• expired

Sell Your House for $308.00 in Conveyancing Fees (Brisbane) @ Freeman Legal


Hola Ozbargaineros,

My name is Bronson Freeman and I have just started out my own legal practice in Brisbane (as of a few days ago) after 13-odd years as an employed solicitor and consultant. Its a crowded market out there and I'm under no illusions as to what people want - the best service and the best value for money.

Also, because this is effectively a cold start, I am offering extremely competitive fees on routine transactions (conveyancing and leases) to try and get some business going rather than simply spending the first couple of months marketing and not getting much in the way of work. It works for me and it works for you too.

As a bit of extra incentive, I am happy to reduce fees for Ozbargainers by another 20% from my stated fees for conveyancing http://freemanlegal.com.au/about/.

That works out to $308.00 including GST for a sale, plus whatever searches need to be conducted (normally only a title search needs to be done for a sale, if that). A couple of conditions:-

1) Because I am only just starting out, I probably don't want any more than forty files at once. So I may need to impose limits on this deal if I start to get that much interest.

2) This deal is open for the next two weeks.

3) To access the deal, you need to email me a copy of the contract, with instructions to act, and you need to reference Ozbargain somewhere within the email.

4) As said in the website, I will need to charge additional settlement agency fees for settlements outside of Brisbane.

5) I would ask that the settlement date on the contract be 45 days or less to take advantage of this deal, although I do recognise that there may be a need for extensions past that time (but in any event not past ninety days from the date of contract to access this deal).

And yes I saved on overheads by using a Wordpress template for the website. Think of it as me passing the savings onto you.

Any suggestions or queries just ask me below the fold.

ETA - thanks so much for the interest, its given me a huge boost and I appreciate it, especially being sent to the front page. I should probably clarify though I only practise in Qld so am not much use to anyone wanting to deal in property in other states. Thanks again to all the people who emailed me.

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Freeman Legal
Freeman Legal

closed Comments

  • +3

    Cheap price. I gave you a positive. Is there a separate fee for breathing the air in your office?

    • +21

      Many thanks. No additional fees for asking or granting extensions or any of that stuff. Breathing is also free :-)

      • Would you be happy to do some work required in the Gold Coast? I'm happy to help a motivated professional.

        • +2

          Sure! At this stage though its pretty much property transactions. I have learned through experience its impossible to mix conveyancing with other areas of law as you really have to be on the go all the time and can't risk getting stuck in court, etc.

        • @freemanlegal: Absolutely. On our last property purchase we went with my fiancé's friend. She was always stuck in court. Bloody useless.

        • +2

          @tomski182: I always thought stuck in court was the nice way of saying, "found a higher paying case".

  • contact details page missing

  • +11

    Good on you, Champion in the making.

    Best wishes for a successful future.


    • +1

      Thank you very much, it means a lot. Im fairly experienced as a solicitor but this businessman thing will take some getting used to.

  • +7

    not really looking at buying a new house in the next 2 weeks. but would you keep this offer informally open to ozbargain members for a bit longer?

    • +6

      Hi - I guess it would come to how much longer and how busy I become. My fees are already pretty cheap but as I say I am just starting out. But you can always ask ;-)

  • +12

    I'm giving you a + for transparency and price. Also I like your intro :)

    • +14

      Thanks. The pricing of legal services is impossible to manage for clients unless they are huge corporations where money is no objective. I have acted in litigation where I have been one of the parties and have ended up charging $30k, other parties got charged over $200k for much the same work, even though both of our billout rates were $400/hour.

      Basically employed solicitors are under pressure to come up with so many billable hours these days, and sometimes that happens by overservicing files. I am a big advocate of fixed fees, I would honestly like to see firms offer them in other areas of law, maybe even in litigation.

      • +7

        as a lawyer at one of the bigger firms in Melbourne, a thousand times this. good on you for taking the plunge and starting your own firm, i hope it all goes perfectly for you :)

        • +1

          Thanks mate, it means a lot. Honestly I see definite opportunities for firms that offer more fixed fees or at least more structured fees, clients definitely prefer it.

        • +1

          @freemanlegal: You rightly identified the pain-points of consumers in the industry. It will be great if you can make legal services easily approachable and affordable for the mass. Affordability and reach go hand in hand. That's exactly a common man needs at the moment. AirBnB did it for 'stay' industry as I prefer to call it and Airtasker did it for service industry, talking for mainly Australia.

          All the best for the new venture! You should do very well.

  • +6

    Cool gave you a plus for your approach and thanks for not using WIX.

