This was posted 14 years 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Panasonic TH-P54Z1A Ultra Slim 54inch Plasma TV Plus Bonus Home Theater $2999 at Streamaster


The thinnest Plasma Television on the market at just 25mm and you will also qualify for the current Panasonic promotion by redemption for the Avatar home theater system. As an added bonus we are offering a purchase option for a Egreat M35 High definition media player at well below cost at just $149. All stock is brand new and you will receive a original wholesaler/retailer receipt for redemption purposes.

You can save an additional $50 by paying by direct debit, mastercard and visa have no commission, amex +$50. delivery east coast Australia metro is $55, Adelaide $100, Perth $150.

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Streamaster Australia
Streamaster Australia

closed Comments

  • Good price. Considering JB-HIFI has the same tv listed for $1000 more.

    I assume this is the bonus blu-ray home theatre system Panasonic is offering as I can't seem to find any details of the promo on Panasonics web site. And expires on 11/07/10

  • That is correct, if you go to and click on the promotions tab you will see it there, or a direct link is here:

  • Why is there a $50 saving if payment via cash? Do you charge a fee to use Credit Card?

    IMO if you sell it with Free Delivery then its a BARGAIN as Bing Lee sell these for $3200 but with no haggling they do it for $2960… Just an option :)

  • No we do not charge a fee for credit card use, our advertised price includes the fees for mastercard and visa (except amex). However if you choose to pay with direct debit we pass what we save in fees (and we don't have to do credit checks either) onto the customer. If you pay direct debit then you are virtually getting it for free delivery anyway.

    Additionally if you buy extended warranty for Ozbargain customers we will do free delivery, just choose "walk in" at check out and type "ozbargain free delivery" in the comment field.

    Bing lee is not an option for interstate customers, we are aware of their price :)

    • -1

      "and we don’t have to do credit checks either"

      can you just explain what you mean by having to do credit checks on people that pay by credit card? what the ??

  • +1

    You would be surprised how many people provide a mobile phone number, a gmail email account and are not listed in the phone book, and actually expect a company to ship a $3000 product on that basis to a unverified address. We get at least 1 fraudulent order PER DAY. We even have people paying by paypal for laptops with the name "john Smith" with a delivery address in Hawaii, even though the money is in our account, when the owner does a charge back, who do you think wears it?

    Most orders don't require any additional from the customer but under the above circumstances we usually ask for a drivers license or rate notice to verify ID, not a credit check per say, more a ID check.

  • +1

    This is the old 2009 model with the extremely high power consumption - close to double the power consumption of the new 2010 model THP54V20A, due for release in July 2010. Before you consider buying the old model TH-P54Z1A check out the THP-54V20A. You should be able to buy the THP54V20A for a cheaper price than $2999. Remember every time that you get your power bill, that over 10 years the old Power Hog TH-P54Z1A will add approximately $1500 extra to your bill compared to the new 2010 model THP54V20A. The old model TH-P54Z1A relies on a wireless set top box device to make it work. I hear that the wireless aspect of the TH-P54Z1A does not work well. There are no AV inputs on the back of the TH-P54Z1A, but rather they are in the set top box. This is another of the dinosaur models that Panasonic needs to clear out, hence the "Home Theatre in a bucket" being offered with the tv. This is no bargain at $2999. Price drop needed - Big Time. Any offers over $1500? What, is $1000 the highest offer, Sold!

  • +1

    Hi John,

    Thats pretty interesting considering the Z1 consumes 348 watts and the 54V20 about 200 (guessing because the spec is not actually out yet) the 50V20 consumes 154 watts so lets assume the 54V20 consumes about 200 watts.

    Watt you say (forgive the pun)

    based on a price of 20 cents per kilowatt hour (which is the high side of the basic rate) you could run that TV for 148 (the difference in watts) / 1000 (convert to kilowatts) times 0.2 (cents per kilo watt) X 1/1500 (your claim for the extra $) = 50675 hours or 2111 days or 5.7 years CONTINUOUSLY 24 HOURS PER DAY for it to cost you $1500 more.

    For one thing there is no V20 model that is 25mm thick (50V20 is 90mm thick ) and Yes the Z1 is more power hungry than the V20 models, but based on the extra power consumption….and a average usage of 8 hours per day, the extra power consumption will cost you a massive 23 cents per day more or about $85 per year, quite a long way short of your claim.

    Sure there will be a new model Z series (nothing announced yet), but there is always a new model coming. The 54Z1 with a home theater is a good deal, but you are right, panasonic do want to clear them out, which is why it is a great price.

