This was posted 8 years 3 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Amy Schumer, Brisbane Entertainment Centre Wed 14 Dec. Gold Tix $48 (Was up to $152) Also Perth Arena Sat 10 Dec


Don't miss the immeasurable, unstoppable comedic force of Amy Schumer live in her first Australian arena, stand-up tour.

Amy Schumer’s resume overflows with an embarrassment of outstanding achievements, excelling as an award-winning stand-up comedian, actress, writer, producer and director.

Writer and star of Inside Amy Schumer, Golden Globe nominated motion picture Trainwreck and several hugely successful, dedicated TV specials, as a stand-up comedian Schumer continues to tour sold-out shows around the world.

Schumer has performed only one Australian show previously – these December performances are not to be missed.

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closed Comments

  • +18

    Girls rule.. Women are funny, get over it

    • +3


      • +15

        Yee I member!

    • +11

      Man, every time Amy Schumer talks about her vagina I seriously lose my shit!

      • -1

        Is it a fanny vagina?

    • +9

      Girls rule.. Women are funny, get over it

      Exhibit a: Ghostbusters 2016

    • +2

      Is she still doing Patrice O'Neal's jokes?

  • +43

    Lol you'd have to pay me to see her.

    • +2

      I was on a university computer and logged in just to +ve vote this comment haha

  • +12

    $10 says she won't get near to filling those venues, and has to downsize dramatically.

  • Nice discount.

  • +22


    trainwreck was an appropriate title for that movie

    • +2

      I don't' think I laughed once during that movie :/

    • She is bit overrated …..

  • Anyone know of discounted tickets for her Melbourne show?

  • +28

    I'm not going to see Miss Piggy unless she brings the rest of the Muppets.

    • +4

      I just legit lost it. Can I pay to see you do stand-up instead?

  • +19

    Does she give a percentage of her fees to the comedians she steals her jokes from?

  • +12

    What to expect:

    • (insert joke about vagina here)
    • laugh hysterically and applaud
    • repeat
    • +6

      Interlaced with much swearing, because that's hip

  • +3

    I find her very UNFUNNY and I'm all for girl power, feminism, whatever. She's just not funny imo. Anyway each to their own.

    • Yeah exactly. I think I mainly use netflix here for standups, and have watched quite a few female commedians. Some I thought were just great (and one really pleasantly surprised me as I had a bad preconception of the artist from social media), some of the others I wasn't that keen on. But it was more their subject material, as opposed to their gender. Just like with the male comedians I've watched. There was actually one by a comedian I really like that I couldn't finish due to the subject material - not offensive, but the story was too distressing, even though they were presenting it in a very funny matter. I was just empathising too much.

      So it's more on their material.

  • -3

    Seems like some are upset by the truth about intelligence & comedy…

    • +5

      Go on.. I am listening.. to hear the truth about intelligence & comedy

      • +3

        Looks like someone's self-designated as a wise old sage, and if we don't listen to him……it's to our peril.

      • IQ & education is correlated with left wing voting…..ouch!

  • +7

    Might go, where can I buy a Trump mask?

  • +6

    I wonder if she is over here scouting for a place to live, given her promise to leave the US if Trump was elected. LOL!

    • +1

      I'd better go in a Trump shirt and scream his name loudly during her show to make her change her mind ;)

      • -5

        Trump supporters would struggle to string more than two words together…no?

        • +1

          And this is why he won - assuming that everyone who lives outside of cities is an illiterate hick…

        • -1

          @Sir Casm: nah, the tv interviews of Trump supporters confirmed their illiteracy. So, to be on topic, comedy in & of itself….

        • +1


          There was a lot to laugh about - I laughed all the way to the bank thanks to a nice windfall.

        • @Sir Casm: I get 4 years worth of ongoing laughs - Conservative presidents are inevitable cannon fodder for comedians

        • +2


          "Comedians" like hambeast Schumer or John Oliver perhaps. Whatever floats your boat!

        • @Sir Casm: Bill Maher, Jim Jefferies, Chris Rock, etc. etc, etc How much time have you got? I reckon I could keep listing them for the next 4 years…..

  • +3

    She plays a slut but gets offended when someone calls her one.

    • +4

      She's American. Just like sarcasm, they haven't quite figured out hypocrisy yet.

      • +3

        more like irony

        • +1

          Baby steps.

        • LOL, they definitely miss irony. The only thing that would have made that Red Dawn remake more ironic would be if instead of Korea invading, they had made it Iraq invading.

        • @Mobe1969:

          Problem is that when you're that self absorbed, over-entitled and lack self awareness you tend to miss a lot. That's not just the US, many Aussies are the same these days.

  • +2

    Amy Schumer rejected Bernie Sanders during the Primaries and voted for Hillary.
    One of the most annoying celebs in the USA and what a dumb bitch.

  • +2

    When's this obese blowhard going to make good on the promise to leave the USA now that The Don has won?

    Good to see Based Shrkeli has called her and the equally repugnant Lena Dunham out & offered to deport them via private plane.

  • +3

    Aaaaaaand the tour's cancelled. What. A. Shock. Where will we get our recycled "humour" from now??

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