Have used Mortein surface spray (https://www.woolworths.com.au/Shop/Search/Products?searchTer…), spray unit is always defective even in recent times.
Considering getting a Bifenthrin based product such as : https://www.bunnings.com.au/raid-2l-outdoor-diy-expert-surfa…
Any ideas on whether this is a good active ingredient and can target mosquitoes, termites, ants etc?
if not recommendations of other products would be appreciated. And no i don't need a professional exterminator, infestation is nowhere needing that.
I'm only after protection against intruders getting into the house.
With thanks.
Burn Citronella or use thermacell to deter mosquitoes when you are outside
Borax for Ants and termites (dump it on their mounds)
Is your house wood frame or brick or steel frame? wooden trusses?