I'm looking for a new older 15" Macbook Pro with 512GB, ie the one with the Force Touch trackpad and all the normal ports (SD card, USB, Thunderbolt).
Are there any left around?
I'm looking for a new older 15" Macbook Pro with 512GB, ie the one with the Force Touch trackpad and all the normal ports (SD card, USB, Thunderbolt).
Are there any left around?
Have you considered refurbs? Apple's refurbs have the same warranty as the fully priced models and are virtually indistinguishable (in my experience). There's huge savings to be made:
Apple warranty for new products is actually 2 years according to Australian Consumer Law.
So is it for refurbs!
Source: own a refurb myself.
This is the cheapest one I could find http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NEW-APPLE-MACBOOK-PRO-15-RETINA-2…
Next best is $3500 at officeworks http://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/macbook-pro…
That ebay one from DWI does not include import duties, so be careful!
You can still buy a new 2015 Macbook pro from the Apple site or you can get a refurb one.
It uses slow ass graphics and an old processor. Are you sure you want one?
I hope I'm comparing like for like in this example.
Apple refurb $1689
JBHIFI new $1998
So a $300 premium for buying new. Might be even less (approx $100) if purchased during JBs 10% off sales. Assuming there is no price jacking when the said sales are on.
This isn't what the OP was after, just wanted to see what the difference was between refurb v brand new.
For those that have purchased a refurb, what difference did you see compared to a brand new one? Did you go to a reseller for refurbed machines?
I've bought probably half a dozen or so refurbs over the years from Apple's web store. The only difference is the model number as far as I can tell. JB's new one is a MF839X/A where as the refurbished model number is FF839X/A. That's worth knowing as you can get Apple's website to reveal pricing on out of stock refurbished models by changing the appropriate part of the URL.
I'd never buy an Apple refurbished product from anyone other than Apple to avoid warranty ambiguities and stock that has been "refurbished" by a party other than Apple.
Cool mate. Thanks.
How much cheaper were the refurbs, compared to brand new, when you bought them?
I think it has always been around the 15% mark. If you're thinking of waiting for 2016 MBPs to show up, it could be a while. I don't think the 2016 MacBook has made the Au refurb store at all yet. Also Refurb Tracker and RefurbMe can be handy for monitoring the store.
Hoping that JB and some other stores will run a similar clearance to the Good Guys, I wouldn't mind getting a cheap one too.