This is a 24 hr deal.
VPN required to signup to Hulu
- Sign up or login to SwagBucks
- Click on The Hulu Offer link
- You will be credited with 1300 Swagbucks Points (worth $13) within 48 hrs (I got mine immediatly)
This is a 24 hr deal.
VPN required to signup to Hulu
Referrer gets 10% SB for all referrals for life + bonus 300SB when the referee reaches 300 points.
sign up
cant sign up to Hulu without VPN. EDIT: you can, but still need VPN to use and a US payment method to complete sign up.
amex worked for me
paypal didnt work for me :(
PayPal, American express issued AMEX and Mastercard from Coles, bankwest and commonwealth bank didn't work for me.
sorted used amex .. got points straight away .. cancelled hulu tx
Amex didnt work for me. Tried both regular and express payment options. Seems unobtainable. What process are people following exactly / who issued your card?
Did you try 90210 as your zipcode? CBA Amex worked for me..Points in my account and Hulu cancelled..Thanks easternculture! Could be mistaken but it looks like you can access $5 & $10 Amazon GCs straight away…go to 'All Awards' to redeem..
Yes, that's exactly the postcode that I tried.
So can you redeem that $13 into Amazon GC immediately, or is there a higher minimum amount?
I just applied and only got 200SB points. Looks like the deal has expired
Same here 😩
I can only get 200 points??
Offer page is now showing only 200 points offered. Expired maybe?
Did you actually have to sign up for the Hulu trial or just click on the link?