I was about to order a roll of headlight tint for $8 on ebay and thought of getting suggestions from ozbargainers in prior.
Thank you
Are Tinted Headlights/Taillights Legal in Australia/Victoria ??

Why would you want to do this? Aesthetic reasons? Why would you want to give your lights less functionality?
Because they are the Green Hornet.
I thought Most would prefer brighter headlights.
Nope, not legal, also - kinda douchey.
Have you already chucked a cannon exhaust on it? You want people to be able to hear your P-plates before they see them.
They are not legal and more importantly unless you have an HDT VK Calais Director you're going to look like a douche.
Even if you have a HDT VK Calais Director you can't legally drive it with the tinted covers on.
I've never seen tinted headlights or taillights that actually look good.
They always look cheap, tacky and nasty.No matter what your mates say, it doesn't add any more kw
+25KW per rear light and +35KW per front light.
The cops will never be able to catch you…Not legal and can affect your insurance and liability for accidents.
rather then tint the lens, why not look for other head lights that have a black insert around the lamps which give the darker look inside and dosent effect the light output, rather then the tinted lens. might be more costly, but legal
Short answer, no.
Long answer, noooooooooooo.