AmEx issued vs Bank issued AmEx cards and AmEx Connect offers


I have two AmEx cards

  • AmEx Essential card issued by AmEx
  • A bank issued AmEx card (Westpac).

I have two separate AmEx connect accounts for these two, however, when I try to register AmEx connect offers to the AmEx issued card, it redirects me to a different Amex portal to login and tells me that I have only 1 offer available to me whereas I can save any of the 20+ offer to my bank issued AmEx card.

I've rung AmEx and they say "AmEx offers are customised to each card".

I thought those AmEx connect offers are first made available to AmEx issued cards and later to Bank issued cards, but in my case, my AmEx issued Essential card does not get any of those offers. Right now I have registered it with the "Shop small" offer and the only new offer available to it is the Vinomofo offer.

Is this similar to the experience of those who have AmEx issued cards?



  • +2

    I think you will get more and more offers as the days go by… if your Amex Essential is a new card, give them some time to include you in the promotions… you might have just missed the current ones running, based on them running scripts etc to offer the offers to.

  • +1

    Surm, I am in the same boat. When I got my Amex issued card a month ago I found there is not many offers.
    I guess we need to wait and see. Post it here if start getting more offers.

  • +1

    Yeah same thing happened to me too. I think you need time and you need to start using the card. For example, when I first got my card, I looked at Local Champion offers. However after a few months, there were new places that started to pop out (places that I've been too). So I reckon it's somewhat targeted.

  • My bank issued card immediately had access to all the offers, so it appears that only AmEx issued cards have this "teething" problem.

    On a positive note, this card had an offer that was not available on Amex Connect ($15 off $30 at Woolworths).

  • Question… If you get an additional cardholder (bank issued) Amex card are you able to get the Amex Connect offers on the additional cardholder's card?

    • Amex rep told me that supplimentary cards can be registered with Amex connect offers and redeem them but share the Amex connect allowance with the main card.

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