Freebies: Free Key Finder+Free Shiping to your home.
Limited Stock.
Original Price: $ 6.90New Price: $ 0
Freebies: Free Key Finder+Free Shiping to your home.
Limited Stock.
Original Price: $ 6.90New Price: $ 0
You forgot to add incredibly annoying. I got mine today it goes off all the time. Still good for a freebie.
Finally I am quick enough to get one of these freebies, I keep missing them by just minutes. Good freebie thanks!
Thanks ordered one! :)
:( no +vote?
Was getting there :P Had to let my sister know n_n
I already told her. ;)
Lol, cute…
woohoo freebie!!! I luv them
its ironic how ozstock is the sponsor of this website. yet they dont post their own 'bargains' or 'freebies'
oh right, I am still keeping this.
woot freebie
Thanks OP, ordered :)
Thanks :D
Not ordering one but good deal!
P.S. Love they old school key bottle-opener, I have one!
I thought you could clap too?
Why vote negative !!!!!
You mad?
I can't whistle either, so leaving this open to others, still a plus vote from me though, nothing wrong with free stuff
can we kick morons?
why neg a freebie??????
yes why indeed
Because some people don't think before they speak.
not a reason for a neg vote, here you go, take a day to read the rules
Very slow website, must be hammered by cheap skates like us :)
It's free, nothing can go wrong mate.
Yay free stuff.
got one thanks
cant click the link :S
website is down as of 8:45!!!…sorry :S
now its just pretty slow… just be patient :)
Thanks I ordered one.
Very slow but eventually ordered one. Give it a + now, it's free anyway.
very slow…..cnt click the link:(
thanks… ordered one! :))
Got one after many refreshes!
cnt order…
dont think im gonna get one, too slow
got one
But I cant whistle :\
im pretty sure you can clap ;)…
site is slow… got one thanks
finally got 1 too.. after tons of refreshing..
site is dead :/
Just keep refreshing.
Phew…got one…resting my mouse clicking finger
3999943535315 refreshes and I got one…
zomg can't load the page after clicking like a gazillion times. GUYS STOP CLICKING AND FLOODING IT AND LEMME HAVE ONE! :P
I have one of these things. Had to remove it from my bag. Goes off when radio is on, when people sneeze, laugh, or make sound otherwise. To get it to go off by whistling is hard, though :)
Use firefox
Cool freebie. Just ordered one.
Ozstock server is now under maintance. This freebie will be back sometime later. Thank you for your interest. one.
website is so slow… but finally got one. Thanks
got one eventually! thanks!
as my pappy used to say, 'as fast as molasses running upstairs'!
yea i ordered one, havent actually got one yet :P, lets hope it arrives soon.Now i just gota learn how to whistle lol.
Haha… It took a while, and I kept having to reload the pages… But I got there. Freebie's a freebie.
sold out
sold out by the time I got to the last page
yeah.. when I get to the final page it said it's sold out… the page also seemed to say it's sold out as well.
sold out? perhaps Ozstock can make more available because the website was down for a while just now?
damn.. just when i made it to the last page.. :/
dammit if only the site worked properly… was just trying to order for the past hour and now its sold out.. ffs
Firefox could load it when IE could not for some reason.
good bargain !
but i missed out. ozstock send me one please
This is a rip-off, I can get these cheaper on eBay!!!
I love how people appreciate sarcasm.
True that
i tried IE and Safari but they kept dropping pages, Opera was successful though
@jared444, what for free?? doubt it very much
Oh shoot. =(
I wanted one so I can add it to my flash keyring.
Then my keyring will be indestructible! >=D
This is so 80s! Yea, I remember people buying them as souvenirs back in the 80s.
Probably not recommended for spook on a mission. It won't be much fun when this thing suddenly start beeping.
yeah me too could not get the damn last page to load until it was all sold out. Btw just wondering will it go off if you let one rip pffffffffffttttttttt lol
sweet ordered 100 of them, will be re-selling on OzB for $4.99 each, $6.95 shipping if anyone wants, fast delivery.
ooooh fast delivery
Lol nice :)
these are ridiculously annoying; my dad bought one and it went off every 5 minutes from ANY sound, not just high pitched whistles. I ended up smashing it with a hammer :) ——- But seriously, its still a freebie
So if you're carrying your key in a bus and someone whistle. It goes off.. that would be annoying indeed.
But it's free. Tag it on your pet maybe haha
You are kidding, yeh?
omg!…never get these in time
too late :(
haha still did get those headphones from last month though
they had headphones as freebie? :O
Just got mine, amazingly quick delivery. well done ozstock
Anyone who missed out, don't stress… I had one of these and it was the most annoying and useless gadget ever. It beeped whenever it received a slight knock, which meant I'd be driving and it would be constantly beeping. I ended up getting so annoyed with it I threw it out of my car window.
Just as long as it wasn't a ciggie you chucked out :)
Lucky yours beeped at all :) i attached mine to the neighbours cat's collar and he seems to love it especially the beeping part lol
I got mine nice and quick but it was damaged on the way here so you have to push the middle really hard to make it work lol
I also did not get the spare free batteries in mine :P
At Least it was free :D
LOL. Oh dear it beeps when I talk, and it's not like a have a lisp or something!
I don't sound like a whistle!
The light stays on forever on mine and it doesn't beep at all haha!
Mine still hasn't arrived and I was one of the first to order after it was put up…
Oh yeah. I received a couple of things at once so I forgot to comment on this.
Received mine about a week ago. Came with 2 batteries but I haven't the time to try it yet.
Can't even remember how it was packed…
These are really crap and break easily, good freebie though :)