    • +1

      "Thats pretty interesting considering the Z1 consumes 348 watts and the 54V20 about 200 (guessing because the spec is not actually out yet) the 50V20 consumes 154 watts so lets assume the 54V20 consumes about 200 watts."

      Please edit your comments, they have stopped making sense.

      Hey, I know you need to get rid of this old dinosaur model, but please do not mislead people. You are selling people a dog model.

      The Australian standard for the star rating is based on 10 hours a day. Why use 24 hours a day?

      When you are calculating the whole of life cost you need to allow for the fact that the cost of electricity will increase significantly over the next ten years. In your calculations you did not add any inflator, to take into consideration, the rapidly rising cost of electricity. Therefore, why buy an old energy hog like the THP-50Z1A. You stated that the Z1 consumes 348 watts, while the 50V20 uses 154 watts. In my opinion you have made the case - the old 2009 THP54Z1A is a energy hog that many owners will regret buying.

      Feel the enormous heat coming out of the back of the Panasonic ThP54Z1A. This is your electricity bill going up in a heat haze. Don't get sucked into the "FREE" home theatre in a bucket. There is no free lunch.

      The suggestion that the old 2009 model THP54Z1A at 25mm thick is a benefit, is a beyond a joke. A 25mm tv means all the circuit boards are jammed together. This is a recipe for a short life, since heat is the enemy of electronics.

      The Panasonic THP54Z1A was clearly the last of the extremely high power consumption Plasmas. We should all welcome the introduction of the new 2010 Energy Efficient Panasonic Plasma such as the THP54V20. Remember, a good deal for the new 2010 THP54V20 model will be under $2999 (the recommended retail). Oh, if there any bargain hunters who are still thinking of buying the Panasonic THP-54Z1A, WAIT. There will be many more price reductions on this dinosaur model before they are all sold to those looking for Fool's Gold.

      Sorry streamaster, but someone needs to tell it, the way it is. I have appointed myself to point out the joke, that you are representing as a Good Deal. I look forward to your loud protest. Hey, you could really lose your shirt on this deal. On the plus, it is said that there are suckers born every day, so there is hope for you. I do hope you have put the house in the wife's name. Ready for round 2 or all quiet?

  • Hi john, I guess you will find trolls everywhere. Perhaps you have a vested interest here and simply can't touch the price.

    This is probably one of the most elegant models Panasonic has ever produced. The Z1 consumes the same amount of power of any of the V10 series of televisions which have been extremely popular (and still are actually as the 50V20 is the only V20 you can currently buy).

    The V20 represents a huge improvement in power consumption for plasma technology for sure, but your scare mongering on the previous models based on about if i were to use real calculations would be about 15 cents per day assuming heavy usage, heat?, you must be kidding, some LCD panels feel warmer than this baby in the flesh.

    Your not telling it how it is, People like you are like old engines splattering oil all over the place using some basics of fact that you are parroting from some other place when you have no real technical understanding of what you are talking about.

    A couple of problems in your post though that you might wish edit (sure you will based on your initial post being edited from looking completely ludicrous). The recommend retail price of the Z1 is $3999 and not $2999 as you state, your statement about the Z1 being unreliable has no basis of fact, if one physically feels the Z1 for heat that has been running non stop all day in a showroom, the Z1 barely feels warm and semiconductor commercial temperature range being around +75 deg C i think there is plenty of headroom in terms of MTBF.

    The only thing you are right about is that it is a run out model which is why it is so cheap, but you won't see any further price drops in the recommended retail priced because once they are gone they are gone with no further shipments coming in the country. I am sure there will be a Z2 eventually which uses a more efficient plasma glass like the V20 family, but not this year.

  • Streamaster you tell a good story, but never let the truth get in the way of a good story. You can change the words but the message remains the same. Dinosaur technology that achieves two stars presented in a 25mm furnace - Feel the massive amount of heat coming out of the back of this energy hog. Panasonic on it's Australian web site quotes the screen as having a power rating of 2.25 amps plus the tuner box with 0.43 amps. Well that means the cat is out of the bag. The deception is over, the THP54Z1A has achieved the record for highest energy consumption of any 54 inch screen in recent times. Would someone like to calculate the running costs of this energy hog?

    Streamaster you look like a fool when you make statements like:
    "…if one physically feels the Z1 for heat that has been running non stop all day in a showroom, the Z1 barely feels warm and semiconductor commercial temperature range being around +75 deg C i think there is plenty of headroom in terms of MTBF."

    The THP-54Z1A feels like a furnace when you touch the back of it. Hot enough to cook toast. That is it's owners power bill exploding in a heat haze. Your admission that the temperature could be +75 degree C while not causing any long term problems is any interesting flipant remark that contradicts the laws of physics.