    • Thanks - I had to look up WIX though. I guess that's why legal websites tend to look the same.

    • whats a better alternative? wordpress?

      • +4

        Wordpress is better than WIX.

        • Wordpress is more complicated (due to more features) than Wix though. No?

  • +4

    +1 for taking the leap & being a straight shooter with your post. Best of the luck with the new business from our team :)

    • +2

      Thank you very much for that, much appreciated.

  • +3

    Mate I wish you the best as you seem to have a great attitude about this. just wanted to mention that your site is not responsive to smartphone screens, this is fairly cheap to change and will help greatly.

    • Thank you - yes it needs some work for smartphones for sure. Thanks again.

      • +2

        just FYI, check out a wordpress plugin call WPtouch for having your site be mobile friendly, does a pretty good job with minimal effort needed.

  • +3

    $308 should be the price of settlement.

    I have been calling around for quotes for settlement in WA. All except one ask the value of your purchase and the price goes up accordingly.

    The price of the property should have no bearing on the service provided. Unfortunately, most people just accept it.

    • +4

      Yeah Im not a fan of that either. Supposedly some firms try to justify it based on insurance concerns, and of course people are free to charge what they want, but I would rather just charge a straight flat fee.

    • I dont do WA work, but I am pretty sure they are allowed to charge on a scale fee over there (meaning the fee is based on how much the property is worth).

    • Same with realestate agents … the service should be in no way linked to the price of the property.

      • +1

        Unfortunately I disagree on the real estate agent one. For one if a flat fee was charged if you were selling a $200-300k property the percentage is going to be higher than current rates.

        In a flat fee scenario there is no reason to do the best thing by your client. Mediocrity is rewarded. A commission base means the agent is fighting as hard as possible to get the best price, if they don't they get paid less.

        No im not an agent.

        • +4

          Most agents do actually not much to sell your property … it needs to be on the big realestate websites and have great pictures that's it. Then you manage the open for inspections and offers/auction.

          Most things what agents actually do is try to get new clients and market their brand. So they can sell more houses. They do such things as:
          - letterbox drops of an auction in the area —> just promotes them and their brand not actually the house
          - ringing at the door to sell their services
          - putting ads in newspaper with your property … sorry this does not work at all in most cases and is again just for brand awareness
          - big billboards and FOR Sale signs … yep again to promote their brand and dominate a suburb - it does not sell the property

          A % fee of the whole price will not bring you the best outcome. Just imagine: 1 house at $600,000 at 2.5% brings $15,000 for the agent (+ some other fees) - when he sells the house now with his magical powers for 650,000 he gets $16,250

          —> wow … $1,250 more.

          I would say he would be interested to move your house as fast as possible to get the $15,000 and find another house to sell to make another $15,000.
          Why would he waste time for $1,250 to get you a better outcome instead of investing time to find new clients?

          Sorry … this does not work! (In a slow market it might work … but not right now).
          No I am not an agent … but worked in the area of realestate marketing for over 5 years and I am always stunned that people still believe that bullshit.

        • @mini_wombat:

          There is an interesting article on this phenomenon in Freakonomics. Here's a Youtube clip:

        • @WaywardOne: Best video ever .. that explains it perfectly!

  • +1

    I had to pay more than double of what you're charging for this service in Victoria, so positive vote from me.
    Good luck with it!

    • Thanks, 35 votes! Good to feel the love from people around here, that's for sure.

  • +1

    Need one in Brisbane but not for this year. Will keep you in mind for future. Great approach, all the best.

  • +2

    Positive from me, good luck in your venture! You seem like like a really decent and nice person too! Will be up there in no time buddy!!

  • +1

    Good luck with the new business.

    Just pointing out that the search and menu buttons don't seem to do anything. Using Firefox v49.0.2 if that helps. You're probably still frantically working on it though :p.

    All the best.

    • +7

      Yep! I need to fix those. Rest assured Im a better solicitor than I am a web developer. Many thanks for the kind words.

  • +2

    Good timing too not long after Conveyancing Works left the market

  • +2

    I wish u were in Adelaide …

    would have used your services as I require one in a week or so

  • +4

    +1, best of luck with it, my wife did the same 2 years ago (we're in Melbourne) and it's been a very positive experience - took a while to get off the ground but now have a steady client base, some repeat customers and most encouragingly a lot of referred business from prior happy customers!

    it's always a good sign when someone liked your service enough to come back to you a second time :D

    for anyone curious this is an excellent deal, especially for a trained property lawyer rather than 'just' a conveyancer,

    • +1

      Why don't you post a deal for Victorian customers? I will be more than happy to use it.

