Olive Oil Gives Cancer?

I was just told that cooking fried food with Olive oil could possibly lead to cancer!? I was shocked as I heard this, As for many years I have taken an large assortment of fried foods that have been cooked with olive oil.

I made an attempt to do a quick google search and it came up that it does/Does not cause problems.
could someone please refine my answer, As I'm loosing my appetite.


  • +3

    I've also heard that by eating, lollies, sweets, and candy you can get Diabetes…

  • +12

    Have you seen what oxygen does to metal?! Imagine what that stuff will do to your lungs!!!

    I'm loosing my appetite

    You should tighten it.

  • +1

    You're more likely to die of heart disease than dying of cancer from eating olive oil.

  • +5

    frying is the key word here. saturated fats tend to be the most stable, poly- and mono- unsaturated fats are more prone to oxidisation. i remember seeing an episode of "trust me i'm a doctor" where they tested for carcinogens in different types of fried oil.

    oils also go rancid just sitting on the shelf, so also use fresh oil and try to keep it cool (don't leave a bottle sitting on a hot window sill)

    there was also a news story about the rancidity of fish oil capsules.

  • +8

    You seem rather naive about how news works these days. It's made up garbage that makes your life worse by informing you of non-existent dangers (scaring you) and paraphrasing press releases (free content and powers that be will leave you alone because you spread their lies).

    Consuming news is actually harmful to your health (unlike olive oil) and what's more you're addicted to it. Don't believe me? Go a week without opening any news site at all. See how easy it is.

    • +3

      does ozbargain count as "news" site

      • +1

        Given the sheer amount of misinformation often touted as fact on here, I'd posit a resounding YES! ;)

  • +3

    You will get lots of condescending posts for being concerned about your health in relation to one food item.

    But you are right to do so, and hopefully this is the trigger for you to do your own research going forward, rather than live on a diet recommended by supermarkets.

    Do some of your own research into fats and you will likely come to the conclusion that the coconut/ animal fats are the most stable for frying, while olive oil has health benefits and is best consumed at low temperatures due to its poor stability at high heat.

    I believe the choices you make with food over years of consumption will make a difference. Others will put you down because they don't see any day to day harm eating what is convenient to them.

  • +20

    Olive oil is not good for high temperature frying. Most chefs and cooks can tell you, because olive oil has a fairly low smoking point..
    Smoke point is the temperature at which an oil begins to break down (oxidize) into its constituent molecules. You don't want that to happen.

    From the Wiki table, data shows around 210 degrees for Virgin olive oil, and even less for Extra Virgin olive oil. That makes them poor candidates for deep frying foods like meat because they burn really easily.

    The keyword is the temperature. Certain fats release aldehydes and other carcinogenic components when they are heated past a certain point, which is the oil's smoke point. I haven't read enough of the literature to give you an educated answer but my guess is that any oil when fried has the potential to create possibly toxic compounds like aldehydes which have adverse effects (but only if consumed in significant amounts).

    There's some discussion here on this reddit post

    • +6

      This is the post you were looking for.

    • +6

      Bingo. You need to keep the temp down when using olive oil.

    • +5

      I cook in coconut oil. doesn't go rancid at higher temps. tastes great too. mmmm coconut bacon..

      • +1

        Coconut oil is great but don't over do it. Variety will keep you healthy! Do use coconut oil to moisturiser your skin. Also helps with dry hair for some hair types.

    • In my experience, most food is fried below 200 degrees.
      Chips 191 @ 2.5 minutes.
      Original 181 @ 14 minutes
      H+S 168 @ 11.5 minutes..

      If as you say the breakdown of Olive Oil happens at 200 it's going to be fine for frying as long as you monitor the temp.

    • Rice Bran oil has a high smoking point and is good for you. It is high in plant sterols.

  • +6

    if you have had olive oil (whether heated or not) then you will die.

    • It is known

    • +2

      Even if you haven't had olive oil, you will die. Deadly if you do, deadly if you don't.

    • Life is a fatal, sexually transmitted disease.

  • +5

    The Mediterraneans have been practically bathing in it for udles and they have one of the lowest rates of cancer on the planet. You'll be fine mate.

    • +1

      True. The ones that live the longest also walk a lot, don't eat processed junk food, cook all of their own food, socialise, get plenty of sleep and get a lot of sunshine so make sure to do all of that as well!

      • +2

        Exactly, IMHO from everything I've read about cancer causing substances, it's normally multiple factors which cause the cancer to be formed, and not one single product causing the damage. Except maybe smoking?