    Given the failings of the THP-54Z1A, in my opinion there will never be a THP-54Z2A. Does that mean that we all should rush out and rescue Streamaster by buying his mistakes. It is a free market and therefore you live and die by your mistakes. To all potential buyers of the Panasonic THP-54Z1A do not let this be your mistake. Remember that the replacement for the THP-54Z1A is the THP-54V20A which will be available in July 2010 with a recommended retail of $2999. The street price is bound to be far less than $2999 for the THP-54v20 a far better model in my opinion based on seeing the 50 inch version the THP-50V20A.

    Remember that the old 2009 plasmas like the THP-54Z1 are being heavily discounted from their original price because of their extremely heavy power consumption - close to double that of the new 2010 Panasonic models like the THP-54V20A. Look at the whole of life cost which includes the power bill and include in your calculations allowances for the rapid increase in electricity prices over the next ten years.

    Warning to anyone who dares to expose the dirty little secrets that Streamaster does not want debated. She/he will call you a troll.

    Ready for round three or all quiet?

  • Now your just being funny :)

    Of course the street price for the 54V20 is cheaper as it is more than 3 times thicker, we are already pre selling it at $2570 (shipping in the next 10 days or so, quoted price is discounted direct debit).

    The Z1 is simply much thinner and this appeals to many people as a premium TV. We make the same amount of money on either however so if you want to buy the 54V20 go ahead make my day… , if you want a premium TV that is 70% thinner and don't care about the extra 20 cents per day it might cost you if you run it 10 hours per day then get the Z1.

    Your just flat out lying about the heat, but you ARE funny how u say it, you clearly do enjoying trying to wind people up.

    • "Your just flat out lying about the heat, but you ARE funny how u say it, you clearly do enjoying trying to wind people up." - Streamaster.

      It is easy for any potential buyer of the Panasonic THP-54Z1A to verify the accuracy of my statement about the extraordinary heat coming out of the back of the THP-54Z1A, just put your hand on the back of one that has been operating for 10 minutes. It should not surprise many people, when you consider that this is one of the dinosaur TWO ENERGY STAR plasma. Panasonic quotes in excess of 1200kw/h power consumption with this model per year using the Australian Standard of 10 hours per day (as other tvs are all tested).

      Flipant remarks like:"…don't care about the extra 20 cents per day" are both misleading and substantiate an intention to disceive. The most positive thing that can be said about Streamaster is that at least they have willing to engage in a conversation that reveals for all to see, the shysters that they clearly are.

      Streamaster attempts to con their victims that 70% thinner is an advantage when in reality it is a big mistake. A 25mm thick THP-54Z1A has all the circuit boards jammed together. This results in a typical short life because heat is the enemy of electronics. Tell us streamaster - How many fans does the THP-54Z1A have on the back of it? Yet, even with all these fans it still runs hot enough to cook toast. But then, you probably sell extended warranties at some highly inflated price, right.

      On the contrary, rather than enjoying trying to wind people up, a deeper analysis of my methods would reveal that I take some sense of achievement in exposing shysters. Shysters who mislead and disceive. Streamaster the place for dirty little deals that enslave purchases of the THP-54Z1A with constantly increasing elecricity bills. Electricity may have a marginal rate of 20 cents per kw/h now but we know that there will be huge increases in the cost of electricity. This why Streamaster offers rubbery figures to calculate running costs of the THP-54Z1A that do not include allowances for the rapidly rising cost of electricity. Whole of life is the methodology that should be used when considering any major purchase. Remember, dear readers that whereas some large tvs get SIX STARS for energy use, the energy hog that is being sold by Streamaster, the THP54Z1A gets only TWO STARS. With it's excessive heat coming out of the back of the tv, it is likely to have a short life. But do not worry because Streamaster will sell you a highly over priced warranty at $449 you have to be joking!
      Please someone get another quote on this warranty - this is robbery!

      I repeat that the THP-54Z1A is no bargain at $2999. Price drop needed - Big Time. Any offers over $1500? What, is $1000 the highest offer, Sold!

      Ready for round four or all quiet?

  • John, people are going to be thinking i am paying you to to advertise for me. Just keep it up, I love it.

    • If you think that any publicity is good publicity, it substantiates what I have already commented on.

      Your replies are getting rather short. Does that mean we can expect you to be quiet now?

      What are Panasonics' terms for taking back the dog model that you have purchase from them - the Panasonic THP54Z1A?

      When can we expect you to drop the price on the THP54Z1A down to $1000?