      • Pretty sure we can't do the prices Mr Freeman has just offered but I might run it past my wife and see what she thinks, her standard rate is $800 +gst +disbursements (searches etc) if that's any help though, it's a pretty decent price (not sure if it's ozbargain front page worthy!) for someone with plenty of experience as a property lawyer & not just a conveyancer though!

        https://www.facebook.com/dixonsanderslawyers has all her contact details, i haven't gotten around to setting up a proper webpage for her yet 'cause i'm slack :D

  • How much does it normally cost for an average transaction across the industry? (ie How do we know if this is a "bargain" for what is being offered?)

    • +1

      $1200 rough around Sydney. This is a bargain if the service is comparable. Given OP is new to conveyancing side of things he might miss picking up some very key issues but i am sure that is not the case.

      I used a proper lawyer with many years of experience in the field and had a very smooth sailing transaction.

      • +10

        Sorry, I should clarify that I'm definitely not new to conveyancing. The firm where I was employed previously did mainly property and estates and associated services (planning, construction, etc). Ive worked on small, medium and large deals, residential and commercial.

    • -1

      Goggle ?

    • +2

      This is about a hundred dollars cheaper than even the cheaper conveyancing services, which as someone else has said tend to rely on conveyancing clerks etc.

      • +1 can confirm :D

  • +10

    +1 from me.

    A straightshooting lawyer. I thought I'd never see the day :P

    • +9

      Thanks. Yeah, I really don't go for the typical lawyer's image myself. eg I drive a Yaris because its economical and reliable. I think a lot of people are probably over that sort of posturing.

      • +2

        I drive a Yaris too!

        All the very best in your business. I am sure it will be a success with your attitude and work ethic as it truly is a breath of fresh air in what is the murky dark arts that is law.

  • +5

    When is your brother Gordon coming back?

    • +27

      You know when I first played half-life and the dude in the lab coat was calling me Mr Freeman, I was like: "damn this is some pretty impressive technology, how did it know my name?"

  • This is great deal assuming the OP doesn't get swamped with work which he's aware of. One thing to note though is that when choosing a conveyancer, it is not a good idea to ever go with the cheapest option available. You may save a couple of hundred on their fees but if they don't do the job correctly, you will cost yourself much more than you originally saved.

    • +1

      Well that was a slap in the face! In any case, I don't know this guy but he sounds pretty professional and well-spoken though I have no house and am stuck paying dead rent money (forever possibly).

    • If something goes terribly wrong the OP would have indemnity insurance - everyone practising has it.

      • +3

        Yep. I just paid my pound of flesh to Lexon Insurance.

        I do agree generally about cheap vs value for money. I'm not planning on being the cheapest forever, I would honestly like to build this up into dealing with more bespoke property matters.

    • +4

      Problem is how do you know the expensive ones will do the job correctly.

      Sometimes seems more expensive services these days charge more because they need to pay themselves and the unskilled labour they employ to do the actual work while they chill.

  • +1

    Really good deal, +1 from me. The prices in conveyancing can vary quite a bit and this is really cheap as far as things go. Most licensed conveyancers charge far more than this and they are not lawyers.

    Also the amount of time a lawyer must spend on any given file can also vary, some may be very straightforward and take very little time and others can be quite involved so in the event that your sale/purchase is one of those more involved matters lawyers want to ensure that they are still making good money for the time spent and will have quite a decent 'buffer' included in their price.

  • Brisbane realty must be struggling

  • +4

    Sell my wife, will pay conveyancing. Free me, Freeman !

    • +1

      Does she come with half of your house ? Haha :)

  • +2

    +1 for an honest marketing drive. OzB is a great word of mouth community as well if you can deliver!

    • My word. The phone is ringing away already! Thanks to all the Ozbargainers.

  • +2

    Cheaper than Top Gun Coveyancing that I used last year :)

  • +4

    +1 for endeavour and spirit.

    But if that is you in the background of your website, you are wearing a horrendous suit. Like, don't just bin it, burn it.

    don't want to be too mean, but sometimes looks do matter. =D

    good luck! (seriously, burn it).

    • Yes, its me! Is it really that bad? Like the white pinstripes? I thought it made me stand out a bit. I think I bought it when I was an articled clerk and it still fits. Not bad, what?

      • well it's always a bit hard to comment on fashion, and i'm certainly no expert.

        However, trying to be objective, it looks dated (perhaps more suiting [great pun] to your venacular: the reasonable person interested in fashion would be likely to consider the visual aesthetic of your suit as non-current). It would seem inconsistent with modern suiting trends. It does not appear to fit well or be made of high quality material. The pin stripe pattern is a bit unsettling.

