Looking for a good GPS around $150 mark.
No mobile phone recommendations please :)
Nothing fancy about features just something easy to understand and operate.
GPS deals around $150
Last edited 14/11/2016 - 13:03
Here maps is pretty good and it's owned by Nokia.
Plus 1. I use MAPS.ME on an Android Tablet.
Allows you to download areas or entire country maps locally(AU-361BM, NZ-170MB, US-5.9GB) and with just Location Services(GPS) on, works like a normal GPS, just with a bigger screen, and more functionality.
Google Maps also allows you to download a specific area too.
But as tomsco said, you have several apps to try and see which one suits you, so worth a shot.
All are pretty easy, just look for free updates and traffic alerts
JB hasn't had an auto sale for a while, would expect it to be around the corner. Just wait till then if you can
I will recommend this but its x2 of your budget. Garmin DriveSmart 60LMT :)
Display is more responsive than both Navman or Tomtom latest models.Get the garmin nuvi 2589lmt $189 from the good guys. The $20 store credit deal will bring it close to your budget. I have one and it's been good and reliable.
I've personally been using my TomTom gps since late 2011, and it's still going strong for me. Up to you if you can slightly push your budget up a bit.
Just putting it out there, but what about a cheaper Android phone. This way you're not restricted to the one app if it turns out crap (although I'm sure the big names would have decent support).