      Will you refund the difference to your victims who paid you $2999? Oh, did I hear that there will be no refunds since you did not sell any?

      Ready for round five or all quiet?

  • That is because you keep repeating the same rubbish over and over again, soon they will be all gone and this conversation will be moot. No too many left now :)

  • To anyone thinking of helping out poor Streamaster by taking her/his distressed stock, please consider the price drops expected on the THP-54Z1A. It is a tied old lie that there are only a few left. Every shyster tries to create the impression that this is your last opportunity. Just don't get sucked into Streamaster offal.

    It is widely reported the problems with this old 2009 range of Panasonic Plasma. The reported problems are numerous, but include this CNET quote:
    "The transceiver is a little dongle on a stand, and we found it difficult to place properly — particularly if the TV and the media box are against the same wall. Not only that, but it was top-heavy and easy to knock over meaning an instant loss of signal. We were able to get a usable image from up to 9 metres away, but sit in front of the transmitter at that distance and the signal petered out. Poor connections manifested themselves in various ways from aliasing in images (jaggies), to blockiness, to a completely blank screen."

    As I have consistently substantiated, this a dog model. Yes, somebody has to buy it, but do not be the one who pays the ridiculous price that Streamaster is asking for it. PRICE DROP warning. The last of the stock is expected to sell for $999. Please ensure that you get the free delivery and free Four Year Extended warranty. With this dog model you are bound to need it.

    There are other problems associated with the old 2009 Panasonic Plasma range which have been documented by CNET:…

    You only need to do a search using the words "Panasonic Problems" on to come up with documentary evidence that unless you getting a under $1000 deal with the free five warranty, keep well away from this huge nightmare.

    We can only hope that the new THP-54V20 is better. But do not pay the $2570 that Streamaster is asking for the THP54V20A. Most local stores will beat this Streamaster price. Only fools will rush in and pay the asking price from Streamaster. Check out your local stores and use the Streamaster price to negotiate a better deal on the tv that you want, not the old dog model that Streamaster is desperately trying to dump. Know one needs to pay the grossly inflated price on the extended warranty that she/he is asking. Please do not support shysters trying to dump a dog model on the unsuspecting public. I will continue to expose shysters trying to rip us off. Just say no to being ripped off. There are better deals out there, you just need to ask.

    Ready for round six or all quiet?

  • john you seem to have a MASSIVE chip on your shoulder and being antagonistic for the hell of it. People can easily make up their own mind whether this is a good deal or not. No need for pointless keyboard warriory

  • Yes, people can easily make up their minds when they are able to make an informed decision. An informed decision cannot be made, by relying on the information provided by Streamaster. In order to achieve an informed decision I have introduced my opinion to counter the offering of a below standard plasma the THP-54Z1A. Two Energy stars is a poor performer and will in my opinion cost it's owners a small fortune to use. In the end that is it's owners choice, but potential owners should be able to make an informed decision. There is a reference to with a recommendation to complete a search using the words: "Panasonic Problems".

    Passion, I plead guilty.

  • Wow.. too much to read ;)

  • I think its pretty clear that john has a stake in being a Panasonic basher, there are plenty of online campaigns now because people do rely heavily on what they read on the internet even if it is baseless. Even this supposed raising of black level on panna panels is a farce and nothing more than a panasonic bash. Just remember for the one vocal minority there are thousands of happy panasonic customers, myself included (perfectly happy with my 58V10 after 1500 operating hours with no discernible black level rise…maybe you could measure it with instrumentation, but i cant see it, and thats all that really matters!! )

    People will make up their own mind and should not do so based on one obsessive opinion.

    As for the Z1 this is a good price and there is not so much stock around that you will see it drop any further. For Streamaster though I don't care if we sell a V20 or a Z1 or sony or Samsung or Sharp, so if you are in the market for a TV and want to take on board what this obviously obsessive individual says then we have competitive pricing in these other brands as well, shortly LG as well.

    waits for another rant from john

  • Yes and according to Streamaster, must be a Panasonic basher too. Afterall, they have dared to give publicity to a well known litany of unaddressed problems with Panasonic plasmas.

    "People will make up their own mind and should not do so based on one obsessive opinion." - Streamaster
    Dear readers, if my considered comments were in fact just one obsessive opinion, then a search on under the heading "Panasonic Problems" would reveal nothing. Therefore, I ask readers to do the search themselves. Panasonic has made no mention of a fix for existing plasma TVs, whose owners first noted the issue at enthusiast Web site AVS forum. AVS Forum is basically the most reliable of places to go to get accurate advice from professionals and enthusiasts.

