Hey all,
I’ve seen a lot about credit cards and their deals on OzBargain during the past few months I’ve been visiting the website. But I’m not really sure on the basics and how they’re best used. I’m wanting to get one so I can maximise the daily interest I can gain in my savings account and a bit of practice for when I settle my off the plan home next year.
From what I understand, you spend on your credit card when possible to keep more money in your savings account, then pay it off at the end of the month, am I correct? But I’ve seen that a lot of places, if not all? charge for the use of the credit card. It seems like the charges would negate any extra savings made?
Or do I have it wrong?
Thanks in advance to anybody who can help!
Yes you get some interest by keeping the money in a savings account, but credit cards are about the rewards, in general 1 some sort of point per 1$, works out to be roughly 1% return.
I would recommend set up direct debit to pay off the balance, you get the maximum time out of the money in savings account.
ANZ cards (free first year, massive bonus) are the best for first timers.