eBay Discount from 10% to 20% in Four Days but I Bought at 10% Sad

I bought a new fridge f4om eBay at a 10% discount offer but four days later it is at 20%. I am unhappy because although the advertised price was higher later but after applying discount it is cheaper….. i called eBay and they coouldn't do much but i am not happy!

How would you feel?

Moreover, since i paid using paypal i cant claim 14 days Price change guarantee .

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  • +14

    I bought a $4000 TV and it was $3600 the next week.

    These things happen. No point losing sleep.

    • haha

  • +1

    I have a looong history of doing this. I bought a micro sd card for $56, next thing somebody post on ozbrgain at $48.

    Was this close to wanting to cancel the transaction but reminded myself it's only money :(

  • +7

    Nobody wins every time.. its the long term average you want to focus on

  • +5

    At least you still saved money, so many people pay rrp for stuff because they can't be bothered

  • +2

    At least you know you were saving some money. I moved to my new place few months ago and there was no ebay sale happening so I had to do my research and buy without promo. It happens. I know the things I bought could be cheaper but i couldnt wait any longer.

  • +4

    Just need to wait for a discount on time machines..

  • Buy another one and dollar cost average it out - your theoretical loss will only be half as bad. I bought a Dyson DC45 listed on Ozb only to see the V6 listed a couple of days later for roughly the same price - I had to buy again, I couldn't help myself - I hope mum will be happy with her DC45 for Xmas.

  • Who's the seller(s)? If they allow easy returns, buy another one and return it on the other receipt.

  • member five years ago when there were no ebay discounts….

    • +1

      I member!

  • I know they might differ but generally how do the credit card price difference guarantees work for stuff like this? If you buy something with a coupon/code and a better code comes out the next week will they give you back the price difference.

    I presume they would not as playing around with code prices would be hectic.

  • +15

    I spent $15,000 dollars on a lousy diploma that I never utilised, so I think you're faring a lot better than I.

  • +1

    Nice comments and kind word… i have moved on :)

  • I baught some shares once for $2.50 each
    After 18 months they were 1 cent
    Beat that

    • How many shares?

      • -1

        Made it up

        • +1


  • +1

    It just happens, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Sales start and stop all the time.

    It even plays in my mind as a seller, where with my website I might sell some posters one day and then have a sale starting the next day. I feel bad for the previous buyers, but it just happens.

  • i called eBay and they coouldn't do much but i am not happy

    What do you expect ebay to do? Force the seller to give you a partial refund? Have ebay give you money because you're having regrets? Whinge whinge.

  • I would suggest to use 28 degrees with price protection. Claimed a graphics card that dropped $80 bought at Futu online when they had the 20% off. I always use 28 degrees for purchases that are eligible for possibility cash claim backs

    • You use the shopper's protection insurance right?

      • Yep, and pay off amount prior statement coming out so the shoppers protection doesn't cost anything

        • Nice. Can I ask how many days do you normally settle the oustanding amount pior to the statement date?

        • @sky blu: my statement comes out on the 6th I leave 2 days for bpay to go through and I put a bit extra in to cover my purchases for the 2 days - now costs 0.95 for bpay payment but you can't overload using their own free payment system. So I only use the payment system when I know I don't really have any purchases upcoming. Don't buy groceries with the 28 degrees cause no need for protection on that

        • @kawinuyo: Informative. Thanks!

  • +10

    Step 1 - buy a fridge
    Step 2 - stop shopping for fridges.

    You forgot Step 2.

  • This happens to me quite often. We can't always win. That's how I accept the fact.

  • Typical oZb regret.

    If its a small stuff you can refund, but this time youre very unlucky :(

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