Please Help Me Buy a USB Wi-Fi Adapter

Hi All,

Thanks in advance. Great community here.

I don't know much about networking at all. I'm running a reasonable desktop(16gb DDR3, i7 2600, GTX560) PC, but I've been carrying my wifi adapter around me since my first PC build in 2008…

It is a Netgear wg111v3 - 54mbs

Now I know it is time to upgrade it - but I have no idea what to. There are too many wifi standards, AC/N/B/G?! and I was hoping someone could please point me in the correct direction.

My router is : Home Gateway ZXHN H368N (Supplied by rental property - so no intention to change at this stage).
From a bit of googling - it can transfer up to 300 Mbits/s.

Do I just look for a basic N adapter?

To be honest the 54mbs has been pretty good - and I have been able to play online games such as Dota2 with no issues. I feel as though my internet is more limiting than my wifi adapter. I don't do any networking between devices at home. I just thought it may be time to upgrade and take advantage of the current eBay tech sales.


  • You could either by a Wireless N300 adapter to suit your current wifi modem, or you could future proof and buy a Wireless AC adapter (this will be backwards compatible with your current set up). Personally, I'd just go for the Wireless N300 adapter and then buy another one down the track if I upgraded my modem.

  • +1

    If its still working well, there is no need to upgrade. Unless you have Fibre, your internet speed is capped by your line rather than your wireless speed.

    • Good point. Although, the dongle is now showing age, generates a bit of heat and is also very chunky and I always worry I'm going to break it.

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