Congratulations! :)
Win 1 of 15 Double Inseason Passes to 'The Founder', Starring Michael Keaton from Urban Cinefile

11 entrants, 1 win (1 unique winner)
Entry Requirements
What is your favourite eating place and why? (35 words or less)
Conditions of Entry
1. The competition closes at Midnight on Saturday November 19, 2016 2. Winners will be notified by email OR at the street address provided with the entry; their names will be published in Urban Cinefile, on Thursday November 24, 2016. 3. Only one entry may be lodged per email address (only the first received entry will be valid if there is more than one entry per email address). 4. Prizes will only be sent to Australian addresses. 5. Employees of Urban Cinefile Pty Ltd and of companies providing the prizes are not eligible to enter. 6. Entries will be judged by representatives of Urban Cinefile Pty Ltd. 7. The Judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Yay my first win from a comp on ozbargain!