Best Way or Place to Look for a Job ? on Centrelink Newstart at The Moment

Yeah I suck at looking for jobs my last job hunt was comprised of numerous department stores supermarkets clothes retail shops electronic retail shops and some general labour work basically want highschool graduate only jobs available

Even went to Gumtree and air tasker for hope but no luck

I usually use the usual seek my career career one etc

Starting to give up feel helpless

Oz bargain what else can I do?

All advice and help is very much appreciated


  • go back to school

    • What fields are still good today and will be for the future?

      I am honestly really open to any suggestions indecisiveness is one of my biggest weak points but I can commit to anything if I see reason or value in it most especially if it has a good long term

      • Invest in yourself. Find a course that you like and work from there. Don't do basket weaving though, try find something that can lead to real work.

      • What fields are still good today and will be for the future

        Wouldn't really help you if you have no interest in that area you're just not that type of person eg. Doing statistics or physics when you hate and struggle with basic maths.

        Find what your strengths, weakness and interest are first. Otherwise you'll just keep failing, while carrying the extra debt.

  • The best way to find a job is to get a recommendation from a friend who already works for an organization. Ask your friends to keep an eye out for jobs coming up and see if they will speak on your behalf; however, if you do get the job make sure you deliver as their neck is on the line as well. It has been a while since I had to cold call a job, most of my transitions have been contacts I already have. You need to sit down and work out your strengths and weaknesses and research whatever job you want to do. Keep the CV concise and make sure the cover letter indicates what you have that is relevant for the job and, if you do get an interview, show yourself as confident and ready to deliver. Find out what they are currently working on and offer suggestions. If you didn't finish high school you really should go back and finish it; there are plenty of adult study classes now - but get a reputable one. Best of Luck.

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