eBay Used iPhone: Grey Vs Local Stock

Just wondering if there is a quick and easy way to test whether a used iPhone on eBay has been originally purchased as grey stock?


  • +1

    May I ask why you would want to know that?

  • +1

    I'd avoid them all together, especially the ones who claim to be new or sealed stock in box Australian stock etc. if you just buy a normal used one from an individual rather than a company you've got a much better chance of getting a real one

    • What is a not real iphone?

      • An iphone that it is not as it was sold initially. Many iphones sold online are components of old iPhones/non genuine parts assembled than passed off as new. Not unlike buying a used Toyota Corolla in Sydney mskeggs, people chop these things up.

        • I take it the listings on Ebay for "new condition" iphones which come with seller 12month warranty are these?
          Do you know how the economics works? Do they buy damaged phones and rebirth them?

        • @mskeggs: yes they rebirth them using a combination of real and non genuine parts, they use logistics companies to give them an Australian address, once ordered, the order will be delayed 7 days later than promised, in order to buy time to get phone from Asia, thru dodgy Sydney address then out for delivery. most phones will work and will have real serial numbers. And if they don't they will replace them to avoid attention. However often serial number may reflect different item. memory colour size model etc

        • @Stewardo:

        • @mskeggs: the ever increasing cost/popularity of smartphones, has made them hot property, not unlike rebirthing a car. but less regulation and police/customs intervention. And you can move them thru the post from abroad.

  • The model number might help: http://help.mob.org/post/190/

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