P&O Cruise New Caledonia - Claiming TRS

Hi guys,

I've claimed TRS via air flights before, however, I will be going on a cruise next week and wanted to know the detailed steps to claim TRS when going international via cruise.



  • +2

    Googled 'Claim TRS on Cruise' and first result states "A TRS desk is available in both terminals on international cruises" thats for Sydney, I imagine most ports will be the same and you can check other ports yourself. You're Welcome

    • thanks, any differences between the queues and processes from sydney airport? pretty much show receipt and goods?

      • +4

        The only difference is that at the port they won't help you if you don't talk like a pirate. Do plenty of "Arr" and "Shiver me timbers" and you'll be right.

  • Oh wow. I got on at white bay terminal and saw nothing. It's like an oversized portacabin

  • White Bay Terminal has a TRS desk. (http://www.sydneyports.com.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/28…) It's not a large desk and easy to miss if you aren't looking for it, but I'm sure someone will direct you to it if you ask.

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