I had a raincheck on huggies nappies that I tried to use today. The raincheck specified the size as 108 pack (i.e. newborn) and quantity of 2. I was going to buy one pack of newborn and one pack of infant as my daughter is soon to outgrow the newborn size. I was told by staff that as my raincheck specified a quantity of two, the 108 pack size and they had stock available that I must purchase two packs of 108 otherwise forfeit the raincheck. I could not just purchase one pack of 108. This is the first time I've been told this and I find it a bit ridiculous. Sometimes I ask for the maximum quantity on the raincheck and just buy one or two when I redeem it. Can someone confirm that the policy of redeeming the quantity specified (and no less than this) is correct?
Coles rainchecks - must purchase quantity specified?

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Just go to different coles or You can always buy 2 of the newborn and exchange it with the bigger one later.
Did exchange twice at woolworth because my son outgrown it.
Well it depends on who served you :)
Thanks for the replies. Our local Coles doesn't sell the newborn size of the jumbo packs so we went out of our way to get these and the raincheck expires today. I thought about getting two packs of newborns but couldn't be bothered knowing I would have to exchange one later. I spoke to the manager to check and he confirmed that it was their policy and would not budge! Luckily the boxes were on special today so it only worked out to be a dollar more than the raincheck so we bought them anyway.
Call head office
I wrote to customer service and received the response below. Coles I went to was at Broadway NSW… Should have gone elsewhere!
Our rain checks are issued with the understanding that they will be redeemed in one transaction, as long as the store has the available stock to honour the full amount of the rain check.
This being said, at the discretion of the Store Manager, our stores are able to offer part redemption of our rain checks. While this is not our Coles policy, we allow our stores to offer part redemption as a gesture of good will to assist our customers.
This means that while some stores may offer this on some occasions, they are not required to by our policy.
You can purchase same or less than that specified amount on the rain check docket. But you can't purchase more than that specified amount with the stated price.