Amazon. Pre-ordered what I wanted and they got sent when they were released. Usually relatively cheap (book depository would sometimes be cheaper) but convenient.

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