Eithad Guest has published a status promotion for readers of the British newspaper 'The Times' (but which appears to be open for everyone).
Update 16/11. Thanks to lilkid28 for confirming a major change to the T&Cs, which significantly narrows the scope for eligibility:
"Offer available from 10 November until 24 November 2016. Travel must be completed by 10 May 2017. Only applications made using the above reader offer link are valid. Offer only available for new enrolments. Travel must originate from the United Kingdom, and must be a return ticket."
As of today, the promotion requires a return flight in Economy to receive Silver status, or a return flight in Business/First Class to receive Gold status. The first flight departure airport must be in the UK.
You'll simply need to enrol via the 'reader' link by 24 November 2016 and travel one segment by 10 May 2017.
Note that the Offer is only available for new enrolments, so if you have an existing account but want to take advantage of this offer, you will have to sign up a new account through the landing page.
Given the generous 30% off Etihad discount code in circulation (see https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/274847), this could be a very easy way to obtain Etihad Silver status if you plan on travelling with them on a cheap economy flight before 10 May 2017.
Full list of benefits:
Silver - http://www.etihadguest.com/en/programme/benefits/silver/
Gold - http://www.etihadguest.com/en/programme/benefits/gold/
While Silver is less attractive than gold, it's still worth obtaining, particularly if you plan to fly Etihad and transit in Abu Dhabi. Silver members recently had lounge access rights downgraded (see: http://www.ausbt.com.au/etihad-to-shut-out-silver-frequent-f…), however there is still access provided to lounges in Abu Dhabi (Al Reem Lounge), Mahé (Seychelles) and in Belgrade. Etihad Guest Silver members can also use priority check-in counters when travelling with selected Etihad Airways partner airlines.
They should do status match.