        • For decades the doctors saying smoking causes cancer were labelled 'quacks' and that they used 'poor science'. Many were ridiculed because if smoking was so dangerous they would not allow it. After enough decades it became common sense and fact that smoking causes cancer. I wonder what is being labelled 'quackery' right now that will be common truth in a few decades or generations…

        • +1

          @ShipShapeRC: It's not because it became "common sense". Common sense can be wrong. It's due to rigorous scientific studies that proved the link. The tobacco industry put a lot of effort in discrediting the results. Most of the results popping up all the time do not have sufficient evidence for the general population, except for established ones like Mediterranean diet, reducing obesity and getting enough sleep and exercise. See: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/11/upshot/were-so-confused-th…

        • [@greenpossum]/comment/4173259/redir):I think you misunderstood what I was saying as we are really saying the same thing in a way. I was talking about 'common sense' as in the acceptance of true data. First 'smoking causes cancer' was considered fringe and alternate and the studies (and doctors reporting the findings) were poo-hooed even by mainstream medical for many many years. Then the overwhelming evidence simply became too irrefutable, then it became generally recognised as fact, then with time it became 'common sense'. My comment was more on the way the same data transfers from fringe to fact to 'common sense'. And yes I agree 'common sense' is a fickle thing as it was (back in the day) common sense that if you had a sore throat then smoking would sooth the sore throat. Today 'common sense' is the exact opposite on that topic. I was pondering what things we talk about now as common sense will be thought of in opposite ways as commons sense in a generation or two.

    • lots of fruit & veggies probably helps. dunno about them having the lowest rates of cancer on the planet though …

      • "One of" I said. It's on google so it's true

        • +1

          yes, you are right

  • +6

    Just remember that extra virgin olive oil is made with the really ugly olives that the other olives didn't want to get it on with.

    • LMAO! Yes, best avoided :D

  • Find it amusing people freak out about bacon, ham and olive oil giving cancer, but no one pays attention to mobile phones giving cancer

    • +4

      Thanks, I'm going stop eating mobile phones now.

      • +4

        They're ok if you don't overfry them.

        • +3

          Apple phones are healthier

        • @mnermner: Unless your friends have Android phones πŸ˜€

        • Just make sure it's under 200 degrees and it should be fine

  • +3

    The French paradox. Google it.

    • What could possibly lead to cancer ?
      sodium nitrite (pink ham, sausage,etc.)
      eat too much red meat
      grilled and BBQ (especially if it overcooked)
      burnt butter or burnt olive oil

      Well… it's mainly focused on colon cancer because i'm a man.

  • As for many years I have taken an large assortment of fried foods that have been cooked with olive oil.

    Probably to late now.

  • +2

    After you've lived a few decades, you'll begin to notice a repetitive cycle in the populist media…every few months something innocuous supposedly causes life threatening conditions…a few months later, those same tabloid sources will report that evidently the same product actually prevents the same condition and a whole host of other ailments…all without any real peer reviewed empirical or anecdotal evidence…go figure.

    Cynics among us might suggest the slow news week phenomenon! ;)

  • +1

    Everything we eat seems to possibly lead to cancer of some sort. There's no shortage of yes/no/maybe news articles written each week about various things we use every day. The one I remember most is the artificial sweeteners in soft drinks with no sugar (eg. Coke Zero). The operative words in these reports is always a maybe.

    • +1

      I think "maybe" needs a little clarifying

      You increase the risk over time

      A 80 YO starting smoking is less likely to get cancer than a 15 YO starting.

      (Yep its the usual conspiracy against the younger generation) πŸ˜€

    • +2

      Well the body is complex and their are so many lifestyle contributory factors (such as consuming a whole variety of questionable products) that make basically make all those study attempts a 'maybe'.

      I disagree that everything leads to cancer of some sort. It really isn't that hard to eat a basic diet consisting of natural fats, vegetables, meat, fruits. At this point you don't need to question whether unnatural sweeteners, GMO grains or fructose syrup are bad for you - cause you only consume them as a treat.

  • Given the rest of the rubbish we have in our diets, I think this would be very far down on the table of issues. I think avoiding deep fried anything is probably a good idea.

  • The signal in dietary studies is weak, leading to whipsaw literature.

    Personally I'd just prefer fresh to processed, maintain physical activity and not get fussed about the occasional treat.

  • Olive Oil does not cause cancer.
    Olive oil has been used for thousands of years. It was used for all sorts of treatments as well as for consumption.
    It is one of the healthiest oils you can consume.
    As people say over and over, you cannot believe everything you read on the internet.
    Look to history for truth. Nowhere in the pages of history does it say that olive oil caused health issues.

    The only oil you need to be concerned with is Canola which is GM!

    Natural products don't cause cancer. It's only all the modified stuff that is causing cancer and other health issues.

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