        Just my two cents. =)

        • +3

          Thank you. Yes I generally buy suits off the rack to be honest, I find it hard to justify cut suits when I wear them everyday and they get worn out. However I do take on board your suggestion and will endeavour to get a better suit. Hopefully someone will post something on Ozbargain :-)

        • +1

          Need to get on that Target Suit Sale next time it pops up.

          Anyway I am a fellow Brisbanite who has had multiple phone calls and emails ignored by my last solicitor so I have just sent you an email! direct to OzBargain marketing - I like the cut of your jib.

        • +1

          @chonox: Haha, yeah I think I bought it from Colorado ages ago. To be honest the best suit I ever got was a $90 shell suit from Target I think. Was absolutely bulletproof, I wore it for years. They dont sell it any more. Shame.

          Hopefully I have replied to your email by now, if not please make sure you send it to [email protected]. And thanks!

        • @freemanlegal: The best value for money suits I've found that are lightweight for Brisbane weather are at Tony Barlow Menswear at Lev 1, 189 Elizabeth Street in the CBD. They do hire suits, but they have an excellent retail section with knowledgable staff. If you sign up to their VIP membership online before you go, you get an additional 10% off the price of anything that you buy for life.

          Last time we visited in August this year and there was a really good deal - and we purchased 2 light weight wool suits with a modern cut - one charcoal and the other blue for $399. They are open 7 days a week and I think that they have a 4 hour deal with a local car park - you'd need to check with them about that. http://tonybarlowbrisbane.com.au/ website states they have a sale on at the moment.

          So they have the solution to your suit problem that OB people have taken liberty to point out! (See - we've all watched "Suits" on Netflix and that's set the bar (Ha!Ha!) high as the expectation now is that anyone in legal wears well cut suits)

          After purchasing those 2 suits from Tony Barlow - we walked up to Target as they were advertising their suits on sale - and there was no comparison for cut, style, fabric and colours. And Myers and David Jones - well they didn't compare on price!

      • +1

        Yeah looks pretty bad. Don't go Saul Goodman man!

        Either a navy or charcoal suit, wool, 2-3 button single breasted and most importantly well fitted (sleeves, chest, waist, pants length etc.). http://www.artofmanliness.com/2016/01/28/the-suit-ladder/

        Don't have to go all out in cost either, most of your clients won't be able to tell the difference ;)

        p/s: Pants are probably the easiest to find a fit, and also cheap to tailor

      • +3

        I was gonna say something in my reply earlier but thought "nah I'll leave it alone…".

        But since humdog brought it up…..yeah, it's a fairly horrid suit :P

  • +8

    Hi all, the phone has been ringing and as a consequence I need to get some legal work done sharpish. Thanks so much for the fantastic reception, really appreciate it. I have to step away from Ozbargain for the moment but will definitely have a look again later this afternoon. Massive thanks to you all. Bronson

  • foolish me, I paid 5x your amount when we bought 3 years ago, from a "reputable" group in Brisbane bayside called Biddle Lawyers, referred by a good friend….which was BS since the service was poor..they got the job done but I had to keep following things up….

    • +1

      obiwan , Don't forget that there's always a HUGE difference in conveyancing costs between buying & selling. OP's quote of $308 is for SELLING, not buying. Selling is comparatively a very simple process, with (usually) no searches etc required.

      • thanks HJ

      • I think they will still need a title search on your property. They needed it for me, to certify that I owned it.

        • Title search to verify ownership is a standard part of the purchaser's responsibility (a buyer would be extremely foolish to rely on the vendor for this). It's one of the many searches undertaken when buying - thus the big conveyancing cost difference between buying & selling.

  • Would have probably gone with you if this was posted a month ago. I'm paying professional fees of almost $1000 and have never even dealt with the solicitor and have a hard time even getting in touch with the various assistants…

  • +4

    Wow, that's one powerful name! Bronson Freeman. So cool!

    • +3

      It's like Charles Bronson meets Gordon Freeman

    • +2

      Wow thanks! I dont mind my first name but never really liked my surname or the combination particularly. But thank you.

    • +2

      That's why he needs a cool suit!

  • +4

    If you got yourself a new suit I reckon you could look like this guy!


  • Surprised this went so well for you! OzBargain's mood must be swinging upward.. Good luck with it!

  • +2

    All the best

  • +2

    Can I buy one of these $308 houses?

    • You might get a Unit in Brisbane for that soon…

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