Hey guys,
I've never hired a lawn mowing service so just wanted some advice on prices. Got a quote from Jim's Mowing for $250. There's a few patches that are knee high so slashing will be involved. The area size is about 350m².
Hey guys,
I've never hired a lawn mowing service so just wanted some advice on prices. Got a quote from Jim's Mowing for $250. There's a few patches that are knee high so slashing will be involved. The area size is about 350m².
Call Tony (T & M Garden & Property Maintenance ) on 0425742739 he may do it for approx $120 cash
buy a cheapo lawn mower
If my whipper snipper was working I'd do the job for $50. I've got a lawnmower but if its a big yard then I'll have to go up and down a couple of times, especially if its knee-high lol.
Where in Melbourne are you located?
That does seem like a lot to me. We have a lawn mower man come and do ours, he also does some general pruning and tidying and that sort of thing. I am terrible at estimating spaces, but I imagine our lawn would be a bit less than 350m2, but not by much. He charges $100 to do our front and back lawn when it is long (long as in has been growing mad over winter, not knee high). I would think that Jim's Mowing would need to charge quite a bit more as they are paying for a franchise. We have had a few different guys over the years, I usually find them from Gumtree.
Was that a price for ongoing mowing or a one off to clear up the yard. There is a significant difference. Once it's down to a manageable level it should be cheaper, my yard is around that an I can edge and mow in around 1hr if it is short/easy, but much longer if i've been slack and the grass is thick.
Size of a tennis court?
Try airtasker.
Rent a sheep.
$250 seems expensive.