Retrieving/recovering Deleted Text Messages from an iPhone

a friend (seriously not me) wants to know if there is any way to retrieve deleted texts from her iphone .

she accidentally deleted a heap which included some precious photos and lovely messages.

she never backs her phone up.

it's a iphone 6s

she is with Telstra.



  • +4

    precious photos


    • +1

      say no more

  • +1

    As long as they didn't turn off iCloud backups (this is automatically enabled by all iOS devices by default), the following solution may work:

    Restore deleted tests on iPhone: from iCloud

    1. Login to with your Apple ID and password
    2. Click on Text Messages (if it isn't there your messages haven't been backed up).
    3. If it is there searched the messages to find the ones you need.
    4. Now go to your iPhone and choose Settings, iCloud on your iPhone.
    5. Turn off Text Messages (or ensure it is turned off). I know this sounds counter intuitive but stay with it.
    6. You'll see a pop-up. Select: 'Keep on My iPhone'.
    7. Now turn back on text messages.
    8. Tap 'Merge', and wait. After a few minutes the deleted text messages should appear back on your iPhone.


    The above solution is the easiest/quickest, though if this doesn’t work, here’s what I’ve successfully done in the past:

    Note - Just like above, this is only possible if her phone is automatically configured to backup via iCloud

    To verify if iCloud has been backing up her phone:

    Goto Settings —> iCloud —> Backup —> iCloud Backup —> On/Off. If On and it doesn’t say Last Backed up: ‘Never’, proceed with the steps below. If it says Off or Last backed up: Never, this will not work.

    If On:
    Go back and navigate to:
    Settings —> iCloud —> Storage —> Manage Storage

    You should see a few backups under the backup section. Click on each to figure out the latest backup. Use the date to figure out the last day the phone had been backed up. From my experience, iCloud >also keeps a few copies of older backups though this may only be visible after resetting the phone. (this can range from a few days to a few weeks/months).

    If you reckon the text messages may exist in the backed up dates listed, proceed below:

    1. Backup the iPhone to a computer using iTunes (NOTE: Before proceeding with below steps, MAKE SURE that iTunes has actually successfully backed up)
    2. Reset the phone to factory defaults: Settings —> General —> Reset —> Erase All Content and Settings
    3. Once phone is at the setup screen, connect to Wi-Fi and select Restore iCloud Backup. Login to the associated AppleID and restore the backup available. For older backups, there should be an option >that allows this.

    Source: Myself :)

    Hope this helps :)

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