    Whatever tv you wish to buy dear reader, please check out your local stores and use the Streamaster price to negotiate a better deal on the tv that you want. Know one needs to pay the grossly inflated price on the extended warranty that she/he is asking. Streamaster for example is asking $449 for an extra four years on the THP-54Z1A. Know one needs to pay these highly inflated prices. There are better deals out there. Just ask your local store.

    Ready for round eight or all quiet?

  • Actually your right John for once, we had made a error on the ext warranty price. $449 is the price of +4 years for Tvs over $3000, as the current offer is for the Z1 is under $3k at $2999 the corrected price is $349.

    We will of course refund any person that was charged $449 for ext warranty since this special began.

  • The problem remains. Panasonic has refused to fix the problems with black levels, even under warranty. So what chance is there in getting the problems fixed under an extended warranty? Extended warranties usually cover problems that the manufacturer acknowledge. Until Panasonic acknowledge these problems and undertake to fix them, dear readers in my opinion you are well advised to steer clear from the THP-54Z1A.

    In summary, what is the worth of an extended warranty, when Panasonic refuses to fix the problems under it's own warranty?

  • When you read through reader comments about the Plasma it reveals so much:

    "According to industry magazines, Panasonic is stopping production of their plasma displays anyway. I wouldn't purchase one of their plasma displays now since they may not have the parts to repair them in a few years."

    "I noticed a change in picture quality after about 500 hours. It might have happened earlier but I just never noticed. When I watch The Dark Knight or any dark content today I see gray instead of black. Even when the screen has light and dark content you can see that the blacks are not black but instead are a charcoal gray."

    "When I first purchased the display I was blown away by the dark level of the blacks, then they rose on me. I'm not surprised that many don't see the effect, as if your're viewing with daylight in the room or any lights on the blacks will appear normal. However turn your lights off, close the blinds and watch at nighttime and it's a whole different story. The blacks used to be black, now they have a glow. No, I'm not someone who watches his tv in vivid mode or doesn't know how to calibrate a display. Anyways, I did a search online and found the avs message board about this problem and Panny has done nothing to solve it."

    "I have had my panasonic plasma since april, 09 and I can for sure the the difference in my black levels over the last couple months compared to before. before this happened while watching letter box movies with black on top/bottom in in an all dark room i could not tell were the black bars and the frame/benzel of the tv started. now i can clear see the difference. i also post on the avs forum and have since i purchased my tv and i am here to voice my disapointment in the fact some think this is not happenening and to say i just want my tv working in it's original state with my black's black not charcoal gray. i hope panasonic reads this and will get a fix for this."

    "When I first purchased it, the picture was fine except for some issues with THX mode. I didn't think I had to worry about black levels, but a few months later it is quite clear to see elevated blacks, especially in letterbox but really any movie with dark scenes. The blacks aren't just grey, they seem to glow and it is extremely distracting when trying to watch anything in a dark room. In daylight the blacks do not glow but they are still noticeably grey.
    I'm not using any type of meter to measure, but with this kind of jump it is hard not to see the problem even with the naked eye. I really feel at this point the blacks are worse than my previous LCD even though that set had backlight issues."

    "I hope something good comes out of this article and the research David is doing. I haven't posted at avsforum but I am in contact with Panasonic and will report if I get any new information. Until Panasonic can show that they can fix these issues over firmware I would tell anybody thinking of buying a Panasonic Plasma to WAIT!"

    "Not fun spending over $1500 on a tv that's not even worth $500 a few months later."

    "I don't know people would want to risk buying a Panasonic after these reports. I am skeptical about this being fixed on the new 2010 models since they are known for not fixing problems such as flickering in 48hz. Panasonic knew the problem existed with their 2008 line yet they still chose to release the G10 with a 48hz option that is unusable. To be fair, I knew about the issue before buying the tv since it was mentioned in reviews but it still makes me wonder why they would not fix a known issue in the next generation of sets."

    "Another sign that I am with this issue is that my plasma seems to get IR (image retention if you don't know what ir means) much easier now. i can have the menu up for about 30 seconds on the screen and when i exit out and the room is not very bright i can see IR from the menu or what i had on the screen. now it will go away ,but can take a few minutes(sometimes longer) and watching a movie with dark scenes it's very distracting when you can see the IR in the picture with the program/movie your watching. when i first got my plasma the IR was nowhere near this bad and since the black level rise it seems to be getting worse."

    Ready for round ten or all quiet?

  • +1

    guys, quiet down please. If we're going to discuss this in detail, we should all merge to a plasma forum.

    I'm going to close comments to the thread. Apologies to others who wanted to ask questions. If the deal hits off again ill unlock comments.

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