Kogan have a sale on their 3D printer. This is the same printer as the one Aldi were selling (Cocoon Create) and is actually a rebranded Wanhao Duplicator i3 v2.1.
Gets great reviews and is an excellent printer considering its price point.
Balco 3D Printer $389 + Shipping @ Kogan

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Is this model well regarded amongst the 3d printing community? Worth spending bit more for a better model?
Well its a clone of the Wanhao Duplicator i3 v2.1 which is highly regarded.
Good entry level printer and very good bang for the buck.
I just finished printing some prop guards and legs for my quadcopter and the quality is great. Most issues you have are fixed pretty instantly as theres such a big community on facebook etcJust depends what it is you want to print? Might be worth spending more if you want a dual colour extruder or a resin printer
And by clone i mean, same factory different sticker
Soooo tempting!
3D printing is like VR.
That's not a compliment.
3D printing is like VR.
It's mostly used for porn stuff?
Print your own.. insertion toy..
I think Diji1 is pointing out that it looks awesome and everyone wants one… but when you get it you'll be a bit disappointed when the novelty wears off. I have a PS4 VR headset and while it's very neat… pretty quickly you see the numerous limitations of the product.
The limitation is generally the user.
Just bought one. Not exactly sure what im going to do with it yet
I've been waiting for one of these to go on sale for a while. I am currently waiting to hear from a "senior adviser" from Kogan if this is a V2.1 model and if it comes with the upgraded power connectors.
Why what's the problems?
They may burn out, see below for an easy fix
http://3dprinterwiki.info/wiki/wanhao-duplicator-i3/di3-adva…I remember the company is now using upgraded connectors but can't find an article or anything to back this up
A mate purchased this printer when they were on specials last time. I can confirm they are v2.1
just got one and put it together
has anyone have the issue the base, it does not sit flat on table the gantries are not straight they angled more to the right which you can see when you look at machine these should be straight. the machine it self is wonky when sitting on the table, right front and back leg don't touch the table cause of the right gantry being lower.
i ready emailed kogan about these issues hopefully get response soon and a replacement machine.
https://postimg.org/image/d3u9phw75/No, mine does not appear to have these issues. I've not carefully checked how square the gantries are to the table but they look pretty spot on to the naked eye and mine is stable to all 4 corners.
However mine had some marks on the heat bed that look like the extruder nozzle had been dragged on the heat bed and there was also a small amount of filament coming out the nozzle. I wonder if these are actually returned units that have been repacked.
If that is the case yours might have been twisted (top of gantries pushed to the right) by a previous owner? Is your left gantry outside bottom edge lifted up off the table? If so, carefully correcting the gantry positions by pushing the top back to the left to reverse the twist may work out
Otherwise, sorry to hear you've had troubles, hope it works out with Kogan.
yeah got into contact with winplus they gonna replace it a new machine.
I've made a couple of prints. Not had great success to date but my print bed is no-where near sub-mm flat. If I keep a piece of paper under the print nozzle while moving the print bed around I can feel the paper pinch and come lose at various points even though the corners are all adjusted snuggly. it must have a couple of ripples or equivalent across it.
I could get around it a bit by printing a decent raft - but will wait for the glass plate to arrive before doing too much more (was always planning to do that mod anyway).
Even with this I am actually very happy with it so far, I think it is going to work out very well!
Had one in my cart, convincing myself I need one (was $399 not $389 though)
Sale ended though and normal price has been jacked even higher than before to $599. (Is there a store wide % off code coming or something?)
Ah well, Kogan's loss, saved myself $435 odd for now.You could have got one for even less during the recent Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales from places like HobbyKing. But those are over too now.
Bought from the previous round can vouch for that! Contemplating a second one hmmm
Also huge community for mods, help, files etc!